Bebo etc. . .good or bad?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Angua_rox, Jul 12, 2006.

  1. Angua_rox New Member

    I'm asking because here in Ireland, there has beem a LOT of controversy surrounding these kind of sites recently.
    Due mainly to total idiots saying things like "Hi, I'm 13, here are loads of pictures of me, heres my mobile number, heres my address, have fun!" And understandably parents had problems with this.

    So what the story with you guys, is it evil?
  2. I'm guessing its like or some such. Sort of a community type place?

    For adults and responsible people its a great way to meet new people online. As long as you are cautious and take everything everyone says with a grain of salt.

    As far as what you wrote with kids posting their phone #'s, addresses and personal information, I think that falls under the parents responsibility. Teach your kids how to be safe online. Learn IM code, even set up your own space, so you can learn of what to watch for and in turn educate your kids.

    I dont now about elsewhere, but here its almost an epidemic of people allowing their kids to do what they want, when they want. Kids need direction and they need to be taught right from wrong. If this does not begin in the home, then when and where will it? There is no reason why parents cant look over their kids shoulder while they are IMing. Sure they feel its a violation of thier privacy, but you know their friends, teachers and who-not. Why should a friend online be any different? Besides that, they are still kids, and need protection from themselves as much as outside sources and that is part of the parenting job.
    As long as parents educate their kids about the dangers of online predators, learn themselves how to use the technology thier kids are using and moniter thier kids online activities, then I think these places are fine. Otherwise its just like turning your young kid loose on the streets of New York, in the ghetto, in the middle of the night, wearing a bright pink glow in the dark shirt that says "Please rape/kill/rob me! And dont forget to fill me full of drugs while your at it!"
    Its the bad people who abuse these sites that make them evil. Not the sites themselves..
  3. Hsing Moderator

    Hm... That's related to the question "Is the internet bad", or "Are all media bad"... Especially regarding the internet, I think you can blame the same things on www in a more general way you can blame on blog sites.

    I think all media are pretty bad for a kid if they are left alone with them. Kids can digest a lot if they have someone to talk about it, and if they were taught what the Germans call "Medienkompetenz", medial competence - i don't know if there's an English word for it. I tend to not blaming the media as such. Well, I could blame them for treating the users/ audience as more stupid than they are in a lot of cases and wasting a lot of interesting opportunities and spreading so much trash and whatnot, but no one is tied and chained to their screens, and this would lead too far, too.*

    Lets just take your example: Parents that know their 13 year old has internet access and have no clue what he/she is doing with it all those hours, or miss out on a talk about the meaner nature of many humans to a youth of that age, can't blame Blogproviders alone in case in trouble.

    Simplified, yes, but I am too tired for a sophisticated essay. :) *unchains self from screen*

    Edit: Crossposted with somethinclever. :)
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I agree with both of you, the medium isn't bad in itsself, and in the right hands, it's a great tool for meeting interesting people. But yes, kids need to be taught how to behave online, what the dangers are, not to post any photo, not to post or give personal information such as addresses or phone numbers, learn that not everyone out there is necessarily telling the truth, that behind a 13 year old who likes the same stuff as them, there could be a twisted adult who want's something more, accept not to meet anyone from the internet without an adult present, even if it's just for the initial meeting, to check that the person they're meeting is really the person they think they're going to meet. This is the parents' duty, but could also be relayed by schools and other places where the kids can get online.

    Now Bebo or Myspace are not more dangerous than other sites that have forums (fora ?) or chat rooms, especially ones aimed at teenage interests.

    After all, for all you know, I'm a 60 year old male crack addict with a serious leek fetish.

    But I'm not.

    Trust me. :D
  5. Faerie New Member

    The sites themselves are not bad. Its the creepy people who get on looking for young kids and the kids who give out their phone numbers and other information. I think it is the parent's responsibility to teach their kids what they shouldn't give out and that they shouldn't meet anyone online alone or at a non-public place. And they definitely shouldn't fly halfway around the world by themselves to meet someone they've only spoken to online.
  6. Angua_rox New Member

    [quote:ebca67def1]I'm guessing its like or some such. Sort of a community type place?

    Sorry, I should have made this clear! Yes it is.

    I would agree with you guys. Utterly and totally.

    Yet quite a lot of people are blaming these websites over here.
    Schools are banning them, parents are condemning them. Its ridiculously stupid. They became really popular in my school, so it banned them. Didn't teach anything aproaching computer safety. Nearest we came was our SPHE* teacher getting us to write down pros and cons. That was all we got. It wasn't great.
    The stupidity of people. . . . #shakes head#

    *Social Physical and Health Education.
  7. TheJackal Member

    I use Bebo every day & haven't had any problems with it.
    People should not give out their full address & be weary not add anyone they do not know as a friend.

    It is a great site for keeping in touch with friends .
  8. Angua_rox New Member

    Yeah, it is. Its very useful. Although the dreaded chain emails do impinge somewhat on its usefullness. Grrr.
  9. drunkymonkey New Member

    I don't use Bebo, so I shouldn't have a problem with it. Unfortunately, due to the amount of emails I get from members asking me to sign up, I hate it.

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