Photo competition VII

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Rincewind, May 14, 2007.

  1. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    A simple one this month, LANDSCAPE. Hopefullly this will open it up for more peeps.

    ************************************************** **********
    Rules *

    - Photographs must be taken by you - no nicking them off the Web
    - Photos must be taken specifically for the contest - get out there and get snapping!
    - One picture per person.
    - No excessive digital manipulation (i.e. adding a more dramatic sky from another photo to your picture). Playing with levels, saturation etc is ok though.
    - Equipment: Anything goes as long as the results can be seen from here.
    - Voting takes place when the contest closes.
    - The winner of the contest gets to choose the next subject.
    - Late entries will not be included in the voting.

    ************************************************** **********

    * rules i found in a bin.

    Pics should be in by JUNE 1st midnight... *spooky midnight sound effects*
  2. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I wondered who that was, sneaking around. Should have known.
  3. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    So when I deciede on this comp, I had an idea in mind for a picture. Turns out some things look better in my mind (Ben's face, for example)

    So, how are people going on this comp?
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    this weekend we were up at Reg's parents' place in the beautiful countryside, we went for a walk in the evening, there was beautiful lighting, wonderful landscapes, stunning photo material. I forgot my camera.

    We wanted to go back the following evening. it rained.

    We wanted to go the next day before going home. I did my back in.

  5. Hsing Moderator

    I've taken over 90 pictures yesterday, which all could be called "landscape pictures". I spent three hours, around sunset, in te parks of Belvedere Manor, from where you can see down into the valley onto the town. The pictures will be ready on Tuesday or Wednesday, along with a data cd, so I can post them on the day I fetch them. Will that be early enough?
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    it should be ;) I'm hoping to be able to take mine this weekend.
  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Damn back.

    Damn thunderstorms all weekend.

    Damn photo comptetition end date.
  8. Hsing Moderator

    So, can we have a few more days? The films will be delivered this week...
  9. Stercus Stercus New Member

    At the moment it looks like you'll be the only entrant. When I can get a new camera I'll be doing some more photographing. I'll be spending less time on here too.
  10. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Yeah, this is turning out to be the lamest competition yet? Mal, Ben plaid? Whats happening here?

    And everyone one else get snapping.

    Otherwise ill ber made to wear my sad face.
  11. plaid New Member

    um... working on it...

    secretly, i'm really just wasting my life writing the plaid identity.
    there's more than a thousand words in there though, so i should be able to make a trade within the next three days....
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well the weather's crap, and I don't have time and I haven't been able to do any of the things I planned, so as I was doing a little light bakering I thought of this, in a kind of Lucy In The Sky kind of landscape :

    I give you... Mount Strawberry.

  13. Maljonic Administrator

    Weather's been crap here too, but anyway:

  14. jaccairn New Member

    The sun finally came out. (And I realise I have no idea how to actually put a photo on here.)

    Attached Files:

  15. plaid New Member


    the very suburban landscape from off my back porch. the gigantic mt rainier is just off to the right... somewhere...
  16. Electric_Man Templar

    I decided to go for this one, a countryside/'progress' mix.
  17. Hsing Moderator

    Here be mine entry...

  18. fairyliquid New Member

    Hsing, your one reminds me of the opening scene of 'Enduring Love' by Ian McEwan. I like it.

    And I like your idea too Katcal....very imaginative....:lol:

    This is my submission....I didn't have much to work with, I only had the camera for the evening and couldn't really leave the compound so I was limited, but I think it works...The landscape of suburbia*

    *except that its in the middle of the city...

  19. Rincewind Number One Doorman


    And we're done.

    and yes, I note the irony of me finishing the competition late.

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