News bits and stories from the world

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, Mar 27, 2008.

  1. Hsing Moderator

  2. sampanna New Member

    Holy crap. People are idiots!
  3. redneck New Member

    I think someone may wind up dead if Mr Salisbury finds them before the police do.
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yep, I read that in the paper this morning... It's a mean prank, but I must admit my first reaction was "Ooh I really would love to do that to X, that would really show him/her." I would never really dare to do that, the worst thing I ever did was subscribe my boss's email to a Seniors' newsletter (the one who was pretending to be 32, remember ?) but still, tempting when it comes to some people.
  5. TheJackal Member

    Ooh, that's really lousy but funny stuff!
  6. mowgli New Member

    Um... did Mr.Salisbury leave his house unlocked before leaving?
  7. spiky Bar Wench

    The moral to this story: Never say 'help yourself' ever.
  8. sampanna New Member

    It's quite possible - I was boarding with a family while studying in Duluth, and they never locked the house.
  9. Hsing Moderator

  10. mowgli New Member

    Simpsons yanked off the Venezuelan TV becaused it's "inappropriate for children" - to be replaced with "Baywatch" :tongue:

  11. Roman_K New Member

    Ah yes, *very* suitable for children.
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !

  13. Hsing Moderator

    That article has so many cool lines, I could just quote the whole thing...
    Imagining how it must be to work there is much cooler, "with all the abuse flying about" plus the one African Grey shouting "shut up" at his cursing cell mates...
    'I want my parents' parrot back with me. He wouldn't really curse properly, though, except for the occasional "Idiot! Numbnut! Burglar! Ahahahaha!" when he felt ignored.
  14. redneck New Member

    That is priceless.
  15. sampanna New Member

  16. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Quite Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang-esque, I must say, although I was relieved to discover that the food was actually prepared by people...

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