I've often wondered how many people can remember the lesser characters and other references in pTerry's books. Here's a chance to find out with ten simple questions. 1 - Situated in Ankh-Morpork, what is the Gritz? 2 - Which vegetable typically reaches twenty feet in length, is the colour of earwax and is covered in spikes and smells like an anteater that's eaten a very bad ant? 3 - We all know the Bursar. But what is his name? 4 - Who is Mr. Brown? 5 - Who was Lettuce Knibbs? 6 - What was the name of the ratcatcher at the Opera House? 7 - Who taught witching to Granny Weatherwax? 8 - What was the name of Mort's father? 9 - Who was Zebbo Mooty? 10 - What position did Big Fido hold in the Dogs' Guild? If you want, you can PM your answers to me and I will keep the score or you can copy the questions and fill in the answers below. Giving others a chance to steal your infinite wisdom and knowledge I'll post the answers next Sunday 5th Oct.
I should know number 8 seeing as we did that little cartoon play on here with him in it, but I don't know any of them.