Exam Results.

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by colonesque10, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. colonesque10 New Member

    I received my results today for my first two units. Thankfully I passed them both, one better than the other. I got 76% in automation, luckfully that the double unit and 52% in 'Thermodynamics'. I knew I was only going to scrape through Thermo's, I didn't spend enough time studying and the maths was quite intense after not doing it for a few years.

    Still, a pass is a pass, and i'm happy with that.

    Anyone else got any results yet?
  2. colonesque10 New Member

    Sorry just had to post so I could make it to 500 posts. I'm sure i'm not alone in thinking i'd never get here.
  3. mowgli New Member

    You insidious man, you :)p!

    (Still, congrats!)
  4. Electric_Man Templar

    The results from the Norwegian jury is nil points, I'm afraid you won't be their Eurovision entrant next year.

    Congrats on the automation, I guess you did learn something from them attacking you!
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    500 posts ! **smirks and wanders off**
  6. Delphine New Member

    wow, well done kenny! is that automation mark like a first? seriously impressive! It's good to see you're still master of the robots... we were worried the revolution had occurred.

    That 500 posts should be ONE MILLION posts by now! you are seriously in debt. get posting!
  7. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Nice one, Kenny! As a prize for being so clever, I shall allow you to add your old post count to your current one for one Earth day. 3456 + 500 = nearly another milestone!
  8. colonesque10 New Member

    Thanks guys. I was very pleased with my 'automation' mark actually, surprised and pleased.

    As for the Robots Ella I actually had one sit my exam for me, thats the only reason I got a good mark.

    Thanks for the post boost Grace. A slow poster like myself needs as much help as possible.
  9. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Should I go back and edit that to say 'slow thinker', hmm?
  10. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    But the day expired before you posted again! You really do need help.
  11. TheJackal Member

    I get the results for the final year of my Commerce degree on Tuesday. Can't wait. Definetly passed them all (you only need 40% in Ireland to pass!) but hoping to get a 60% average, known as a 2H1. It will be a close run thing though, so hoping for the best.

    I will keep ye posted. And congrats on those who got what they wanted :)
  12. spiky Bar Wench

    For all those uni students out there remember:

    P's get degrees

    I'm glad to see that Kenny is taking this mantra to heart and a congrats is in order for beating a milestone of posting while being in absentia for so long.
  13. McLaren New Member

    I just got the result of my engineering degree, I got a 2:2. That's good for me as I hated my course and could easily have got a third but had no chance of getting a 2:1, so it's what I wanted.
  14. TheJackal Member

    Update: Got my results today, a day early. Got a 2H1 :) Delighted
  15. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Well Done you guys!
  16. Electric_Man Templar

    No Vorderman for you!
  17. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Well done and congratulations, both of you!
  18. Garner Great God and Founding Father


    okay, maybe i'm just being dumb and american here, but are you talking about test results or tennis scores?
  19. Electric_Man Templar

    Actually, he's being phonetic when he's saying that he got a 2:2.
  20. McLaren New Member

    I suit a tutu! :)
  21. spiky Bar Wench

    Mental image frying brain.

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