Photo Competition IX

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Aug 8, 2007.

  1. Katcal I Aten't French !

    The theme for August is... *drum roll* ROOTS.

    Blame Rinso.

    Comp is open until August 31st, midnight.

    ************************************************** **********
    Rules *

    - Photographs must be taken by you - no nicking them off the Web
    - Photos must be taken specifically for the contest - get out there and get snapping!
    - One picture per person.
    - No excessive digital manipulation (i.e. adding a more dramatic sky from another photo to your picture). Playing with levels, saturation etc is ok though.
    - Equipment: Anything goes as long as the results can be seen from here.
    - Voting takes place when the contest closes.
    - The winner of the contest gets to choose the next subject.
    - Late entries will not be included in the voting.

    ************************************************** **********
  2. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I've got a camera now, and roots it is. okay. I'll be off looking for something, humm, Roots you say? Roots, wow, there are a lot of possibilities there.
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    I'll be pulling my hair out searching for these roots you speak of...
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Giant turnips don't count... :cool:
  5. Hsing Moderator

    I've made a picture for this during our holidays... let's just hope I didn't forget it in Lower Saxony...
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yikes, I'll be away from Thursday onwards, does anyone mind if we delay the end date 'till September 3rd ?
  7. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    No worries. I've lost my camera lead so can't take any pictures off it until I find or replace it. And I haven't even started thinking about roots yet...
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    :sad: oh, Rinso, that sucks ! Lost somewhere you might find it again or lost possibly gone for good ?
  9. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Might be round a friends house. It's really frustrating becuase my card is full so i can't take any more pictures until it's back or unless i start deteleting.
  10. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ok, well, here's mine then...

  11. Hsing Moderator


    And here is my entry.
    This is my father's hand, holding my daughter's hand.

    (By the way, the rest of him looks somewhat younger than his hands... :) )
  12. Maljonic Administrator

    Here are my roots:

  13. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Loving Hsing.
  14. Katcal I Aten't French !

    wow hsing, that's just beautiful !
  15. Hsing Moderator

    Thanks, all.

    So... is this competition closed, or should it be prolonged due to general summer absence-ness?

    I wouldn't mind to see a few more pictures, and all our usual competitioners except for the three of us seem to be absent or technically handicapped.
  16. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Well I was going to close it, but as you say, it's a bit of a shame to only have the choice of three... I wouldn't mind delaying the end of it 'till... say September 20th ? Then we would have the last 10 days of september to vote, and we can start a new one for October. And please, whoever wins must pick Octobercon as a theme.
  17. Maljonic Administrator

    Poor Rinso, technically handicapped. Will the doctors ever be able to fix him?
  18. Katcal I Aten't French !

    And are they really trying ?
  19. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Also mentally.

    I'm out this month. I'm probably going to ave to buy a new lead. I'll discribe my photos for you instead. I was either going to take an arty and amazingly composed picture of a gravestone that had a family history on it (e.g here lies blah blah mother of xyz grandmother to some guy) or i was going to find someone to had dyed there hair blond but it was growing out and take a picture of the roots.
  20. Electric_Man Templar

    Well, I was going to go under the earth and take a picture of all of the tree roots there in their natural habitat. Unfortunately I require Moleman to accompany me and he's taken the year off to go traveling around South-East Asia.

    Damn you, Moleman!
  21. Hsing Moderator

    Ah, nothing but cheap excuses. I built a camera out of an old shoebox and a beer bottle to bring you this, and you lament about missing leads and minor superheroes. Pah!
  22. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I *was* going to build a camera out of a beer bottle...but it was filled with beer and I had to drink it, and then i dropped it and had to drink another and then, lead to another and I woke up in a police station dressed as a women having just changed my name to Calista Fockheart.
  23. Hsing Moderator

    You could have entered your mugshot.
    If you had been able to come up with an appropriate wordplay connecting "roots" and "my night in prison"...
  24. fairyliquid New Member

    Well Seeing as no one has ended the competition and there are only 3 entries. I shall make a contribution.

    I was born in Scotland. I don't consider it my home but it's the clsoest thing I have ever had to one and so it is where I would say most of my roots were planted. Thistles also have roots...which is handy...

  25. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yikes, I had forgotten all about this ! Ok, well, unless there are any desperate last-minute entries, can I close this ?
  26. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ok, competition closed.
  27. KaptenKaries New Member

    Wow! Love Hsing's picture. :-D I've missed the photo competitions.

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