Boardonwealth Games: Sailing

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Mar 28, 2006.

  1. Electric_Man Templar

    Well the Commonwealth games has finished already, but the Boardonwealth Games are still going strong! Don't forget that the Cunning Linguist Game is still going on, the sailing will proceed alongside it serenely.

    [i:f37479810f]How it works:[/i:f37479810f] I post a sentence, and each subsequent poster must change one, and only one word in that sentence. You may only change within parts of speech. For example, you may not change a verb to a noun. The sentence must still make grammatical sense.

    [i:f37479810f]How to win:[/i:f37479810f] The game will run until there have been 200 replies, ie: there have been 200 changes in the sentence. The last poster gets gold, second to last gets silver, and third to last gets bronze. If you cross post, the last poster must edit their post. In order to qualify for a medal, you have to have posted at least 15 times. If, at 198 replies, no one is willing to post, I’ll do so myself, taking away possibilities for medals. Also, you may not reply to yourself.

    And the sentence is:

    [quote:f37479810f]In the dark of the night, a few brown, horned moths fluttered in the air, hunting for a light-bulb to congregate around so that they could discuss the evening's television programmes.[/quote:f37479810f]

    It would be appreciated if you could put the changed word in bold, although it is not necessary.
  2. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:b58873a0ba]In the dark of the night, a few brown, horned moths fluttered in the air, hunting for a light-bulb to congregate around so that they could discuss the evening's television [b:b58873a0ba]presenters[/b:b58873a0ba].[/quote:b58873a0ba]
  3. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:cd5c35724e]In the dark of the night, a few brown, horned [b:cd5c35724e]goats[/b:cd5c35724e] fluttered in the air, hunting for a light-bulb to congregate around so that they could discuss the evening's television presenters.[/quote:cd5c35724e]
  4. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:cd73cf9b22]In the dark of the night, a few brown, [b:cd73cf9b22]winged[/b:cd73cf9b22] goats fluttered in the air, hunting for a light-bulb to congregate around so that they could discuss the evening's television presenters.[/quote:cd73cf9b22]
  5. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:7ef74ea97a]In the [b:7ef74ea97a]cold[/b:7ef74ea97a] of the night, a few brown, winged goats fluttered in the air, hunting for a light-bulb to congregate around so that they could discuss the evening's television presenters.[/quote:7ef74ea97a]
  6. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:ca1a62f9db]In the cold of the night, a few brown, winged goats fluttered in the air, hunting for a [b:ca1a62f9db]fire[/b:ca1a62f9db] to congregate around so that they could discuss the evening's television presenters.[/quote:ca1a62f9db]
  7. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:0122fd9b8c]In the cold of the night, a few brown, winged goats fluttered in the [b:0122fd9b8c]oil field[/b:0122fd9b8c], hunting for a fire to congregate around so that they could discuss the evening's television presenters.[/quote:0122fd9b8c]

    Ben, I hope that one's ok, it's practically one word, even though it's written as two. To make my case stronger, in Swedish "oil field" is written "oljefält". :)
  8. Electric_Man Templar

    Oh, just making a small point, if the participants could ensure they change as many different words as possible. You're doing fine, so far.

    It's not a hard and fast rule, but I think it'll make things (in particular the final sentence) more interesting.
  9. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:3b14f45105="KaptenKaries"]Ben, I hope that one's ok, it's practically one word, even though it's written as two. To make my case stronger, in Swedish "oil field" is written "oljefält". :)[/quote:3b14f45105]

    Yeah, I'll allow that in this case, especially as it's a noun phrase type thing. If anyone else wishes to expand words, they'll need a good reason too!
  10. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:831a0cc4f1]In the cold of the night, a few brown, winged goats [b:831a0cc4f1]spluttered[/b:831a0cc4f1] in the oil field, hunting for a fire to congregate around so that they could discuss the evening's television presenters.[/quote:831a0cc4f1]
  11. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:5ee19bb261]In the cold of the night, a few brown, winged goats spluttered in the oil field, [b:5ee19bb261]waiting[/b:5ee19bb261] for a fire to congregate around so that they could discuss the evening's television presenters.[/quote:5ee19bb261]

    Also Ben, just to know, you won't be counting your two explanatory posts towards the 200 limit, will you?

    Edit: Reread the rules and it says 200 changes in the sentance, so that explains it. :)
  12. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:17a6eb2cbd]In the cold of the night, a few brown, winged goats spluttered [b:17a6eb2cbd]through[/b:17a6eb2cbd] the oil field, waiting for a fire to congregate around so that they could discuss the evening's television presenters.[/quote:17a6eb2cbd]
  13. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:a1f35fdeeb]In the cold of the night, a few brown, winged goats spluttered through the oil field, waiting for a fire to congregate [b:a1f35fdeeb]behind[/b:a1f35fdeeb] so that they could discuss the evening's television presenters.[/quote:a1f35fdeeb]
  14. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:9c1405ac2f]In the cold of the night, a few brown, winged goats spluttered through the oil [b:9c1405ac2f]barrels[/b:9c1405ac2f], waiting for a fire to congregate behind so that they could discuss the evening's television presenters.[/quote:9c1405ac2f]
  15. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:a4a4f4ffd1]In the cold of the night, a few brown, winged goats spluttered through the oil barrels, waiting for a fire to [b:a4a4f4ffd1]hide[/b:a4a4f4ffd1] behind so that they could discuss the evening's television presenters.[/quote:a4a4f4ffd1]
  16. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:dd59e56a6a]In the cold of the [b:dd59e56a6a]aphelion[/b:dd59e56a6a], a few brown, winged goats spluttered through the oil barrels, waiting for a fire to hide behind so that they could discuss the evening's television presenters.[/quote:dd59e56a6a]
  17. Tephlon Active Member

    Double Post

    [s:2ea3dfd136]This is not the post you want to see.[/s:2ea3dfd136]

    *Jedi hand wave thingy*
  18. Tephlon Active Member

    [quote:73fc065650]In the cold of the aphelion, a few brown, winged goats spluttered through the oil barrels, waiting for a fire to hide behind so that they could [b:73fc065650]watch[/b:73fc065650] the evening's television presenters.[/quote:73fc065650]

    Edited because of CY
  19. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:1fe172438d]In the cold of the aphelion, a few brown, winged goats spluttered through the oil barrels, waiting for a fire to hide behind so that they could watch the [b:1fe172438d]veterans'[/b:1fe172438d] television presenters.[/quote:1fe172438d]
  20. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:e4d97d9b60]In the cold of the aphelion, a few brown, winged goats spluttered through the oil barrels, waiting for a fire to hide behind so that they could watch the veterans' television [b:e4d97d9b60]doom[/b:e4d97d9b60].[/quote:e4d97d9b60]
  21. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:49e0162987]In the cold of the aphelion, a few brown, winged goats spluttered through the oil barrels, [b:49e0162987]bleating[/b:49e0162987] for a fire to hide behind so that they could watch the veterans' television doom .[/quote:49e0162987]
  22. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:fc6e463920]In the cold of the aphelion, a few brown, winged goats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for a fire to hide behind so that they could watch the veterans' [b:fc6e463920]impending[/b:fc6e463920] doom .[/quote:fc6e463920]
  23. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:5ff0c1c1b0]In the cold of the aphelion, a few brown, winged [b:5ff0c1c1b0]stoats[/b:5ff0c1c1b0] spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for a fire to hide behind so that they could watch the veterans' impending doom.[/quote:5ff0c1c1b0]
  24. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:a0ff3bc43f]In the cold of the aphelion, a few brown, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for [b:a0ff3bc43f]holy[/b:a0ff3bc43f] fire to hide behind so that they could watch the veterans' impending doom.[/quote:a0ff3bc43f]
  25. Perdita New Member

    A double post
  26. Perdita New Member

    [quote:33761d5c79]In the cold of the aphelion, a few brown, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy fire to hide behind so that they could watch the veterans' impending [b:33761d5c79]destruction[/b:33761d5c79][/quote:33761d5c79]
  27. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:40a9e66704]In the cold of the aphelion, a few brown, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy [b:40a9e66704]pie[/b:40a9e66704] to hide behind so that they could watch the veterans' impending destruction.[/quote:40a9e66704]
  28. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:d71a1cbbb0]In the cold of the aphelion, a few [b:d71a1cbbb0]brave[/b:d71a1cbbb0], winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to hide behind so that they could watch the veterans' impending destruction.[/quote:d71a1cbbb0]
  29. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:8b6c80d5a0]In the cold of the aphelion, a few brave, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to hide behind so that they could watch the veterans' impending [b:8b6c80d5a0]haircut[/b:8b6c80d5a0].[/quote:8b6c80d5a0]
  30. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:4c2f372ce5]In the cold of [b:4c2f372ce5]wan[/b:4c2f372ce5] aphelion, a few brave, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to hide behind so that they could watch the veterans' impending haircut.[/quote:4c2f372ce5]
  31. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:0ee7834b70]In the cold [b:0ee7834b70]but[/b:0ee7834b70] wan aphelion, a few brave, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to hide behind so that they could watch the veterans' impending haircut.[/quote:0ee7834b70]
  32. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:373b31679a]In the cold but wan aphelion, a few brave, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to hide behind so that they could watch the [b:373b31679a]grand[/b:373b31679a] impending haircut.[/quote:373b31679a]
  33. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:327a371cf8][b:327a371cf8]At[/b:327a371cf8] the cold but wan aphelion, a few brave, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to hide behind so that they could watch the grand impending haircut.[/quote:327a371cf8]
  34. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:b42b5facaf]At the cold but wan aphelion, a few brave, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to hide behind so that [b:b42b5facaf]some[/b:b42b5facaf] could watch the grand impending haircut.[/quote:b42b5facaf]
  35. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:9a5321af0f]At the cold but wan aphelion, a few brave, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, [b:9a5321af0f]nibbling[/b:9a5321af0f] for holy pie to hide behind so that some could watch the grand impending haircut.[/quote:9a5321af0f]
    edited for simultaeous posting with CY
  36. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:c9ea670685="Katcal"][quote:c9ea670685]At the cold but wan aphelion, a few brave, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, [b:c9ea670685]nibbling[/b:c9ea670685] for holy pie to hide behind so that some could watch the grand impending haircut.[/quote:c9ea670685]
    edited for simultaeous posting with CY[/quote:c9ea670685]

    Hmm, that doesn't really make grammatical sense, I'll discount this one.

    Can the next person continue from CY's post - Katcal can go again if she wishes.
  37. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:ccb5fffb68]At the cold but wan aphelion, a few [b:ccb5fffb68]starving[/b:ccb5fffb68], winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to hide behind so that some could watch the grand impending haircut.[/quote:ccb5fffb68]
  38. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:14163504cb]At the cold but wan aphelion, a few starving, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to hide [b:14163504cb]away[/b:14163504cb] so that some could watch the grand impending haircut.[/quote:14163504cb]
  39. TheJackal Member

    At the cold but wan aphelion, a few starving, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to hide away so that some could [b:b9cdbfd217]observe[/b:b9cdbfd217] the grand impending haircut.
  40. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:14e1ab91d6]At the cold but wan aphelion, a few starving, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to hide away so that some could observe the grand impending [b:14e1ab91d6]meal[/b:14e1ab91d6].[/quote:14e1ab91d6]
  41. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:cd7734fbe6]At the cold but wan aphelion, a few starving, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to hide away so that some could [b:cd7734fbe6]start[/b:cd7734fbe6] the grand impending meal.[/quote:cd7734fbe6]
  42. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:e0e2f7bf71]At the cold but wan [b:e0e2f7bf71]stove[/b:e0e2f7bf71], a few starving, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to hide away so that some could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:e0e2f7bf71]
  43. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:5219ea14b2]At the cold but wan stove, a few starving, winged stoats spluttered through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to [b:5219ea14b2]eat [/b:5219ea14b2]away so that some could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:5219ea14b2]
  44. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:fbb9166e43]At the cold but wan stove, a few starving, winged stoats [b:fbb9166e43]cried[/b:fbb9166e43] through the oil barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat away so that some could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:fbb9166e43]
  45. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:e6d1f59a86]At the cold but wan stove, a few starving, winged stoats cried through the [b:e6d1f59a86]pastry[/b:e6d1f59a86] barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat away so that some could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:e6d1f59a86]
  46. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:c13bfee292]At the cold but [b:c13bfee292]smelly[/b:c13bfee292] stove, a few starving, winged stoats cried through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat away so that some could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:c13bfee292]
  47. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:46447daf50]At the cold but smelly stove, a few starving, winged stoats [b:46447daf50]sifted[/b:46447daf50] through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat away so that some could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:46447daf50]
  48. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:38262e0eeb]At the cold but smelly stove, a few starving, winged [b:38262e0eeb]pumpkins[/b:38262e0eeb] sifted through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat away so that some could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:38262e0eeb]
  49. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:68e66d8e46]At the cold but smelly stove, [b:68e66d8e46]too[/b:68e66d8e46] few starving, winged pumpkins sifted through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat away so that some could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:68e66d8e46]
  50. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:c8d4ec826b]At the cold [b:c8d4ec826b]and[/b:c8d4ec826b] smelly stove, too few starving, winged pumpkins sifted through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat away so that some could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:c8d4ec826b]
  51. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:a40ad32833]At the cold and smelly stove, too few starving, winged pumpkins sifted through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat away so that [b:a40ad32833]hamsters[/b:a40ad32833] could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:a40ad32833]
  52. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:cfc0827588]At the cold and [b:cfc0827588]tiny[/b:cfc0827588] stove, too few starving, winged pumpkins sifted through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat away so that hamsters could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:cfc0827588]
  53. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:bced5444ca]At the cold and tiny stove, too few starving, winged pumpkins sifted through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat away so [b:bced5444ca]overlord[/b:bced5444ca] hamsters could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:bced5444ca]
  54. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:edabc9589a]At the cold and tiny stove, [b:edabc9589a]very[/b:edabc9589a] few starving, winged pumpkins sifted through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat away so overlord hamsters could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:edabc9589a]
  55. Hsing Moderator

    [quote:ecf603f15f]At the cold and tiny stove, very few starving, winged pumpkins sifted through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat away so [b:ecf603f15f]overfed [/b:ecf603f15f]hamsters could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:ecf603f15f]
  56. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:51bad16e87]At the cold and tiny stove, very few starving, winged pumpkins sifted through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat [b:51bad16e87]up[/b:51bad16e87] so overfed hamsters could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:51bad16e87]
  57. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:0fab587431]At the [b:0fab587431]pink[/b:0fab587431] and tiny stove, very few starving, winged pumpkins sifted through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to eat up so overfed hamsters could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:0fab587431]
  58. Cynical_Youth New Member

    [quote:3180c5345c]At the pink and tiny stove, very few starving, winged pumpkins sifted through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to [b:3180c5345c]serve[/b:3180c5345c] up so overfed hamsters could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:3180c5345c]
  59. Hsing Moderator

    [quote:ac71d7af93]At the pink and tiny stove, very few starving, winged [b:ac71d7af93]pixies [/b:ac71d7af93]sifted through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to serve up so overfed hamsters could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:ac71d7af93]
  60. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:0016fea675]At the pink and [b:0016fea675]shiny[/b:0016fea675] stove, very few starving, winged pixies sifted through the pastry barrels, bleating for holy pie to serve up so overfed hamsters could start the grand impending meal.[/quote:0016fea675]

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