New Job

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Orrdos, Jan 13, 2007.

  1. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I've also started by new job...they messed up by bank details and gave my pay to someone else Yay!...oh wait, SHIT.
  2. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Shit indeed. I hope they get it sorted out soon! Is the job OK though?
  3. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    The job is great. Right now there isn't any other job (that i could actually do) that i'd want to be doing. It can be hard work, yesterday I didn't finish til 8 and today i worked 12 hours- ofwhich i get no overtime or hours in lieu. But i'm doing cool stuff- getting to write loads of interviews, it's good fun. Although, last week i got e-mails from my producer and series producer which, when combined basically said "don't make jokes about sex violence, rape, drugs or fastish dictators"...thats half by jokes none. If you had a tv i'd get you to watch it. For thoses of you who do, it's popworld on channel 4 sat and sunday- the interviews for gwen stefani and mel c are my work. I've had to do a lot of shit jobs, but it finally feels like i'm getting somewhere.

    Also I just found out today that they're taking me to New York for our easter speical!!! YAY!
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    That's cool man, great stuff! :)
  5. Electric_Man Templar

    Poor New York...

    Cool that's it's going so well. Could you, maybe, text me when the programme starts so I don't forget? ;)
  6. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Cool, well done, Damien! I might even plug my telly in to watch some.
  7. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    That would require me having credit. And you know my stance on that.
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Damien Damien, so good they paid him twice.

    Well, it was worth a try :D

    Great news man, glad you're enjoying it, sounds like a great job !
  9. KaptenKaries New Member

    I'm very happy you are enjoying you job, Rinso. :)
  10. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba is very happy that Rinso is enjoying his life. It makes it that much more poignant when it's taken away.
  11. spiky Bar Wench

    That still leaves the facists as fair game for your jokes... Although how fast is fastish?

    Congrats and goodluck to everyone in their new jobs.
  12. Hex New Member

    Congratulations and good luck with the jobs everyone! Glad to hear things are going well.
  13. Electric_Man Templar

    It's your own fault that I missed the Gwen Stefani interview. And why did you ask Mel C how many penguins it takes to kill a shark? That should be a topic for this board!
  14. Hsing Moderator

    Is there any possibility that we, outside your broadcasting area, get to see them at all?
  15. Orrdos God

    Oh, that's right rinso. Just come in and steal my thunder!

    You wanker.

    I shake my fist at your cool sounding job!
  16. Electric_Man Templar

    I noticed last night that there is a lot of Popworld on youtube, so the interviews might be put up there soon?
  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

    :eek: Waily waily, we cannae have the spice girls stealing our topics !!!
  18. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    My friend said that i had to get a penguin related question onto the show. I quite like her answer i wouldn't have thought of that.
  19. Delphine New Member

    Wow, Rinso, what a wicked job. It sounds like it suits you perfectly.

    It's not as cool as my job though, doing maths all day!

    Ahahaha. >cries<


    (My job is actually going quite well. Things like four page long formulas for calculating transfer values and long, complicated cashbook reconcilliation still strike fear into my very soul, but they get easier with practice. It's a shock actually having to use my brain at work again, after about 8 months of vegetating in a clothes shop. And it's not exactly what I pictured myself doing, but it's perfect for now. And the people are nice. So it's all good :))
  20. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba just watched the interviews. This "Mel C" person was rather amusing. Points to her. The "Gwen Stefani" creature, however, was not nearly as entertaining. Quickly, someone destroy her for Ba's amusement.
  21. Electric_Man Templar

    Yeah, twas a good answer. Which is obviously why you didn't think of it.

    Did you find the interviews online, Ba? If so, where?
  22. Delphine New Member

    Yeah, where? I searched Youtube to no avail. "t4 interview mel c" only gave me an interview with her in 2000.
  23. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Mel C big ones

    None of my questions made the Gwen Stefani cut. She was very dull though.
  24. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    We just watched the Mel C interview. Garner, not having read this thread, couldn't understand why Rinso got to write these questions. On having it explained, he said, "So some person has employed Damien... to be Damien!"

    I don't think I'd like 12 hour days, and nor could I be a 'creative powerhouse' - but I'm very happy someone's employing Rinso to be Rinso. We certainly don't need more Rinsos, but we do need to sustain the one we've got. ;)
  25. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    What?! But the cloning process is almost complete! I was asured there would be a market!
  26. Roman_K New Member

    Congratulations to all those who have new jobs, and extra congratulations for Rinso. I knew someone'd end up giving you a job that actually suited your talents, rather than putting you in some small room to do monotonous crap while using your talents on and off for no extra pay.
  27. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Great questions, and I must say that ex-spice or not, I enjoyed her answers...
  28. Hsing Moderator

    I second the others. There may be a God after all. He's clearly crazy, but... oh... no... wait... I wasn't thinking of Ba! I wasn't!

    Anyways, congratulation on the jobs, every one. They all sound cooler than the ones you had before.
  29. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    So my new job has been going great, which is a shame seeing as the show has been axed. I've got 9 weeks left. Damn you life.
  30. missy New Member

    Bummer Rinso. Is there nothing else they can offer you as you have done such a fantastic job? Why has the show been axed? Hopefully not cos the word got out that the question writer was a nutter.
  31. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    It's a money thing. Thr broadcasters think th show is very good. But think they can get te same ratings for less money, probably with a repeat of friends or something.

    They've said that they fully intend to keep us on (which good be tv bullpoo). But there is nothing they could offer be that i'll love as much as my current job. it will be more researching and less writing. but hey ho. I'm going to get my revenge on life my crushing any young budding flowers and throwing aby chicks off bridges.
  32. Tephlon Active Member

    I'm semi hijacking this thread to announce that I too are now employed. As a freelance designer, for now (Which, according to experience, basically means I get exploited for minimal pay, no benefits and no job security...) but I'm fairly confident I can talk my way into the company. They're basically the biggest online marketing company in Portugal, with accounts ranging from Coca Cola to Vodaphone, so that would be a Good Thing.
    And it feels reallllllly good not to be working from home anymore.
  33. Maljonic Administrator

    I could have offered you that, no questions asked!
  34. missy New Member

    Keep your chin (and beard) up Rinso. If you keep going i'm sure the writing will be given back to you. You have proved how good you are and it wont take long for them to realise what a little time bomb they have on their hands.
  35. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Rinso, I hope they offer you a new contract soon. Like the others have said, you've proved how good you are - I doubt they'll let talent like that slip through their fingers.

    Bauke, good for you! I hope it all works out well.
  36. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    They've said they want to keep me on, so hopefully, contractual things should be ok. Also, i fully believe that if you want a job you can get it, there are 100's (and more) of t.v companies out there hiring, if you put the time and effort in you can find work.

    I think the thing that i have to prepare myself for is leaving a job that i truely love, that is at this present momment in time is completely right for me, that *is* very me.

    It's unlikely that, at this present time, i can get anything as good. I might not get anything bad, per se, maybe different. In previous jobs, i've enjoyed them for the people i've been working with. This has been the first job, i've ever had where i love what *I* do.

    I'm sure it won't be the last. I might have to spend a couple of years working on Milkmen from Hell 3 type shows. But I'll get (hopefully) something as good. And one day something better.

    It's strange. I'm enjoying it so much now that i can really get upset about it ending. They way i'm playing it is, I've got nine weeks to replace the amount of enjoyment I get from work from something else...possibly spoons, monkeys or, more likely beer.

    Also super congrats to Bauke on the new job.I hope it works out for the best. :)
  37. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Good luck Rinso. You deserve to have a job that you love.

    All of us do.
  38. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Good luck to all those with or looking for new jobs ;)

    Rinso, now you've found your perfect job and proved you've got the talent to do it well, you know what to go for and what you have to get you there, that's a pretty good thing on its own ;)

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