If Mal and Rinso had a baby...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Jul 21, 2007.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Ross Noble. Anyone know him? Grace picked me up one of his DVDs for a birthday present. Madly insane stuff.
  2. spiky Bar Wench

    Yes seen him live twice and he's hysterical. he made poking an owl in a cage with a stick hilarious...Its just something that you can't explain to anyone else.

    For all those who are uniformed YouTube - Ross Noble
  3. Perdita New Member

    I've also seen him twice Spiky! I think he does quite a few gigs in OZ because his wife's from there - I've never thought about buying his DVD as he's a really great live Act and I wasn't sure if it transferred well to disc - Was the DVD good Garner?
  4. Tephlon Active Member

    I don't wear uniforms -unless you call the standard jeans and ironic t-shirt the "designer uniform"- but I did not know that that was a requirement for seeing YouTube videos.

  5. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    we only watched the main portion of the show on the first disk of what, i think, is a three disc set. but i really enjoyed it. mind you, he's not quite Robbin Williams funny, but he's damn good.

    you know what we should do? we should put ross noble, tommy tiernan, and eddie izzard into a big comedy blender and pour the hillarious stream-of-consciousness slurry that comes out onto robbin williams and dig in to the most delectible comedy sundae ever created.
  6. Maljonic Administrator

    I have been told I'm quite like Bill Bailey a few times, my sense of humour I mean. I do waffle a load of nonsense like that Geordie guy in the video above though.
  7. spiky Bar Wench

    Yep his wife's from here and his inlaws live in Canberra. So he comes here quite often and puts on a good show...

    And Teph yes you are uniformed, jeans and t-shirt is a uniform so you can watch the video....However, if you happen to be uninformed you can watch it anyway even if your not in uniform.
  8. Tephlon Active Member

    I watched the video at home. (In uniform ;-) )

    He does like to go off on tangents, doesn't he? :)

    I like his humour, although the Post office bit takes about 5 minutes too long.
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    If Mal and Rinso had a baby, it would have seriously mad red hair, smell of poo (well, all babies do, I guess) and have real Issues when it grew up. Although maybe these are the things that make a good comedian.
  10. sampanna New Member

    Kenny. We can dye his hair. Wait, does he have hair?
  11. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Rather more seriously, that guy is painfully funny, I didn't know of him before, spiky, thanks for the link. "No imaginary animals were hurt during the making of this sketch... except for this panda **punch punch kick**" Amazing.
  12. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    meant to create a new topic. made a reply to this thread by accident. hence deletion noted above.
  13. Pepster New Member

    So who do you reckon is the Mum?:smile:
  14. TamyraMcG Active Member

    The creepiest thing is the description of Mal and Rinso's Baby fits Carrot Top. and we already have one (almost too many) of him in the world.

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