This weekend

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Mynona, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. Mynona Member

    This weekend I became a 30m high humanoid being made out of pure, quite possibly solidified, light. An avatar of one of the light gods. I had a necromancer undead duck inside my head, somewhere behind my eyes, and a human magician for a sword.

    Then I grappled with a dragon. And won.

    Then I killed a high ranking demon and his undead demon accomplice.

    What did you do?
  2. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i sent my ever-victorious armies out of Cairo and up through the holy lands, forming alliances with the byzantines and turks who both betrayed me and suffered greatly for it. the turks were wiped off the face of the earth, absorbed into the greatest egyptian empire ever known, and the byzantines were sent fleeing from constantinople, left with only a small holding in southern greece before they sued for peace.

    my navy carried my elite mamluks throughout the islands of the eastern medeteranian, and on to sicily, corsica, and sardinia, which all fell to my glorious soldiers. I persued fleeing enemy dogs into southern italy and caused the deaths of a dozen personifications of christ on earth in only a third of that many years, culminating in the greatest sacking of rome in history, and it's final conquest as it became a shining jewel in the sultan's crown.

    the northern italians, lead by venice and milan, are under heavy blockade from my fleets and the spanish, who launched a surprise attack on my island holdings, have lost valencia and will soon lose the rest of their iberian holdings.

    also, i went to a cook out and ate lots of god's creatures.
  3. Stercus Stercus New Member

    Personally I didn't take any hallucinogenic drugs.

    I just chilled out at home, and watched the British Grand Prix.
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    I planted some explosives on the side of a tank which scared the driver and commander into getting out quickly, after which I got in their tank, shot them both then reversed over someone (by accident) attempting to attach their own explosive to the tank the same way I had.

    I later ran down a group of people, with my jeep, waiting to get on a plane, then stole said plane and soon crashed it into a helicopter killing everyone, including me.
  5. Orrdos God

    I had a shower this morning.
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **slaps forehead** damn gamers.

    I've been looking at a load of <tags> while hubby has been sitting next to me playing with some babe and marvelling about the way her boobs swing when she moves.

    We have also been outside the building into town to buy 20m of pistachio-green cloth to make secret order hooded robes out of.
  7. Electric_Man Templar

    I played football and now have a one inch diameter gash on my ankle to show for it.
  8. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I taught piano, drama and singing lessons to five small children, practised the piano myself, spent hours setting up equipment and rehearsing in the church hall, gave a concert with two of my sisters and my dad, went to bed and got up early, went to the shop, went out to Pett Levels beach for the service blessing the rescue boat (which called out just after we'd finished), led two songs there, went back to a friend's house for a barbecue, got sunburnt while finally having a break for a few hours, went to another exhausting rehearsal, then came home and talked to a friend until very late.
  9. mazekin Member

    I got up at 2am on Saturday morning having gotten approx. 2 hours sleep, spent 4 hours on a bus, quickly followed by 2 hours on a ferry (can anyone say "seasick"?) followed by another half hour on a bus. That was then followed by 6 hours of fun fun fun at the Oakwood Theme Park in Wales ( I was brave, I went on Vertigo...I screamed a lot...I giggled a lot...I chickened out of going on the Hydro Water Ride - that thing's pretty high up, y'know? - ) Oakwood Theme Park

    Then I did that morning's journey in reverse, with a lot more people being seasick and had a quick stop off for food from a chippie and had the nicest chips and chicken burger I have ever had the privilege to consume.

    Our bus driver on the Irish side was crazy. Didn't speak English. Didn't realise that over taking on a double white line with a car coming straight for you isn't such a good idea. Also, had no concept of the speed limit, or how to avoid every single bump on the road.
    Reason #4 not to sit on the middle of the back seat on a mini-bus : You can see everything that is coming straight for you

    I can't remember sunday. :)

    Or how I got home from where the bus dropped us off...
  10. Maljonic Administrator

    The trip getting there sounds more hair raising to me, I don't think I would be up to doing all that in one day.
  11. mazekin Member

    It was worth it! I haven't stopped grinning since I got on the first ride.
  12. Hex New Member

    I saved the world from being enslaved by elves by tampering with an annihilation spell which destroyed the elven continent and not the human continent. I also ripped off a dwarf's arm and beat him to death with it, wrapped six wizards in a mess of tentacles, and became a fully-fledged Lich.

    When I wasn't playing D&D I was watching Batman movies and enjoying a CSI marathon. I also baked cookies, brownies, and cherry pie, slept in really late, and drew two new comic pages. Also I broke my pen and need to purchase a new one.
  13. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I wasted 3 hours of my life watching The Good Shepherd. There was about 2 hours of interesting bits, tops, and they managed to make a 3 hour film out of it with the plot becoming blatently obvious half way through.
  14. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I worked two 12 hour days and stayed upway too late. Its my weekend now and I'm staying up way too late again. I had fun though, sang two songs and found an old friend again, it was a nice evening.

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