Bad news for aussie's in America

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Tephlon, Oct 23, 2006.

  1. Tephlon Active Member

  2. spiky Bar Wench

    AND the buggers killed the Australia's / New Zealand's greatest horse ever with arsenic...

    If only we had something that the Americans wanted that we could ban them from having... But seeming as we don't we'll just have to take being rogered by the US like everyone else...
  3. Andalusian New Member

    [quote:7a85ab250c="spiky"]AND the buggers killed the Australia's / New Zealand's greatest horse ever with arsenic...

    No they didn't. Unless arsenic is a metaphor for "caused a brain tumour - today easily treatable - to implant itself in the horse".
  4. spiky Bar Wench

  5. Andalusian New Member

    A different opinion:

    Also, might be an idea to read the comments on this article:,23599,20627092-2,00.html

    I can't find the transcript on the internet, but there was another thing that discussed the brain tumour theory, and seemed pretty likely.

    But nonetheless, people will always believe the explanation that confirms their prejudices. Arsenic was a common ingredient in a lot of medicines of the time, and Phar Lap didn't even have arsenic poisoning symptoms.

    On a side note, it is slightly amusing that the heart held to be Phar Lap's probably isn't his. Supposedly a heart from an anonymous draft horse.
  6. Hsing Moderator

    Now, that would be a surprise if anyone got around cloning the horse...
  7. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    australia has that wicked purple marijuana... plenty of yanks want that stuff.
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Kangaroos ?

    Ok, that's actually my full list of things Australia has. Nope, can't see the Yanks wanting kangaroos.
  9. Pixel New Member

    Getting back to the original subject - according to the news item, in America folate is only permitted to be added to bread and cereals - well isn't adding Vegimite to bread its exact purpose? :)

    Edited to correct spelling and to ask if anyone else is having problems with that first news item crashing their browser?
  10. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:9363f73d69="Pixel"]well isn't adding Vegimite to bread its exact purpose? :)[/quote:9363f73d69]
    I must say ginger has a point... :lol:
  11. Ba Lord of the Pies

    The FDA was very surprised to learn about the ban, since they hadn't issued it...

    It's a bit of miscommunication. There was no stop on import, nor confiscation of vegemite at the borders. Kraft foods (and various media outlets) were misinformed. Currently, work is being done to figure out exactly where this confusion started.

    That vegemite contains folate does not violate the policy. Only if they actually add folate does it become a violation. And this only applies to commercial imports. Even if the FDA had banned Kraft from bringing vegemite into the country, it wouldn't apply to travelers bringing it for private use.

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