Happy birthday me

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Orrdos, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. Orrdos God

    With this thread, I may have hit a new low.

    But, still. I'm now 26. Fucking 26. How did that happen? When I first posted on the old board, i was still a teenager. That is slightly frightening. I'm also now older than my parents were when i was born. Again, this is horrifying.

    Where does the time go?
  2. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Don't think of it as getting older. Think of it as getting one step closer to the sweet release of death.
  3. mazekin Member

    1. Happy Birthday Orrdos.

    2. Be happy, there are plenty on this board older than you. Me included...now you've made me cry.

    3....Poor Orrods....:lol:
  4. Tephlon Active Member

    Shut up, kid. Turn 30 and we'll talk.

    (I'm enjoying my thirties immensely. I wouldn't want to be 18 again.)

    But yeah, happy birthday. You big baby. ;-)
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I just don't know, Annabel... :D

    Happy birthday scotsdude... Don't worry, it only gets worse from now on, so enjoy it before it does.
  6. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I thought, "But it's only the first, he's a day early!" D'oh!

    I know what you mean, Doors. I was a teenager when I started posting on the boards too, and I'm older now than my parents were when they had me. And I'm older than you, and having a baby, and married to a thirty-year-old, so feel young!
  7. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Oh, and Happy Birthday! (Sorry, I still have it in my head that it's tomorrow - if you'd left it without posting this, you'd have had a blithely ignorant post from me a day late.)
  8. Maljonic Administrator

    Happy birthday Doors. :)
  9. mowgli New Member

    Mnogie leta, Doors, may your sheep be full of loins... or was that fruit? Mmmm, fruit-filled sheep!

    (seriously, lots of cake and happiness :smile: Sheep optional!)

    26 is not old. I didn't start feeling old until at LEAST 27! Hey Grace, I'm also older than Doors, about to have a baby and married to a 30-year-old. We should start a support group or something!
  10. spiky Bar Wench

    Happy birthday to Doors even if he is lame enough to post his own thread wishing himself a happy birthday...

    You are not old. When you're 30 married to a 30 year old, are older than your parents when they had any of their kids, when your conversation has been reduced to discussing interest rates on mortgages and the best type of grass to plant, when everyone you know has a kid and a big night out is at the local club playing the pokies, then, and only then, will you be old.
  11. redneck New Member

    Happy Birthday, Doors. I was old before my time. I sit in the bar and play Sudoku, read, work a crossword, or like tonight, I did all three. I'm an old man already and barely in my thirties. And I like Ba's quote.
  12. Roman_K New Member

    Happy birthday, mate, and don't worry about it. Pretty soon, you won't even notice the passage of the years...

    Oh, wait... that doesn't actually sound that good, does it.
  13. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Well, encrouching senility might not be so bad, in Doors' case. Surely the less he knows of his life the better.
  14. TamyraMcG Active Member

    Poor Doors, I had my birthday just a bit ago and began my 50th year on this rock, to tell you the truth I wouldn't go back to being 26 again if I had the chance, nor thirty either. Every time in life has it's own blessings and challenges and all are worth savoring. Of course when my feet hurt I do bitch a bit :). The only word of caution is to warn you time seems to just get faster, I think eventually it slows down again, but so far that hasn't happened for me. A woman I used to babysit, now has a son and a daughter in highschool. I just got used to the idea of her having kids at all and they are already more than half grown. So just try to take the time to enjoy the days before the sweet release of death, and may they be many!
  15. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Happy belated, Doors (-:
  16. randywine Member

    Happy belated also.

  17. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Happy belated from me as well. Hope the party was so good, you're still recovering and won't notice the time lag. :D
  18. Hsing Moderator

    Happy belated birthday from here as well. :pirate:

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