Boardonwealth Games: 'Disc'us

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Mar 16, 2006.

  1. Electric_Man Templar

    This one is pretty easy to take part in. All you need to do is as follows:
    [*:9f8b73b7af]You guess a unique number between 1 and 100

    You have 24 hours to do so. When the time is up, I shall randomly generate a number using the dice function and the person who is closest to this number without going over it is declared the winner.

    Happy guessing!
  2. Delphine New Member

  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

  4. TheJackal Member

  5. Cynical_Youth New Member

  6. Perdita New Member


    No 'seriously' My guess is 8.

    edit to say: in keeping with the whole Discworld thing !
  7. fairyliquid New Member


    edit:sorry..didn't know. fixed
  8. Electric_Man Templar

    gah sorry, forgot to say - integers only please. If you could edit your post fairyliquid, that would be great.
  9. Roman_K New Member

  10. jaccairn New Member

  11. Victimov8 New Member

    [Geek] 42 [/geek]
  12. :lol: You Picked my number Dave!!!! :lol:

    I'll go with [b:15f2d5bec6]69[/b:15f2d5bec6] since no one has yet..
  13. Orrdos God

  14. Hsing Moderator

  15. Hex New Member

  16. spiky Bar Wench


    No good reason.
  17. Rincewind Number One Doorman



  18. Ba Lord of the Pies

    In honor of Doors, Ba's guess will be... 66!
  19. Ozzer New Member

    81, cause it was a good year.
  20. Guest Guest

  21. Tephlon Active Member

  22. KaptenKaries New Member

  23. Electric_Man Templar


    edit:sorry..didn't know. fixed[/quote:e4887f4542]

    Thanks :) It was my fault, I should've said earlier.

    An hour and a half left for any late entries!
  24. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **jumping up and down with excitement**

    Ooooh, can't wait !!! :)
  25. Electric_Man Templar

    Time up!

    Let's see what the winning score is...
    [dice:dd3a0cb8af]1d100 = 1308698915 [/dice:dd3a0cb8af]

    edit: oops, wrong number... stupid d20 system corrupting my brain!
  26. Electric_Man Templar

    And the winner is...

    [size=18:d41dacd973][b:d41dacd973]Tephlon![/b:d41dacd973][/size:d41dacd973] with a guess of 31!

    [b:d41dacd973]Katcal[/b:d41dacd973] gets the silver with 25 and
    [b:d41dacd973]Orrdos[/b:d41dacd973] gets the bronze with 23

    Congratulations to all participants.
  27. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yessssssssssssssss !!! Another medal, I'm onna roll !! (like a sausage)

    And in front of Doors yet again. Yay ! :supz:
  28. Orrdos God

    I will kill you.
  29. Hex New Member

    Buggrit. How much more out could I be?
  30. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ok, Doors, I'll be waiting. If you're planning on walking here, it may take some time, and the public transport here sucks.

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