So, that title line will totally not make any sense for anyone who doesn't read Myn's live journal or listen to me bitching about the stuff going on at my office lately. I had a dream last night where I was a sort of Harry Potter-esque character. In my dream, Harry-equivalent went and told the proper authorities about the Dursley-equivalents abusing him and they were punished by state health and welfare authorities. Then all my wizard-equivalent friends came to have a party, and the Slitherin-equivalent asshole ones each faced appropriate comeupances. The best bit was when some annoying muggles demanded that they get to try some magical 'burping chocolate' sweet, and then had to leave because they couldn't stop burping. ... In my defense, we have been watching the Harry Potter DVDs lately, and we had pizza for dinner last night. Everybody knows that pizza gives you strange dreams. Right? ... Right?
That's much safer than knowing the truth. Oh, the horrible horrible truth. Incidentally, it was the second time I've been too scared to read my LJ friends page for days because of something horrific and Harry Potter related. But we're not going to talk about that.