The Pink Armband of Shame

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Ba, Aug 13, 2007.

  1. Ba Lord of the Pies

  2. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    You gotta be a real man to be able to wear that. I know that Elf wouldn't have any problem wearing a pink armband. He would just think it was funny. I took him for a pedicure yesterday and he chose sparkly blue nail polish, not subtle at all.
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I blame Doors.
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    I can't wait till they start doing that here.*

    *In the UK, not on this message board of course.
  5. spiky Bar Wench

    Although I'm sure our avatars could wear pink arm bands of shame for misdemeanours against the board :) I'm sure it'll make all the difference to making mine look girly...

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