
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Rewr, Nov 2, 2007.

  1. Rewr New Member

    Has anyone attended a DW Convention?

    First thing I did when I got access to the internet was visit L-space, & a few clicks and links later ended up booking myself in to the 2008 convention.

    OMG(s)! :shock:

    New to this too!

    Any tips?

    I'll end up driving folks at work mad - only 293 days to go...:lol:

    (I'll get the hang of smilies eventually - what's Razz?):confused:

  2. TheJackal Member

    Been twice. Always had a great time. New avenue this time so that should be interesting.

    Not sure yet if I'll be able to go. Hope so :)
  3. Rewr New Member

    I'm really looking forward to it - between bouts of panic (me & 400 0dd strangers)! I'll be fine once I get there:rolleyes:

    I've been looking at past events, and am anticipating a good time.

    Do many people go in costume? I'm undecided. Saying that I'll probably end up wearing something (I know me too well: me + alcohol = daft burger):lol:
  4. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Not a DW con , a s/f, fantasy, and gamer's con called CONvergence but there was a bunch who called themselves the Assasin's Guild, there were 2700 geeks there but it was cool. have a blast at your con.
  5. Rewr New Member

    Oh I will - I am not generally good in crowds. Shopping - I'm there before the crowds. But this is different - has a good vibe to it. If I need space I can go out for some fresh air. (If I am persuaded into costume that in itself would be an experience).

    Ha - the way things are going I'm talking myself into dressing up - I'll be travelling to the convention in costume! I can picture the scene the next time I visit my parents 'what do you want for Christmas? Do you need anything?' 'Discworld costume please...' :lol:

    I'm picturing Nobby Nobbs on Death's knee. Who would have guessed Nobby Nobbs being in a thought with the word cute.
  6. mowgli New Member

    oh and by "razz" do you mean this? :tongue:?
  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    If my future was at all certain, I'd be booking myself in now. However, not only do I not know if I'll still be in the same job then, but I seem to have got myself conned into going to Finland to look after my parents-in-law while they visit (Otherwise known as "the people who couldn't find their own bottoms with a GPS, let alone wipe it themselves"), all this is of course an idea of Reg's brother (his wife is Finnish) and we're ending up having to pay for our own trip and part of theirs, while brother, sister and their partners go off and have fun leaving us to wipe aforesaid bottoms. This trip will of course take place exactly during the DWCon, just so as well as being broke I can also be miserable. :sad: Bob knows.
  8. mowgli New Member

    Ouch, Katcal... Any way you can do something fun in Finland AND drag your in-laws along?
  9. mowgli New Member

    (Reading the dwcon website... For the love of Pete, people - Birmingham WHAT? What continent is it on, at least?)

  10. Rewr New Member

    No - this :razz:

    And the big grins - why different colours? And the bunny, & pirate...

    I guess big humungus spider = :eek: I swear twas bigger than my hand...

    new language to me! I can just about get the hang of text speak I find myself reading both fast, slow, phoneticaly but I don't always get it.:confused:

    I'm becoming illiterate!
  11. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Join the club. but it can be fun. I kind of like some of the things that show up around the internet.
  12. Rewr New Member

    Forin' parts - called England (home of the morris dance), part of the UK (Great Britian).

    I'm in Nac Mac Feegle land, north of the border to England. Has been a few years since I last ventured down south, so looking forward to it. Also never been to Birmingham, but I don't think I'll see much of it, only a little taste.:smile:
  13. randywine Member

    I think (if all goes well) I will attend the Con next year.

    If nothing else it'll be a good laugh...

  14. Rewr New Member

    Have you been before? If so any tips?
  15. randywine Member

    Rewr - I've never been to a Con.
    I have been the typical 'I'm going to go'...'Yes I AM definitely going to go'...'Err when is it'...'Oh, buggered hedgehogs, it was LAST weekend'...'RIGHT! I'm definitely going to go next year'...and repeat ad infinitum.

    But I AM definitely going to the 2008 Con...

  16. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Kat, you and Reg seriously need to undoormat yourselves.

    Rewr, I've never been to a DWCon, but by all accounts they're very friendly, fun occasions.
  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yep, we've got as far as realising that, the next step is attempting to actually do it. :sad:
  18. Rewr New Member

    Have you booked?

    Is Mrs R going?

    Will you be in costume?
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I'm seriously considering adopting "Oh buggered hedgehogs" as my favourite swear-phrase...
  20. Rewr New Member

  21. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Dunno, it just sounds right.
  22. Rewr New Member

    fair 'nuff!

    Personally I just let my mouth open and words flow...

    Don't get bored that way...
  23. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I know from experience that that can get you into more trouble than it's worth...
  24. Rewr New Member

    Know what you mean - I tend to resevre my rants for those who deserve it (which really ain't that many), and when I do something stupid like smush my toes against a solid immoveable object - which can be all to often!
  25. randywine Member

    You may adopt that phrase with all my blessings.
    Booking for Mrs. R and myself is the first 'fun' thing I'm going to do when I get some cash (starting a 3 week Tech Author contract on Monday so Hurrah! Making Money).

    Being the size and shape that I am I could only really be a Wizard but I will wear a costume at some point.

    Will try and convince Mrs R. to get dressed up as well...

    How about you?
  26. Rewr New Member

    Yup, with much eye rolling, laughs etc my work colleagues have pursaded me to go the 'whole hog'. Have just found a suitable bag :smile:, just need shoes and the costume.

    Hopefully both you and Mrs R, and the Jackal will be able to go. It would be great to meet you all.

    Only 286 days to go...
  27. randywine Member

    bag? BAG?

    Yup we'll be there...
  28. Rewr New Member

    Bag, bag, bag.

    Looking for the shoe, shoe!:lol:
  29. Rewr New Member

    'nother step closer, got the shoes....

    Sales - don't ya just love em!
  30. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I went to a convention this weekend, it was small, but still, fun. It's oddly reassuring to know that there are thousands of people out there who are madder than me... They had a life-sized star gate, it was quite impressive. Pity it wasn't working I could do with getting away to a different planet right now.
  31. Rewr New Member

    Just found this through DWCON website:

    Discworld Convention 2008 | Google Groups

    Info for those attending.

    As you say its oddly reassuring to know you are just one of thousands, nay hundreds of thousands that are equally mad or madder than you...

    Neighbour just handed in a packet that the postie left with her - its a sewing pattern... gonna try my skills at dressmaking, once I get the material, (which will be next year). Ha! I'll be on the phone - 'Mmuuummm....'

    Only problem she's a bit dangerous with pins:lol:

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