some crap roman wanted posting...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, May 20, 2007.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    [after a brief discussion of video games...]
    Garner says (5:21 PM):
    but, i'll be honest, there's a big stack of CDs over in the closet that i just can't get to at the moment.
    Garner says (5:21 PM):
    the recycling golem refuses to move out of the way.
    Roman K says (5:22 PM):
    The... recycling golem?
    Garner says (5:22 PM):
    it's a long story, but there's a lot of empty plastic bottles in here, okay?
    Garner says (5:23 PM):
    and, so, alright. goyim shouldn't muck about with cabalistic incantations. i learned my lesson.
    Garner says (5:23 PM):
    and i really need to get at that closet, as my spare set of speakers is in there. :-x
    Roman K says (5:24 PM):
    Oh dear. You tried to make a golem out of used bottles?
    Garner says (5:24 PM):
    Garner says (5:24 PM):
    the bottles just happened ot be in the way
    Roman K says (5:25 PM):
    In the way of... what, exactly?
    Garner says (5:26 PM):
    well, like i said, it's a long story.
    Garner says (5:26 PM):
    i was hoping to animate the chair so it'd sort the recycling for us
    Roman K says (5:26 PM):
    I see.
    Garner says (5:26 PM):
    ... chairs have arms, dammit!
    Garner says (5:26 PM):
    it made sense!
    Roman K says (5:27 PM):
    Golems are only made out of clay.
    Garner says (5:27 PM):
    this one's made out of recyclable glass and plastic.
    Roman K says (5:29 PM):
    I see. And where did you get your hands on a divinely-inspired word made up from the letters of God's secret name?
    Garner says (5:30 PM):
    well, see, grace has a bit of a sinusitis thing going on, and i think she just sneezed at the wrong moment. next thing happens is a perrier bottle goes flyin at my head. rather scary.
    Roman K says (5:33 PM):
    This does not answer my question.
    Garner says (5:33 PM):
    face it, maybe the real reason we say 'bless you' when someone sneezes is cause 'ah-choo' is the secret name of god
    Roman K says (5:34 PM):
    The name is several dozen letters in length.
    Garner says (5:34 PM):
    it was a long sneeze.
    Roman K says (5:35 PM):
    You can't stretch a sneeze that much.
    Roman K says (5:36 PM):
    In any case, just break the word giving it life.
    Roman K says (5:44 PM):
    Would a Japanese teen beheading his mother, taking her head to the police station, and declaring that he wants an end to war and terrorism, count as an act of radical pacifism?
    Garner says (5:45 PM):
    .... no... not as such.
    Roman K says (5:46 PM):
    Or is it, as I suspect, self-justification after the act?
    Garner says (5:47 PM):
    i don't think it's self-justification,
    Garner says (5:47 PM):
    sounds more like fucked up
    Roman K says (5:48 PM):
    Of course it's fucked-up. But in his insane and twisted mind, did the kid try to cover up "murder" with "ideological act"?
    Garner says (5:49 PM):
    let's assume its not a cover up... if it's an ideological act, then its not a murder in the first place.
    Garner says (5:50 PM):
    assuming he's sufficiently fucked up
    Roman K says (5:51 PM):
    The human mind constantly uses this method to not break up completely. It's a survival tactic.
    Garner says (5:51 PM):
    Roman K says (5:52 PM):
    If it *was* an ideological act, then he didn't consider it murder in the first place, true.
    Roman K says (5:55 PM):
    Which would mean that he already considered human life (other than his own) to be worthless beyond what he used it for. The true total individualist, with no restraint.
    Garner says (5:56 PM):
    solipism would, in theory, lead to mass homocide
    Roman K says (5:57 PM):
    Solipism? And surely you mean homicide.
    Garner says (5:57 PM):
    solipism - the belief that only you're real, and everything else is a figment of your imagination
    Garner says (5:57 PM):
    and yes, but i can't spell
    Roman K says (6:00 PM):
    Ah. Unless one defined a 'moral' ruleset for interaction with the illusionary, then it would. I suspect that many, myself included, live in a state close to solipism.
    Garner says (6:00 PM):
    or just sociopathy
    Roman K says (6:02 PM):
    I have been pondering something. Many view individualism as a way to counter fascism. And yet, the true fascists are themselves total individualists.
    Garner says (6:03 PM):
    you know, i gotta confess, i've never really understood fascism. i mean,
    Garner says (6:03 PM):
    it's a dictatorship with slight socialistic tendancies towards national ownership of industry, right?
    Roman K says (6:06 PM):
    In general? Yes. In particular it is a bunch of bullies who have bigger guns who make you believe that you like them.
    Garner says (6:06 PM):
    same as any dictatorship, really.
    Roman K says (6:07 PM):
    Both Mosoullini's and Hitler's core followers were basically thugs and bullies.
    Garner says (6:07 PM):
    but hitler wasn't fascist. he was 'national socialist'
    Roman K says (6:08 PM):
    Not quite. It's a question of who raises the dictator up.
    Roman K says (6:12 PM):
    That doesn't change the fact that his followers were thugs. He was a thug who hid behind an ideology. Stalin at least was an actual ideologist, albiet a ruthless one.
    Garner says (6:13 PM):
    heh, is 'thuggery' an ideology though?
    Roman K says (6:14 PM):
    Ask the Sith.
    Garner says (6:14 PM):
    now that's an interesting one,
    Garner says (6:14 PM):
    the sith ideologies aren't inherently evil. it's just how they're executed by the power hungry leaders
    Roman K says (6:16 PM):
    By definition, the, ah, Way of the Closed Fist is easily misunderstood.
    Roman K says (6:17 PM):
    Sometimes the ends do justify the means, but far too often the true ends are personal power.
    Garner says (6:17 PM):
    Garner says (6:18 PM):
    but the sith philosophy is strength through overcoming adversity
    Garner says (6:18 PM):
    spartan, in a way.
    Roman K says (6:19 PM):
    Yeah, at least up to the point where you start creating struggles to gain strength.
    Garner says (6:19 PM):
    at which point you face the mandalorian delima
    Roman K says (6:20 PM):
    Or Hitler's. And get crushed by everyone else.
    Roman K says (6:21 PM):
    And as I told you once, in a way Hitler won.
    Garner says (6:22 PM):
    Roman K says (6:23 PM):
    He is immortal. And while he was alive, he was a god.
    Garner says (6:23 PM):
    yes, this is true
    Garner says (6:24 PM):
    in a way, though, your people do as much to guarantee that immortality as anyone. of course, it's also undenyable that the jews have some of the most to complain about
    Roman K says (6:27 PM):
    We use his immortality for our own ends. Ends Hitler would have never supported. As long as we remember him, we make it more difficult for others like him to rise.
    Garner says (6:29 PM):
    Roman K says (6:33 PM):
    In Judaism, this counts as Tikun-Olam. Taking the realities of the world and using them to repair it. Even the worst among them.
    Roman K says (7:07 PM):
    Post this convo the boards, please.
    Garner says (7:07 PM):
    Roman K says (7:07 PM):
    Or at least the interesting part.
    Roman K says (7:08 PM):
    You closed it, didn't you.
    Garner says (7:09 PM):
    if i said yes, i wouldn't have to post anything, would i?
    Roman K says (7:10 PM):
    No. You'd just have to remember really hard.
    Garner says (7:10 PM):
    'roman: whiney whiney whiney jew jew jew
    garner: 23, 24, 25... so how's that new brujah character coming along?'
    Roman K says (7:13 PM):
    Close, but no cigar,
    Garner says (7:13 PM):
    i didn't close the window, so i'll post it at some point
    Roman K says (7:15 PM):
    Cool, thanks.
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    Years ago on the old Pratchett board I made a post asking what the opposite of solipsism was called, where you think everyone else is real apart from you. Someone, I think possibly Samantha Vimes or Joyce Ogg, said it was called "low self-esteem", which is true of course but I never did find out if there was an actual word for it.
  3. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    hmm. schitzophrenic denial?

    i dunno, i mean, i kind of doubt it's even possible, save through heavy usage of psychedellics
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    Oh, well I don't think I'm in schitzophrenic denial and I definitely don't taking psychedelic drugs.
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    *yawns* now I remember why I don't often turn msn on any more :cool:
  6. Roman_K New Member

    Quiet, frenchie.

    Now, for some Geek-to-English translation to make parts of this conversation clearer:

    Sith: No explanation is required. If you are not enough of a geek to know what the Sith are, and what movie series they're from, then you're probably not enough of a geek to read Pratchett either.

    Way of the Closed Fist: Taken from the video game Jade Empire, the Way of the Closed Fist is a philosophy similar to that of the Sith.

    Mandalorians: Taken from the video game Knights of the Old Republic, which is set in the Star Wars universe, the Mandalorians were a human subrace who glorified war and a martial lifestyle. They were mostly destroyed when their search for self-improvement through combat met an army greater than their own.

    That is all.
  7. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Jango, and thus also Boba, Fett are mandalorians. that also means the republic's clone army, and the vestages of it that survived into the imperial storm troopers, were mandalorians.
  8. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I'm so much a geek at heart I think I understood the conversation without having played the games at all, but knowing who the Sith are helped;0

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