Photo Competition VII- VOTING

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Rincewind, Jun 5, 2007.

  1. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Ok,Here we go.




  2. Rincewind Number One Doorman




    And Jaccarin


    who's photo I can't post...Um. Mal, any help?


    Some nice pics this month.
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hmm, tough, but I think I'll vote for Ben's... I like the composition, the way that road appears and disappears into the green, the S shape...

    Katcal 0
    Mal 0
    Plaid 0
    Ben 1
    Hsing 0
    Fairyliquid 0
    Rincewind 0
    Jaccairn 0
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    I added Jaccairn's picture Rincewind, can't imagine why you couldn't.

    I'm also going to vote fo the very same because I think it looks cool. It's also very similar to a picture I tried to take but the weather was too miserable so the power station didn't come out as well as I hoped.

    Katcal 0
    Mal 0
    Plaid 0
    Ben 1
    Hsing 0
    Fairyliquid 0
    Rincewind 0
    Jaccairn 1
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Reg calls cooling towers "cloud factories". I think it's sweet.
  6. Stercus Stercus New Member

    Tough one this month, but there's something about Ben's that I really like.

    Katcal 0
    Mal 0
    Plaid 0
    Ben 2
    Hsing 0
    Fairyliquid 0
    Rincewind 0
    Jaccairn 1
  7. jaccairn New Member

    I like Ben's for much the same reason as Kat does. I also liked Faerie's as the taillights made it look as if it was on fire.

    Katcal 0
    Mal 0
    Plaid 0
    Ben 3
    Hsing 0
    Fairyliquid 0
    Rincewind 0
    Jaccairn 1
  8. plaid New Member

    Katcal 0
    Mal 0
    Plaid 0
    Ben 3
    Hsing 0
    Fairyliquid 1
    Rincewind 0
    Jaccairn 1

    i was torn between it and rincewind's but i decided to not let my anglophilia bias my decision, and i liked fairy's lots because of the contrasts.
  9. Hsing Moderator

    Katcal 0
    Mal 0
    Plaid 1
    Ben 3
    Hsing 0
    Fairyliquid 1
    Rincewind 0
    Jaccairn 1

    I voted for Plaid - I like the a-film-is-about-to-start feeling it gives me for some reason.
    We don't always have to explain our votes logically, do we?
  10. Stercus Stercus New Member

    I thought it had an "I've just finished my 9th G&T" feel. :biggrin:
  11. fairyliquid New Member

    Katcal 0
    Mal 0
    Plaid 1
    Ben 3
    Hsing 1
    Fairyliquid 1
    Rincewind 0
    Jaccairn 1

    Hsing gets my vote. It reminds me of the opening scene to 'enduring love' by Ian McEwan. I liked the opening...wasn't to fond of the rest of the novel but I liked the opening and thats why I voted for Hsing....I think I just like the relaxed, silence of a picnic with a balloon in the background...
  12. Electric_Man Templar

    I'm going to vote for Hsing too, the focal points blend nicely with the nature and I also like the way that a landscape picture has been taken in portrait.

    Katcal 0
    Mal 0
    Plaid 1
    Ben 3
    Hsing 2
    Fairyliquid 1
    Rincewind 0
    Jaccairn 1
  13. Faerie New Member

    Katcal 0
    Mal 0
    Plaid 1
    Ben 3
    Hsing 3
    Fairyliquid 1
    Rincewind 0
    Jaccairn 1

    I liked Rinso's too but I voted for Hsing.
  14. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Katcal 1
    Mal 0
    Plaid 1
    Ben 3
    Hsing 3
    Fairyliquid 1
    Rincewind 0
    Jaccairn 1

    After much deliberation, I'm going for Katcal's. I enjoy the concept of everday objects viewed as unfamiliar landscapes, I liked the bright colours, and it was the photo that stayed freshest to me on each successive viewing of the thread, despite being the one at the top (usually a disadvantage in that respect, I find).
  15. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I'm going for hsing, i like the couple at the bottom. speical mentions to bens and fairys which i loved.

    COMP closed Hsing the winner!

    Me shame faced for forgetting tio close it.
  16. Hsing Moderator


    The next theme is going to be announced tonight.
  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Congrats Hsing.

    now post the theme ! :D NOOOW !

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