Book signing

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by bibbis, Sep 26, 2005.

  1. bibbis New Member

    I just attended a signing event at Barnes & Noble, Terry signed 4 books for me. He signed something different in each one (funny of course), but one of them we can't make out what it says. It says "Lots of Wi-" and then we can't make out the rest. Any ideas? The letter after 'wi' looks like either a 'g' or an 's', then there's 1-3 more letters.

  2. chrisjordan New Member

    Lots of Wigs!

    Could you scan it without ruining the book?
  3. Hsing Moderator

    Which title was it? Maybe it has soemthing to do with the books content?
  4. Toaf New Member

    Lots of Wiggles!
  5. Electric_Man Templar

    Gah! I was about to state the bleeding obvious, and some guy (or is it a girl?) jumps ahead of me!
  6. Maljonic Administrator

    Wishes, wisdom, wise cracks, wiglessness, wins.... :)
  7. bibbis New Member

    Why is wiggles obvious? He signed the same thing in another person's book, but the books were two different titles, so I don't think it had anything to do with a specific book. I'll look at the other inscriptions to see if I recognize the letters.
  8. Maljonic Administrator

    Do you have a scanner so you can show us like chrisjordan suggested? :)
  9. Hsing Moderator

    Yes, that would be great. :) We have an album function on this board, so you need no host either.
  10. spiky Bar Wench

    lots of... wingedness, wirapunda, winning, wine, wishing, wise men say cheese...
  11. mowgli New Member

    ... witches?
  12. Electric_Man Templar

    I think it's obvious because in Guards!Guards!, Carrot reads a signature as 'Lupin squiggle', wiggles is only one step (and a few letters) from squiggles.

    It was the first thing that sprang to my mind as soon as I saw it, and seemingly to Toaf's too.
  13. spiky Bar Wench

    I didn't think that i was thinking The Wiggles the kids group that sing about pirates and wake up steve... Although that could just be an australian thing (they made about $60 million last year for wearing bright scivvies and looking like twats, I need a new career)
  14. fairyliquid New Member

    looking through the dictionary at some possiblities...

    lots of winks

    lots of wisdom

    lots of wit

    lots of wisecracks

    that seems to be all i can come up with...

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