Soda Wars Seven

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Jun 5, 2007.


Which is better?

Red Lemonade 11 vote(s) 84.6%
Fernandes 2 vote(s) 15.4%
  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Red Lemonade


  2. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I haven't got a clue about either of these drinks. Perhaps their respective sponsors would like to explain why they nominated them?
  3. spiky Bar Wench

    I second Buzz's call for explanation. I can't find them in a quick search of the nomination thread so a little help is needed (and no the suggestion that I should get classes would not be helpful).
  4. luggage New Member

    Red lemonade:
    Red lemonade is a popular soft drink in Ireland. Lemonade in Ireland comes in two varieties - red and white. Both are officially lemon-flavoured, but there is a marked difference in taste between the varieties. Visitors to the country are often surprised when serving staff ask which type of lemonade a person has ordered.

    Red lemonade is one of the most popular mixers used with spirits in Ireland, particularly whiskey, including Paddy, Jameson and Southern Comfort.
    Three major brands of red lemonade exist - TK (Taylor Keith), Country Spring which comes in a three litre bottle, and Nash's. TK is by far the most popular.

    I wikied it :)
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    English classes, maybe ? or just typing skills ? :razz:

    Red lemonade must be funky, whatever Fernandes is.
  6. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    *fails to spot a mistake in Spiky's post, except, perhaps, an absence of commas*
  7. Perdita New Member


    See what I do for the sake of Red Lemonade....

    Post from work - which is potentially job threatening.

    The virtues of Red lemonade are far reaching. *strokes imaginary beard and gurns looking off into the distance* A favourite of both young and old folks although in recent years has been relegated to being used as an alcohol mixer – BTW Southern Comfort (or SOCO as that annoying advertisement on the TV calls it) isn’t considered a whiskey here and Powers, Jameson and Bushmills whiskey are usually the varieties of choice.

    As a child I loved this drink simply because it seemed a little bit different from the usual Coca cola/Fanta/Sprite. The taste is hard to describe but it’s a little bit like ginger ale and a little bit like Irn Bru if that helps – It sort of has a smokey flavour which compliments the taste of whiskey..

    I didn’t know a shop like this exsisted but hey.. People will buy anything. (The red Lemonade is the second on the left)

    Nash's Red Lemonade

    Ok that’s all I can think to type in this perilous post…

    Rinso and Jackel – you’re the only other people here who potentially know what I’m talking about…. Or maybe Rinso just imagined he tasted it once.
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I think she meant she needed glasses because she couldn't find what she was lloking for, but she typed classes. Not exactly a spelling mistake, more a funny typo. :wink: Senz of humor. I haz it.
  9. Maljonic Administrator

    Red lemonade for me, never heard of the other one.
  10. Tephlon Active Member

    Bunch of Xenofobes!


    Fernandes is, like stated before, a lollipop in a liquid form. (without the stick, obviously).

    It comes in 5 or six hidious flavours: "Cherry Bouquet" (Red) , "Green punch" (Green), "Red Grape" (Blueish Purple/Purpleish Blue), Cream Ginger (Orange...ish) and Super Pineapple (Bright yellow)

    The website is slightly less than helpfull and in Dutch:
    Welcome at Fernandes! - the real exotic softdrink -

    It does have [-]pretty[/-] pictures
    It's ingredients, if I recall correctly, are; Water, sugar, artificial flavoring and artificial colouring.
  11. Stercus Stercus New Member

    Well that swings it for me. Red lemonade it is.
  12. TamyraMcG Active Member

    It sounds like I picked right too, red lemonade. I was thinking it might be a bit like what I had last night, it was Mike's Hard Cranberry Lemonade, I really wanted Hard Lime but I guess the Royal is the place I have to go for that. I put a new bar on my list last night, The American Legion has Karaoke on Tuesdays. So now I know where to go if I'm lonely on Tuesdays. Some people I know from work are there almost every week I was told :)
  13. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    The Fernandes looks intriguing but disgusting, whereas the red lemonade looks intriguing and pleasant. Xenophobia doesn't come into it, since they're both foreign to me (Ireland is as English as Portugal is Spanish). Red lemonade it is!
  14. Katcal I Aten't French !

    That would make a great sig. :lol:
  15. jaccairn New Member

    I tend to avoid drinks that appear to glow in the dark, so red lemonade it is.
  16. spiky Bar Wench

    Thanks for pointing out that my typing skills are somewhat lacking, classes / glasses both mean I'm somehow deficient.

    Anyway, after the explanations given I'm going for Red lemonade...
  17. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    I'm goin for Fernando or whatever it is. Then declaring Red Lemonade the winner.

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