Discworld Hogswatch cards

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Starbug, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Starbug New Member

    Sorry, this is a bit of a random question but I am shortly moving to Australia and looking to sell all my worldly possessions before I go. :lol:

    Anyway, I have this set of hogswatch cards that came free with a sci fi magazine about 10 or so years ago. Does anyone know if these are quite common and would it be worth selling them on ebay? I will be sad to see them go but I am a bit of a hoarder and now have to cardboard box up my life so if they would make even a couple of quid I think I will have to say tata to them.

    If anyone knows I would appreciate a response... thankies. :pirate:
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    Why not? I never saw them before so I guess a lot of others haven't either, so you may as well give it a shot.

    Edit: is it these ones: Hogswatch Cards ?
  3. Starbug New Member

    Thanks for your answer. I guess it is worth giving it a go. No it is not any of those cards.

    They are still in the plastic they came in too. I am going to dig them out later. Thanks again. :razz:
  4. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Has Starbug looked to see if anyone else is selling similar cards on eBay? It would be a good way to see what people are willing to pay.
  5. Sunna New Member

    I would quite like to know what you want for them,after market research.
  6. Starbug New Member

  7. Sunna New Member

    Love it!

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