Blogging for Democracy

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Ba, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. Ba Lord of the Pies

    So, as you may or may not know, I'm going into the Air Force. Before I can sign up, I have to lose some weight. I've already lost a fair amount, but I need to shed another ten pounds or so. To help keep me on track, I've made a blog. I'll be posting my progress, along with random ramblings that occur to me. I'm not sure if any of you would be interested, but if you could take a look, I'd be grateful.
  2. Roman_K New Member

    Welcome to the club, man. ;)
  3. Maljonic Administrator

    I don't know if you want any tips or not, you probably know everything already, but lifting wieghts is really good for burning fat. You don't have to go mad with it, just enough to make a few muscles hurt so they need repairing and making stronger, which is how they get bigger. Because muscles are being repaired in between workouts you're always burning energy, even when you're asleep and not using them.
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Welcome to the blog club and the diet/workout club, man... Don't overdo the weights either, though, as they (edit : they = the muscles...) weigh more than fat for the same space, it could make you go up again... just enough is what you need, I'm sure there are qualified people at the gym you go to who can advise on what's best for you... exercise bikes and co are also a pretty good bet. Good luck !
  5. mr_scrub New Member

    Rowing machines are great.
  6. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Any advice is helpful. If it's redundant, well, I'd rather have redundancy than miss something that could help me.

    I am doing a certain amount of weights. As Katcal said, though, I have to be careful not to overdo it, or I'll start to bulk up, and that'll slow my weight loss down. The solution, from what I've been told, is to use less weight, but more reps.

    I'll give rowing machines a try, Scrubbo.

    And thanks, guys.
  7. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    eat constantly, but eat very small portions. graze throughout the day. an apple here, an orange there. try to get saturated fats as close to zero as possible. eat seafood (while you still can!) and shellfish. try to cut sugar out of your diet as much as possible. avoid soft drinks like the plague. the only carbs you should be taking in are complex ones, or carbs associated with solluble fibre, such as rice, oats, and other easily digested grains.

    avoid the television completely (except for manditory viewing such as simpsons) and whenever you're not ACTUALLY exercising, *think* about exercise. mentally visualize running. tense and relax your legs in the right rhythm as you do.

    lastly, find a non-threatening gay guy to partner up with for a Dance Dance Revolution tourney. I'd suggest McLaren, but I hear he actually can't dance worth shit.
  8. jaccairn New Member

    Watch out for commercially bought sandwiches. Ones that look healthy at first sight can be quite fattening because of the addition of mayonnaise or other full fat sauces (in Britain this tends to be mentioned in small print on the label). Become a label reading addict - it may make shopping longer, but you'd be surprised at what they put in food.
  9. McLaren New Member

    What!? How dare you!? I was the champion of Strictly Gay Dancing two years running!

    The only reason I struggled was because Rinso was my dance partner and he kept dancing Y...C...A....M.

    He also looked rubbish dressed as a policeman.

    Anyway, good luck with the diet, I'll definitely keep an eye on your blog.
  10. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **points finger at "Ba" and laughs**
    Newbit Newbit, na na na na na !

    **runs away, fast.**
  11. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    You said You likely my policeman outfit- that it really showed off my figure*


    Here is Rinso's advice to a waif like figure. This should not be taken under any advice. Be very, very ,very lazy. Cooking requires a vast amount of effort, YOUR EFFORT. The time you could be spent chasing dogs around is wasted cooking food. Instead of making a meal I suggest having a biscuit and watching Murder She Wrote, you've probably only seen the ep once before. In fact, don't you find chewing massively boring. Why not just drink a load of water and lick some dust, what it lacks in nutritional value it makes up for in time efficiency.

    * This is my figure: |
  12. Hsing Moderator

    Stop eating at 19.oo in the evening. Newer research says it is untrue that we burn slower at night, and that taking in your big meal of the day in the evening, is alright. If it fits better into your schedule, it is in every case better eating at leisure time at night than hectically gulping something down during the day because someone told you eating at night makes fatter...
    But many people unconsciously take in a lot of calories in the evening, when taking just a little snack on the couch or in front of the pc after a long day... and stopping that altogether reduces their daily intake a lot more than many are aware.

    If you eat your main meal in the evening, take care you don't starve yourself during the day, because you will fall ino making up for it in the evening.

    Do your walking or running in the morning, if possible. After a good run, your body temperature remains slightly higher, and your metabolism works better. You profit more of that during the day than during the night. Also, many people don't sleep too well after a hard workout, because they actually just got their engines running, in a way.

    Coffe gives most people a bigger appettite for sweets than tea.
  13. Hsing Moderator

    Tip: Raw vegetables are a better inbetween snack than raw fruits, if the last few metres towards your goal make you count the calories. A nice snack: Veggie of your choice, cut or sliced, and as a dip a yoghurt free of or poor of fat, and a spoon of soy soce and another tea spoon of peanut butter stirred into it. The veggies and dip are also easy to transport in a nice little lunch box...
  14. chrisjordan New Member

  15. Tephlon Active Member

    But... but... I usually have dinner at 20:00, if not later...
    Portuguese are like the French, Dinner is LATE.

    Actually, the Portuguese have Breakfast ("Pequeno Almoço" - Little Lunch), Lunch (Almoço), a 5 or 6 o'clock Snack ("Lanche", which sounds suspiciously like "Lunch") and Dinner (Jantar)

    Still, not too many fat people. Kids are getting fatter though. Everyone blames potatochips/fastfood and TV. The usual.
  16. jaccairn New Member

    Also drink more water. It's even better than diet drinks - fewer chemicals!
  17. missy New Member

    Hi Ba

    I sent you a PM with my log in details for Slimming world. It might not help with the weight loss but the motivational stories are quite heart warming.

    I have slightly fallen off the wagon so don't do as i do, do as i say in this situation honey.

    Good luck, not too much to go but you are still gonna need it.

    Congratulations on the airforce as well by the way, nice to see someones dreams coming true.


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