Buzzfloyd's hero

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Tephlon, Jun 9, 2008.

  1. Tephlon Active Member

  2. Katcal I Aten't French !


    Yay, go him!
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    Cool, there's been so many times I've nearly done the same myself. One day soon something will snap and I'll pack it all in to tour England with a black marker pen.
  4. spiky Bar Wench

    Saw this on the news a while back...

    Mal you'll have to add a white liquid paper pen to your arsenal, as well as other colours. He attempts to correct the signs without making it obvious that they've been changed.

    What i want to know is: How do you make a living doing this?
  5. mowgli New Member

    ...what I want to know is how long before he runs into "two men with large gold chains" again?
  6. TheJackal Member

    I want to shake his hand! What a legend. I really, really hate grammatical mistakes.

    We had a sign in our car park at work saying "Reserved for DD's."
    The DD stands for Deputy Directors.
    About a month ago I brought out some pritt stick & it now reads "DDs". I am now a happy man!

    My pet peeve is "Over 21's Only" instead of "Over 21s Only." Apparently it's acceptable to leave in the apostraphe in the US, but not here sonny jim!
  7. IgorMina New Member

    ^ Could that be spam?

    There's one sign that I pass regularily that really really bugs me. It reads:
    "Coffees and Tea's" in very professional looking writing. Each time I have to bite my tongue in order to avoid screaming "Tea's what???"

    It's more suspense I can handle... ;P
  8. spiky Bar Wench

    I never did understand the US creating the 60's, 70's and 80's etc... I'm absolutely sure these decades did not possess anything worth mentioning.
  9. redneck New Member

    HEATHEN! Have you not heard the music of Led Zeplin? Or the Doors, or Queen, or a multitude of other great bands from that time? Not to mention some really good movies.
  10. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ah but did the decades OWN those things ? Hell, they even produced most of us here, but they don't own us. Well, most of us.
  11. mowgli New Member

    ...I'm a product of the 70s but the 90s definitely own my soul :tongue:
  12. spiky Bar Wench

    Ah yes but considering none of the bands mentioned don't remember those decades, you can't put the possessive apostrophe to it. How can a decade own a band when the band doesn't remember?
  13. Electric_Man Templar

    Oh, didn't you hear that the 90s is going through some financial difficulties at the moment so has put all its stuff up for auction on eBay? I think the reserve for the souls was about 50p...
  14. Marcia Executive Onion

    Kill The Apostrophe

  15. mowgli New Member

    ... GRRRR!!!! Maybe it's the immigan in me ("I've spent all this time learning your language, must you change the rules just as I've finally nailed them?"), but really - how hard is it to remember that "its" means "of it" and "it's" is short for "it is"? It's NOT THAT HARD!!!

    Oh and mental note: buy back soul from the 90s, before Electric Man gets a hold of it!
  16. Marcia Executive Onion

    I had to learn how to use a slide rule in school. That doesnt mean I insist on using it when a calculator is so much easier.

    Its that simple.

    (Now tell me that you didnt understand that.)

    Edit: According to The Power of Babel, A Natural History of Language by John McWhorter, the 's for possession is really a contraction of "his". "John's book" was originally called "John his book". So the 's that represents possession, that is supposed to be correct English, is really a corruption of the original form.
  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ok, complete thread hi-jack here but I have just realised that after ages of seeing Marcia's avatar out of the corner of a distracted eye, it is not, in fact, sonic the hedgehog. It's a blue fairy.

    I need sleep.
  18. Roman_K New Member

    Theoretically speaking, they should have remembered them, were it note for ample quantities of drugs. And alcohol. And more drugs.

    Marcia, I browsed through that "Kill the apostrophe" site. The one thing that really annoyed me in the rant there was the inherent contradiction in saying "remove the apostrophe, for it's cumbersome in our brave new world of Text Messaging" on the one hand, and resolving problematic sentences (like The military claims were wrong) by... expanding it for clarification.

    Well, take the following sentence: My sisters friends investments

    It has four possible meanings:

    the investments belonging to a friend of my sister
    the investments belonging to several friends of my sister
    the investments belonging to a friend of several of my sisters
    the investments belonging to several friends of several of my sisters

    Or if you want the classic Kingsley Amis approach: Those things over there are my husbands.

    So is it things belonging to the husband, or several husbands being referred to as things?

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