Sword of Shannara etc Movies

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Jun 6, 2007.

  1. Maljonic Administrator

    It's been years since I read these, but I remember being quite fond of them at the time. I know some people think they're a bit naff though. I don't know why they have to start with the second book though, sounds a bit tarded to me:

    Terry Brooks' fantasy series on its way
    Source: Variety

    With Lord of the Rings long gone and Harry Potter five-sevenths done, the search is on for the next big fantasy franchise - but the search may be over, with the announcement that Warners has bought the rights to the Shannara series by Terry Brooks.
    The series, spread over 14 books, is set in (what turns out to be) a waaaay post-apocalyptic future. But it's all cleverly disguised as a generic fantasy world, with elves and dwarfs and trolls and gnomes and magic and all that malarky. The Shannara family, on whom the books centre, are half-man, half-elf, all blessed with magical abilities that may be needed to save their world.
    Brooks is the world's second biggest selling living fantasy author, after that Rowling bird but ahead of the likes of Terry Pratchett, Robert Jordan and Raymond E. Feist. He's resisted the temptation to sell before now, so let's hope that they've promised him lots of care and attention and not just lots of money.
    The plan is to start with the second book in the series, The Elfstones of Shannara, and go from there. But, Brook fans, don't get your hopes up too high just yet. Remember that The Wheel of Time has been optioned but never appeared; that A Song of Ice And Fire is supposedly coming to HBO, and that budget problems can always stop a fantasy film dead in its tracks. Still, with the weight of Warners behind it and a very healthy sales record, it could happen, so keep fingers crossed.
  2. jaccairn New Member

    I guess elves, demons, big battle scenes and a love triangle were too much to resist.
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    Well I was quite young at the time...
  4. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee


    I don't know anything about this series, to be honest. So, if the film looks good, I'll probably watch it, and likely enjoy it far more than if I'd read the books, since films are rarely so enjoyable if you know the books they're based on, I find.
  5. Mynona Member

    I've read five or so of the books and I didn't find them all that impressive. They might be one of the easier fantasy book-series to make films of, if I remember correctly.
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    *points* Same as her !
  7. Pepster New Member

    Exactly it has the best plot for going big on eye candy, the original trilogy has one other excellent feature; each book deals with a separate generation of the Ohmsford's with the only common character the druid Allanon across the trilogy.

    I'd have to agree, the original three were good, the heritage and voyage series were much better (with heritage the highpoint) but the high druid trilogy didn't do it for me.

    I think the reason the would make a decent film is that they have a straight-forward plot and focus on more the morale choices involved with the characters actions and quests rather than the fantasy world, magic, dragons and all that standard fantasy junk that.

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