Because Rinso misses flamewars... (Valid Flamewar Thread)

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    A new game to play. First off, if you are not familiar with the 'Flame Warriors' artwork of Mike Reed, please familiarize yourself with it here.

    Participants will be randomly assigned the personality of one of these Flame Warriors. They should keep this secret.

    Additionally, one or more participants will be given "controversial" topics or behaviors to bring up. Then, in a specially designated thread (or, potentially, threads), everyone can act out their 'flame warrior'. Things will continue until the idea runs out of steam.

    Scoring will be based as follows:

    1) How well you played your assigned flame warrior's personality.
    2) How long it took for people to identify which flame warrior you were.
    3) Who 'won', at the end.
    4) Any other way I care to think of.

    If i get at least a half dozen takers, I'll get the ball rolling on this.
  2. Saccharissa Stitcher

  3. Electric_Man Templar

    Cool, I'm in for some calm, reasoned debate you complete *******
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Bah what a dumb idea. Yankee.

    (ok, ok, I'm in, as if that's a surprise for anyone :D)
  5. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    excellent. while you're at it, why not volunteer to join in the star wars game over in the role playing thread, too.
  6. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Because I still have scars from the beating I got from Roman when I tried to join in the last one :D
  7. Tephlon Active Member

  8. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Sure, Ba's in.
  9. Tephlon Active Member

    Yes Ben, that would be funny if it wasn't for the Fact that this board doesn't censor words. Something you should obviously know as you were part of the original bunch of people that came over from the "other place" and you even voted on it when policy was set.

    If you can't even remember that, or worse "forget" about that for the sake of being funny, how can anyone take you seriously, EVER?
  10. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    What the hell... count me in. At my age, I've got hardly anything worth losing except excess fat.
  11. Orrdos God

    me! me!

    I'm in!
  12. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    hurrah. i'll try and PM people links to their personalities around friday/saturdayish.

    someone remind me if i haven't done so by then. people can continue to sign up in the mean time, or even after the game gets started.
  13. Electric_Man Templar

    You poor sheltered Dutugese... I won't go into the meaning of ******* as it will shatter your innocent fragile mind.

    Question for Clay: how will we know when we've started?
  14. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    people will be PM'd.

    some may get PM'd earlier than others, just to keep things entertaining.

    incidentally, i award ben one point for 'dutugese', but 'dutchugese' would have been much funnier, because in my slurred/lazy accent, 'portuguese' becomes phonetically 'portchugese'
  15. redneck New Member

  16. Tephlon Active Member

    Good, patronizing behaviour.

    How mature.

    [color=olive:54d7f391be]God, this is frighteningly easy to do... And Fun :)[/color:54d7f391be]
  17. spiky Bar Wench

    I'm in... When sanctioned flaming is available I will flame away :snakeman:
  18. TamyraMcG Active Member

    I wanna play!
  19. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Hell yeah!
  20. Roman_K New Member

    Beating? You mean my constant attempts to push you into the game? :-b
  21. Katcal I Aten't French !

    pushing, beating... Whatever. :D
  22. Victimov8 New Member

    Holy Cow - Is This Tony Bliar?
  23. missy New Member

    Can i play please? If i'm not too late?
  24. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    you're never too late. late entries might only keep things interesting.
  25. Dane New Member

    I'm in.
  26. missy New Member

    *grows to 6 foot 6 and gets a tash and goatee!*

    I would like to play too if i may?

    *said on behalf of Victimov8 when he saw how much fun it could be*
  27. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    everyone's welcome to join!
  28. Electric_Man Templar

    apart from Chris.
  29. Pepster New Member

    I have been feeling nostalgic in many ways of late. I'm in.
  30. Electric_Man Templar

    Is master garner going to precipitate proceedings, then?
  31. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    yes and no... i'm rather worn out after a draining week at work, and may not have the energy to put the finishing touches on things this evening, but the first wave of flame warriors should receive their orders tomorrow if not tonight.

    here's the basic instructions that i'm sending out to everyone, without the specifics of an assignment:

    Welcome to the Boardanian Mock Flamewar. For the duration of this exercise, you will attempt to behave in the manner of an assigned flamewarrior to the best of your abilities. However, you should not let anyone know what 'flame warrior' persona you have adopted. This can require tricky role playing and misdirection if you wish to keep your alter ego's true identity a secret. Please keep in mind the following:

    Multiple players may be assigned the same flame warrior persona. If this happens, you will each likely bring your own distinct flavor to the role, so there may be bonus points if you can identify your doppleganger... if you have one!

    Certain roles may also be assigned in secret pairs, but this will cut both ways. Keep your eyes peeled for anyone who would be a strong ally for your alter ego, but remain ever vigilant against anyone who might be your natural enemy or nemesis!

    Lastly, you may have been given a special assignment. These include instructions on which thread(s) are valid targets for your flame warrior, alternate alter egos you may be required to incorporate into your performance, or a special personality type to identify and destroy (or save!).

    all of this is, hopefully, going to foster a nice attitude of distrust, doubt, and machevelian scheming that's so essential to form up opposing 'sides' in a flame war.
  32. Electric_Man Templar

    Ah, so this will be a multi-thread thing? *insert put-down*
  33. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    the first wave of flame warriors have received their secret instructions.

    The second wave should receive their instructions later today.

    At present, the only designated thread for the flame war is this one. Other threads will be designated/created as the game progresses.
  34. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    the second wave of flame warriors have been PM'd.

    as a reminder and reiteration of the general objectives, you participants are going to create and act out a bona fide flame war using assumed personalities.

    to prevent people from blindly playing one dimensional bit parts, you have the challenge of playing as true to your assigned role(s) as possible WITHOUT giving away too many clues as to which flame warrior you really are.

    It is worth more points to play your character well than to keep your identity secret!

    at the moment, the only officially designated thread that is a valid theater of operations for flame war activities is this one. That will change as certain specially assigned flame warriors create or designate new threads.

    until things naturally kick off with the personality clashes inherent in your alter egos, feel free to treat anyone else involved in the game as a potential adversary... or ally.
  35. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    further clarification:

    we'll leave off guessing who each other was until the end, i think. feel free to send me a PM if you're fairly certain you know who someone is, but each player gets only ONE guess per opponent. should later evidence come to light that the player you just knew was acting as Filibuster was actually acting as Furious Typer but you already made your guess... tough luck.
  36. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I'm hurt, shocked, apalled and ever so slightly aroused that a game with my name in it didn't wait fro me to post be for it started.

    Can I play?
  37. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    of course. you'll probably be notified in the third or fourth wave.
  38. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **waves too, because she's a nice person**

    I'm too lazy to go all the way through the thread again, could someone with better copy-paste skills than me post an all-in -one list of participants, so we know that anyone who's not on it is being genuinely stupid, or whatever ?
  39. Electric_Man Templar

    I postulate that there are about a dozen partakers of this venatio. It really isn't that toilsome to go back through the writings in this thread to adjudicate who is 'genuinely stupid'. I suspect your conclusion will be found in a neoteric post.
  40. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i expect by the end, the entire boards will be participating whether they know it or not. so treat anyone as fair game if they post in a flame war designated thread.

    after all, in the bad old days if someone spoke up in the middle of an arguement, they usually got sucked in pretty damn fast whether they wanted to or not.
  41. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    the third wave has been PM'd.

    at this point, let me mention a caution that i've forgotten to raise before now:

    Please please please please PLEASE don't try and do a satirical impression (or worse yet, a spot on impression) of any of our colorful rogue's gallery of adversaries from the past.

    i really doubt any of them who still keep tabs on this site would be tempted to lash out at us because of it, but lets not tempt fate.
  42. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    and, as you may notice, i've gone and edited the thread title to indicate this is most definately a valid flamewar thread.
  43. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    anyone wishing to join in from this point on, feel free to volunteer here, or PM me if you'd rather keep your entry hush hush for now.
  44. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Sorry to say this, but I think it's a pretty bad time to start changing the rules by allowing secret entries. The post has been up here for over three days which is more than enough time for the regulars to sign up. If people are too damn idle to take action immediately the* should wait for the next opportunity.

    Edit.. *they should wait.
  45. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    My game, my rules.

    As has been said, anyone who participates in a designated thread may be considered a valid target/acting participant regardless of if they've officially joined up or had a flame warrior persona assigned to them.

    Cause, after all, anyone butting into a bona fide flame war in the past has usually gotten toasted for their troubles.
  46. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Fine, I agree you do have that right as creator of the game and rules
    I just feel that if someone can't make up their minds to join in a thread within a reasonable time, it reflects their lazy and apathetic attitude towards the enjoyment of others. I notice that many many topical threads that are posted seem to last forever because of this attitude adotped by some 'regulars' who seem to think the world would end if they didn't have their say.
  47. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    not everyone checks the boards every day. not everyone has TIME to check the boards every day.

    it's hardly fair on some of our valued 'regulars' if they've gotten busy at work or at home and we decide they can't join in an activity because they weren't here during the three or four days we were planning it.
  48. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Yeah. I didn't have time to check this thread for until yesterday- I don't have regular internet access- except at work where I can't really use it. If the comp closed and i missed it. It would be a shame. If the nature of the game *can* allow for late enterants then it should to. Besides I think it will make the game more interesting.
  49. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i think the nature of the game most definately allows for late entries.
  50. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Late entries should definitely be allowed because Garner is always the last to comment on everything.
  51. fairyliquid New Member

    *sticks up hand* er...can i join in?

    might as well, it seems I'm doomed to do so eventually.
  52. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Sure thing, Fairyliquid. You'll be PMd an assigned role shortly.
  53. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    You know, the majority of these 'flame war' threads have mostly been debates so far. Don't flame wars usually involve flames?
  54. missy New Member

    I am trying but i live with him and would like not to have to move back to my Moms! LOL

    I did call Dave a geek, true i know, but still hurtful to someone who isn't really one in real life!
  55. Victimov8 New Member

    You missed out the 'very'...
  56. missy New Member


    Very trying am i! Sofa for you tonight, metaphorically of course.

    The temp in this room just went down several degrees. This may be the first board break up!
  57. Victimov8 New Member

    :prayer: Only joking of course my cherub
  58. missy New Member

    Like hell you were.

    Your dinner is in the dog!
  59. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Call that flaming? ;)

    There aren't enough ad hominem attacks going on around here, that's what I think.
  60. Katcal I Aten't French !

    (OOC : gee guys it's positively gutwrenching seeing you guys fighting, if I didn't know this was all a game :shock: :D)

    Miss Buzz that's just typical of you picking big words that us normal people with non-mensa brains don't get without having to wikipedia them... And encouraging fights to eh, well typical...

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