Perhaps it is me and not my computer...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Lyia, Dec 28, 2008.

  1. Lyia New Member

    Ok so maybe I was a bit hasty in blaming my computer with the photo competition. I'm on my parents computer and still, for some reason I cannot post a picture without it performing a dissappearing act. If anyone has any suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Lyia, if you go to Photobucket and sign up for a free account, you can upload your photographs to their server. To use a photograph you will need to copy the link from the IMG code line that appears under the photo once it is uploaded.

    The line can just be pasted into any reply to threads you make, on any board.

    The line will look something like this... (this is the link to the photo I've use for my entry).

    The picture will appear full size and is loaded each time the page is displayed on someone's PC. It will stay there until you delete it from Photobucket.
  3. Lyia New Member

    Joculator, Thank you for the tip, but I did try that and I get the invalid file response. Maybe the message board is messing with me......
  4. Tephlon Active Member

    What kind of file are you trying to post?

    Is it a .jpg, a .gif or .png? Or could it be a .tiff or a.bmp?
  5. Lyia New Member

    its always been jpg
  6. psychicdeath New Member

    What is the file size? Photobucket has a maximum file size for single images of 1 megabyte (or 1024x768 resolution) for free accounts and 5 megabytes (or 2240x1680 resolution) for paid accounts. If it exceeds these limits, just edit it to a smaller size or use more compression.

    Also, photobucket recommends that you "Ensure there are no punctuation marks, symbols, or spaces in the name of the image you are trying to upload." If the name of your file has any of these, you may want to rename it and try again.
  7. Lyia New Member

    Oooooo maybe that's my problem. I do have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew.
    Thank you, Thank you!!!

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