Snow Day!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Buzzfloyd, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Garner has the day off because the university has closed due to the snow! My most tiring students have cancelled because of it too, since they live out in a village. So I don't have to spend all morning preparing work for them. Hooray!

    Last night we had a power cut that lasted over an hour and a half. Apparently it covered quite a wide area. I had to stand still in the dark so I didn't fall over (at the moment, I am disabled due to pelvic girdle pain, and 'walking' with a stick) while Garner found matches and candles. It was surprisingly scary, and very inconvenient, since we couldn't cook the food we'd just bought.

    Before that, we'd been out to the corner shop in the snow. I shuffle slowly anyway at the moment, but my muscles were very stiff, and it was cold and slippery, so I got slower and slower, while Garner did his best to be patient. After we'd been to the shop, we decided that he'd go ahead with the bags and then come back to meet me, since I was going at such a snail's pace. An Eastern European guy on the corner asked if we needed help, which was kind (although he was drunk and possibly homeless). Then, when I was hobbling through the snow on my own, a Muslim guy came out of his house to ask if I needed help. As it happened, Garner arrived back at that moment, but I was quite touched by the kindness of our neighbours!
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wow, quite an adventure there, Garners! We only had the lightest of dustings of snow at work this morning, none at all at home, just nasty bitter wind.
  3. jaccairn New Member

    The snow seems to avoiding my corner of Kent at the moment. There doesn't seem to be much chance of being sent home early.:sad:
  4. Orrdos God

    It's been snowing here all day, and actually lying in the city which is quite unusual. I imagine that out in the styx, it's probably 10 foot deep. AT LEAST.

    Although, you don't get real snow these days. Not like when i was a lad.

    Also: pelvic girdle pain? you just made that one up, didn't you?

  5. mazekin Member

    Yikes! All we have is Katcal's bitter wind...hang on, that didn't sound right...:smile: You know what I mean!

    And even if it did snow, I'd still have to go in because I live a measly 10 minute walk away from stupid work and I have no stupid excuse not to go in. They even made us go in when it was -4 and the heating in the building was off. Typing in gloves, not so easy...:smile:


    Pelvic girdle - you have my sympathy! A friend in work cracked her pelvis the last time she was pregnant. Just keep telling yourself, not much longer. Not much longer...
  6. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    LOL! That must make things inconvenient for the ferryman! How about in the sticks?
  7. spiky Bar Wench

    I envy your snow, if not your hobbling through it...

    We're getting a respite from the heat wave today at a measly 31C but we go back up to 38C in the next couple of days. Need aircon badly!!!
  8. mowgli New Member

    I was reading about the snowstorm online and wondering about you guys... I'm glad you're okay! ::knocking on wood:: We're supposed to get the usual snow/slush tomorrow, after two lovely lovely days when the air was warm and smelled like spring... sigh!
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    The Ferryman is actually still very convenient, being the pub next door to work :D
  10. Hsing Moderator

    I'm glad to hear you don't need huskies to get to the store yet, but what Buzzfloyd is being put through is not the norm. A cane? :neutral:

    We too had snow! Yay! We went... sledding? Sled driving? And I made tons of pictures of the inner city. :)
  11. Gypsy New Member

    My city had snow 2 weeks ago, but it's settled down now.
    I did take an 8 hour bus trip to Niigata for snowboarding though.
    Why be miserable walking in the cold and the snow, when you can fling yourself down a mountain on a bit of plastic?
    I was hating winter before that...but it can be fun...for only $600.00...err.
  12. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Yep. I'm going to see the physiotherapist in a week, as part of a class of pregnant women with back and pelvic pain, for advice on exercises and assessment of who would benefit from individual help. That would be me, please! Crippling pain from 21 weeks of pregnancy is not normal. I'm hoping they'll give me some proper crutches at the very least.
  13. Katcal I Aten't French !

    *Hug* No, definitely not normal, poor Grace, hope it gets sorted out soon, you should be busy radiating your pregnant beauty at us all, not hobbling around in pain!
  14. Roman_K New Member

    We could use snow around here. Heck, we could use some rain. Anything that would eventually turn into drinkable fluid would be nice, what with the drought and all...

    And Grace, walking with a cane due to pregnancy... certainly sounds extreme, which is how the pain sounds like from your description. I do hope some good crutches are truly available.
  15. Ba Lord of the Pies

    *Sends acid rains to Roman*
  16. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    The Ba only lives to serve!
  17. Roman_K New Member

    That sounds more drinkable than the stuff we have in the Dead Sea, so thankee kindly.
  18. Katcal I Aten't French !

    THE Ba? Surely there is no need for that definite article? Everyone knows there is only one. :lol:
  19. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    How could I be the one to deprive the Ba of his definite article? Ba Witda is the Ba.
  20. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Grace speaks wisdom.

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