Board Mix-CD-Swap

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. Hsing Moderator

    There hasn't been anything postage - involved going on on the boards for a while now.

    (I still owe Kat a letter from before her move, and there have been no postcard swaps etc last Christmas as far as I remember... correct me if I'm wrong).

    So I thought I might see if I could interest a few people in the following:
    Swapping personal mix CDs.
    The swap organisator sets a theme - or two or three to choose from, even better- and people who want to take part are paired up randomly (chainwise at best, like the Secret Santas, not in duos). We then send each other a personal mix CD according to a picked theme.

    The nice thing: you get something besides bills in your post box for once. You get to learn new music. Sending CDs can be done with relatively low postage, if you wrap it up in a nice, creative paper case instead of a heavy jewel case.

    Anyone interested to take part? Any ideas for themes?

    Here a few from me to start it:

    Cover Versions
    Songs for nightly road trips
    Sleep - or Insomnia
    Late Summer Songs
  2. chrisjordan New Member

    I'm up for it. The sleep/insomnia one sounds the most interesting.

    Would it work if every participant just decided on their own theme?
  3. Hsing Moderator

    Why not? It would enhance the chances of people participating, I suppose - after all, we have differing musical archives and setting common themes would make it harder for some to get togethet enough themes for a sampler.
  4. chrisjordan New Member

    Awesomeness. I'm already putting together a playlist. :razz:
  5. IgorMina New Member

    Is it ok for me to join? Because it sounds like a great idea!
    Only thing is that I don't get a proper address until September, but otherwise I'm up for it. :)
  6. Tephlon Active Member

    Anyone is welcome to join.

    I'm in. Artwork will be included.

    PS: Check out Muxtape
  7. Hsing Moderator

    I can only repeat Tephlon, anyone can join! :smile:
    Ah yes, before I forget it: don't post your adresses here, you'll pm them later to the person I pair you up with.
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    yeah, why not, count me in...
  9. Tephlon Active Member

    After posting that I felt a bit like I spoke too soon, as I'm not the one organizing it.... :)
  10. spiky Bar Wench

    I'll join. It'll be interesting to see if I can get the technology to work.

    Although we could set our own themes and it would be up to the recipient to guess what it is...
  11. randywine Member

    I'd like to be in on this - I know I haven't been on for a while but I hope to now be able to stay around...


  12. Hsing Moderator

    Great, there's interest!

    I'd say I'll match people up by the end of this week; until then, it would be great if one or two more people signed up. But in theory, we're enough people for it to take place. :smile:
  13. Sunna New Member

    I'm so in. Thinking of a theme already
  14. Hsing Moderator

    Okay, here we are...

    1. Katcal
    2. Hsing
    3. ChrisJordan
    4. Sunna
    5. Randywine
    6. Spiky
    7. Tephlon
    8. Igormina

    ...hope I didn't forget anyone.

    Here my random pairings, if you'd like to see changes here, say so.
    You should have sent each other your adresses via PM by September 1st.
    If you haven't heard from your Cd receiver by then, post here so I can somehow replace them.

    The CDs should then go out by September 5 and no later.

    1. Hsing sends to Spiky.
    2. Spiky sends to Randywine.
    3. Randywine sends to Tephlon.
    4. Tephlon sends to Katcal.
    5. Katcal sends to Chris.
    6. Chris sends to IgorMina.
    7. IgorMina sends to Sunna.
    8. Sunna sends to Hsing. Chain closed.

    If any of you want to send out more than one CD so it's worth the work, say here. I might, for example, sending two or three should be affordable.
    We could add them into the chain as a kind of lottery... Or I can combine those multiple senders in another random chain. :wink:
  15. IgorMina New Member

    Sounds great! Thanks for organising this Hsing! :)
    I do have one problem though: I don't actually get my flat until the 18th of September (stuff to do with student accommodation etc...), It would be good if Chris could post the CD after the 5th just to make sure that it gets to the right person.

    I will be able to send my CD to Sunna on time, however. :)
  16. Hsing Moderator

    Sure, PM him. Of course everyone's free to make individual agreements, I just wanted to set a general deadline so the thing isn't dragged on and forgotten about. :)
  17. Sunna New Member

    IgorMina,can't wait for yours to arrive.Hsing,is there any music which you absolutely loathe?
  18. Tephlon Active Member

    Gah, I got KatCal....! ;-)

    Bunny themed songs it is... Or songs with loads and loads of lyrics....

    Just to be safe:
    KatCal: Any type of music you absolutely detest?*

    * I'm leaving it in the open if I need to know in order to avoid that kind of music or not...
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    HAHA! Not a huge fan of rap or the darker metals, but I'll try (almost) anything once...

    Chris, same question?
  20. IgorMina New Member

    Good good. :)
    Sunna, is there any type of music that you can't stand?
  21. spiky Bar Wench

    Randywine is just going to have to put up with what I've got... my CD collection just isn't that extensive to have things eliminated... Sorry buddy...

    You'll have to pm your address too. Hsing do you need mine?
  22. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Oh, yes, one question : how are we playing the whole theme thing ? Is the sender picking a theme ? The receiver ? Should we be picking one of the original ones ?
  23. randywine Member

    Tephlon - got your address - would you like to give me a theme to mix the cd to...and is there anything that you would really really hate to get?



    p.s. Damn good idea Hsing BTW:D
  24. Tephlon Active Member

    The only kind of music I realllllly don't like is kiddy pop. Also not a big speedmetal fan.
  25. Hsing Moderator

    We pick the theme, Katcal. If we are too unsure about it, we could still make up three themes and let the receiver pick one. But the idea was not that the receiver should get to pick the music; he should be confronted with the tastes of the sender and hopefully discover something new.
  26. Hsing Moderator

    Tephlon, same here! :lol:
    sunna, I hope that answers your question. :bunny:
  27. Tephlon Active Member

    Although I agree with the sentiment, it might be a fun idea for the next CD swap to try and find music to fit the theme set by the receiving party. Challenges can be fun!

    I have, however, given up on my idea to have a Anoia-themed CD.
    I didn't get much further than "Stuck in the middle with you".*

    Besides, it would be extremely difficult for Katcal to remove the CD from the sleeve.

    It would have had killer artwork though. :)

    * I got stuck, so to say.


    FYI: Apparently "Vic Chesnutt" has a song called "Ladle".
  28. Sunna New Member

    I do NOT take well to rap and hip hop,but that's about it.
  29. IgorMina New Member

    good good. :)

    You'll have to pm your address. :D
  30. IgorMina New Member

    ...Sunna? Hello?
    Also I'm not sure whether I worked out whether to send PMs properly..
  31. IgorMina New Member

    I seem to be a bit of a serial poster here, sorry, but Sunna you haven't PM'd me, I need your address, otherwise I can't send the CD. :sad:
  32. Hsing Moderator

    I'd say, pm her - if she hasn't answered by Tuesday, I'll sort things out.
    Maybe she has just gone on a weekend trip. :smile:
  33. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Same with chris, no noose is good noose, eh?
  34. Hsing Moderator

    Maybe it wasn't such a brilliant idea to put the first deadline on a weekend day. Or, as it wasn't mentiones in the first post, people never got it. :sad:
  35. Hsing Moderator

    Okay, so Tuesday came and went.
    Can anybody who is still missing their receiver's adress pm them once, and if you don't get the resonse, post tomorrow so I can sort those who have no one to send to -probably by pairing them up - tomorrow night?
    I'll pm them once more then to find out wether they're still in for sending.
  36. spiky Bar Wench

    Well I've just mailed mine off... The rest of you will just need to catch up :)
  37. IgorMina New Member

    Well I did PM Sunna, but to no avail. :sad:
    So I need an address to send mine to please. :)
  38. randywine Member

    CD Swap.

    Spiky looking forward to it...

    I sent mine on Saturday morning. So there!

    Tephlon - Let me know if it arrives in good order.

  39. Tephlon Active Member

    It arrived yesterday!

    Very nice.

    I'm thinking the overall theme was 'Travelling'?

    KatCal: Your CD has been burned, the cover and listing has been designed, I just have to print and mail it.
    The theme will be obvious when you see the listing... :)
  40. randywine Member

    Glad you liked it...sorry there was no artwork but I suck at artwork, I really really suck at it.:redface:

    You are right about the theme. I didn't actually mean a theme (pardon the poem) when putting the list together; I only noticed that travelling or Moving On (in different ways) encapsualtes quite a few of the tracks.


  41. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Wow, go Tephman !

    Still no word from Chris after PM-ing, Hsing could you pair me up again ?
  42. Hsing Moderator

    Yep, I'm going to sort things out - after an aspirin - tonight!
  43. Mincewind New Member

    I'm happy to participate in this and fill in for a 'missing presumed...'. I can burn a CD tomorrow evening. I'll PM my address to Hsing. If someone could PM me the details of the lucky recipient of my disc I shall send it out on Monday.
  44. Hsing Moderator

    Oh, excellent!
  45. Hsing Moderator

    Okay, role call...

    Who is missing?

    I take it Chris and Sunna have, hopefully temporarily, disappeared. Mincewind has turned up as replacement.

    Who else is missing thier swap sender?

    Hsing sends to Spiky.
    Spiky sends to Randywine.
    Randywine sends to Tephlon.
    Tephlon sends to Katcal.
    Katcal sends to Chris.
    Chris sends to IgorMina.
    IgorMina sends to Sunna.
    Sunna sends to Hsing. Chain closed.

    I'd say, IgorMina sends to Mincewind instead, adress is on the way.
    Assuming that Chris must be replaced for this round, and assuming the same for Sunna, Katcal becomes my sender. :)

    Hsing sends to Spiky.
    Spiky sends to Randywine.
    Randywine sends to Tephlon.
    Tephlon sends to Katcal.
    Katcal sends to Hsing.
    IgorMina sends to Mincewind.
    Mincewind sends to IgorMina. Chain closed.
  46. Sunna New Member

    Oh you guys,where can I put my face? I was, in fact, not slapping about not caring but have been busy getting ready for a major operation and did honestly seem to recall the deadline was much later so I wasn't too worried. I'm not at all suprised nor offended you replaced me and my theme was so lame (it was regret) that Hsing is much better off :) Since I have Hsing's address I might as well send the cd anyway,if she doesn't mind getting 2 cd's. But this ideas was brilliant,I really liked the personal touch of it.
  47. Hsing Moderator

    You know what, just send me your adress, I'll send you a CD in retuen, and voila - swap completed! :)
    Does the OP lie behind you already? I hope you're doing fine...
  48. randywine Member

    Hurrah, Received Spiky's CD - Thank you Spiky - All the way from Sunny Oz in very good order - I shall re-use the sheets of wrapping paper :razz: And will listen to it properly (the CD, not the wrapping paper) when driving into Glasgow tomorrow -Am glad to say also that I have only heard of two of the artists on it so I'll be introduced to some new music, which is one of the real bonuses of participating in this sort of thing.


  49. spiky Bar Wench

    Glad it got through and I hope you enjoy.
  50. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I still have to decide on the final version of my song list, I should have it all done and sent off by Monday hopefully...
  51. randywine Member

    Spiky - really enjoying the CD you made for me, kinda like the stuff i like anyhow but not as well! (he says taking his head out of the Pink Floyd / Dire Straits / New Model Army Buckets for a second).

    Anyhow I don't know if you meant a theme - I'm probably waaaaaaay off base but i got a main dish of 'Angst' with a side serving of 'Bollocks to you' and a slice of 'if you think you're hard enough then bring it on...' from your selection.

    Loved the doors at the end :)smile:) BTW very cool...


    again Hsing good idea!
  52. spiky Bar Wench

    Glad you liked it... My music selection being somewhat limited I went with the "Bollocks to you" theme as its a popular one among my music. I had to skip some cos I only have them on mp3 so they got replaced with secondary choices...

    Waiting on mine... Fingers crossed it gets here before I go away on the honeymoon but the neighbours may have a good listen first.
  53. Hsing Moderator

    Spiky is righteously annoyed with me, as explained in the Members' news thread.

    Katcal's CD arrived, and will get a proper review soon! Thanks, Katcal! :smile:
  54. Mincewind New Member

    It's been a while (largly due to the untimely death of my laptop), but i wanted to thank Igormina for my mix CD. A very varied selection, with some good old stuff that I'd not heard for a while (Beatles / Kinks), and some great new stuff that I'd not heard before: I'd been interested to hear some 'Of Montreal' for a while, and like what I heard. I also really liked the Kimya Dawson song, and have since watched Juno. Great film. Plenty of tracks have now been moved onto my iPod.

    A roaring success, IMO. Hopefully we'll have another swap soon. :bunny:
  55. spiky Bar Wench

    I suppose I should ask if Hsing got around to sending mine because it never showed up... This could be another case of Australia Post getting it wrong, again... but I thought I should check.
  56. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I needn't ask if Teph has sent mine, I already know the answer to that... :D
  57. Hsing Moderator

    Spiky, I've never let anybody down swap wise like I did with you. The Aussie post is innocent this time, the German post guy messed it up a bit, the first time round, and it awaits re- sending for half an eternity now. You know what? I'll ad a CD with German bands and artists. You'll see. I am so embarrassed!:redface:
  58. spiky Bar Wench

    Its OK Hsing I'm used to swaps going bye-bye in the mail. I look forward to hearing some German music, the only stuff I've heard is terrible dance and Ramstein. I'm sure theres stuff in between though...
  59. Tephlon Active Member

    :shock: It didn't arrive yet? ;-)
  60. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Strangely enough, nope :D

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