
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Rewr, Nov 16, 2007.

  1. Rewr New Member

    Just thought I'd share...

    I have lost 'The Light Fantastic':shock:

    I have searched everywhere, my bookcases are bare - there are now piles of books sitting in the middle of the floor. The bookcases have been moved away from the wall. I have checked under the chairs, the beds, the [-]useless[/-] useful things cupboard, everywhere. And it's not to be seen:sad:. It is even ignoring my pleas to show itself.

    I even phoned my mother. (I now only lend my books out to 2 folk. My mum being one of them - who understands that if she bends a corner down she will incur a living death.)

    R: Have you got my book?

    M: What book?

    R: The Light Fantastic.

    M: Never heard of it - is it a diet book?

    R: NO - its one of Terry Practchetts.

    M: Who?

    R: ********.....

    R: Never mind.

    I forgot Mother doesn't like the Discworld, or any of Pterry's books.
    Conversation terminated shortly after.

    Anyhoo - most upset, I was looking forward to starting it again tonight.

    But to every cloud there is a silver lining - shopping! (As if I need an excuse).And not just any shopping but book shopping:surprised:

    Can I restrain myself to just The Light Fantastic?

    Mmmm let me think... nah

    Yup there goes all my silver...
  2. mowgli New Member

    Good luck on your shopping expedition :smile:

    <--shakes the heart out of her throat, after it became lodged there as a result of discovering a thread with "Tragedy" in its title.
  3. mazekin Member

    You know you'll find it about two days after you buy the replacement. And it will be sitting on top of the most obvious place in the world.
    But if you don't buy the replacement, you will never find it.
    It's the Third Rule of Lost Things*. The First Rule being "If someone says 'did you check the last place you had it' you get to hit them.
    Second is 'it probably is in the last place you had it, but if you could remember where that was it wouldn't be lost' - (something that is said to the person that said the stupid sentence from Rule One. Usually said directly after you hit them)

    Seriously though, I share your pain. I've been there. I have now bought five copies of Jeffrey Deaver's A Maiden's Grave. A book which I will never lend again. The one other book I will never lend ever, ever ever! is a first edition copy of the original The Carpet People which has since been rewritten and will never be released in that version again (or at least, so Mr. Pratchett says) Even my sister, who technically owns it, will never get her paws on it. Posession is nine tenths of the law.

    *Rule does not apply to lost Elephants, Mammoths or hairy things with eight legs. Hairy things with eight legs are usually in the last place you expect to find them. i.e., under your pillow just before you go to sleep. Elephants and Mammoths are usually found at the end of the garden, behind the garden shed, smoking. It's been a long day, I'm talking shite and I think I'd better stop and go to sleep before I start spouting complete and utter nonsense.:)
  4. Rewr New Member

    My shopping trip...

    A bad start to the day, I slept in, therefore I hit the town at lunch time - crowds. If you saw some twit walking on the road rather than the pavement, 'twas I.

    It is at times like this I would like to have a wee yappy dog, that can nip the ankles of those who get too close to me.

    I really hate back packs, especially on tall people. Anyhoo it started to rain:D, and I could walk on the pavement without the aid of wishfull yappy dog... and...


    I managed to restrain myself, and bought only 4 books, (and a DVD).

    Well who could resist the 3 for 2 offer. I will say that one of the books is for a Christmas present for fellow fan, new to the DW. So for me, as well as The Light Fantastic I bought the Science of the Discworld II.

    I had to spend longer in the town to get other bits & pieces. Including some Christmas Cards. In one shop I got 2 cards - £5.60:shock:. If they weren't for well loved family members I would have walked away and left them. Next year I'm making my own cards...

    I have now bought my first hardback DW book.

    I tend to be patient and wait for the paperback, mainly due tothe difference in price, and space, lack of. Why are bookcases so expensive?

    However two reasons for getting Making Money, er 3 actually - explains the DVD:

    1. I need to read it before DW Con next year, and it won't be out in paperback in time.
    2. It was reduced - gotta love the supermarkets.
    3. And, if I spent more than £30 in my shopping I got Harry Potter & The Order of the Pheonix DVD at a reduced price.

    So now I have plenty to read, but alas the gods have not been kind - migrane, now gone thankfully.

    But Psycho Budgie is feeling neglected and is squawking in my ear. I get the occasionaly chirp and innocent look when I glare at her. She just does not listen to reason - should I get a cat?:pirate:

    I might end up having budgie pie for supper if she does not give me peace to read! And tomorrow - Sunday is not my own, we have visitors, really good friends so I don't mind postpoing my reading session.

    OH and I'll have to have another book shopping trip - I now have a voucher for £5.00 off childrens books if I spend £12 or more. Need to check which books I need...:smile:
  5. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    We use them to carry the books we have stolen from short people.
  6. Tephlon Active Member

    Unless they are really tall, then they use them to put the short people in...
  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Along with their books.
  8. Rewr New Member

    Nick me books:eek:

    Y'all live dangerously - so I give fair warning...

    I'm armed and dangerous. I can give a mean kick to the shins, and then I leggit...

    Attempt to seperate me from my chocolate, well, what my reaction would be is unprintable - you'd chuck me off the site:lol:

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