Bunnies and world domination... again.

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Katcal, Sep 23, 2006.

  1. Katcal I Aten't French !

  2. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    curiously enough, i saw a bunch of clips of what can only be a US version of The Office on the side of the page when viewing those... doesn't seem quite the same without rickie gervais. too much focus on dawn and tim... i mean pam and jim...

    anyway, those videos may well be the most frightening thing i've ever seen since Filler Bunny...
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !


    Edited to add : the French version of The Office was even worse... it was so bad, it was [i:39499a5ca5]scary[/i:39499a5ca5]... I don't see the point of re-doing something that's that good, at the worst, dub it... and dub it well, at the best, just add subtitles, you stupid w***ers !!! Every day, I praise the GGG for the invention of cable TV that allows you to choose the language and subtitles you want.
  4. inwig New Member

    [quote:c223a580aa="Katcal"]AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !! :D[/quote:c223a580aa]laconic yaaaaawn!
    More food for the furball. Think lateral thoughts and they will dance right over if I keep lying down out of sight.
  5. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    please refrain from posting when high on crack.
  6. Hsing Moderator

    Reminded me of the bunny plague in our city. We've got more bunnies than rats, and nothing helps. The bunnies are undermining major roads and places to the point were the city fathers are afraid they - the roads- might take damage. This fall, they are starting a hawk hunt ...
  7. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    poor bunnies :(
  8. inwig New Member

    To be honest the clips made me think they were inspired by someone else traumatised by those blasted duracell bunnies from way back. My hands just itched to swat those too.
  9. Bradthewonderllama New Member


    No worries, Ray man will save us all.
  10. inwig New Member

    Where I was in the late eighties and early 90's it was the other lot. All one needs to say is battery-run bunnies with drums - alter the arm action so the sticks beat their own heads.

    Katcal is obviously excepted from that - her runny babbit is inflatable not battery driven.

    **cautiously peers over hillside to check for sharpshooters and dives for next patch of cover**
  11. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:f7d8974a47="Hsing"]Reminded me of the bunny plague in our city. We've got more bunnies than rats, and nothing helps. The bunnies are undermining major roads and places to the point were the city fathers are afraid they - the roads- might take damage. This fall, they are starting a hawk hunt ...[/quote:f7d8974a47]

    Australia's had bunny problems ever since some Pommie tosser decided to release some so that he could practice his shooting :roll: In response we have 2 bunny killer viruses we could lend you... mixamatosis and calisi viruses both did an outstanding job of controlling the bunnies. I think their working on the next one cos they do stop working after a while.

    Kat remind me to give you a very small dose of calisi the next time you go rabbid :)
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !


    Now, here's a quick lesson :

    Energizer bunny :

    Duracell bunny :

    And the how and why of the two...
  13. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:fbc12f86ef="inwig"]Katcal is obviously excepted from that - her runny babbit is inflatable not battery driven.[/quote:fbc12f86ef]

    Firstly, my babbit is not runny, and secondly, it is not inflatable nor battery driven, it has its own power lead, and connects to the web via WiFi...

  14. inwig New Member

    Well that piece of cover just got shrapnelled. :?

    Let me rephrase my last inflatable comment that to 'At least Kat's rabbit (avatar) can morph.'

    Sorry Kat no offense was meant. :oops:
  15. Maljonic Administrator

    I'm just in the middle of updating my online dream diary, copying it over from my bedside book, and reached this entry and thought of this thread:

    [quote:5b96a68950="Maljonic's Dream Diary"]15-September-2006: I dreamt that I was on the coast of Yorkshire, England, in a town called Scarborough. The seas where wild and a group of us were expecting an invasion force from unknown enemies. The invaders turned out to be thousands of rabbits and guinea-pigs, parachuting in and landing ashore in boats. I’m not sure what happened but we eventually had them cornered on their makeshift headquarters at Lindisfarne, the Holy Island.[/quote:5b96a68950]
  16. inwig New Member

    So Mal are you saying that my paranoid response to hordes of pink dream rabbits is cos of them being refugees escaping some dream.
    That explains a great deal. Maybe I should be more understanding of them.
  17. Katcal I Aten't French !

    No offense taken whatsoever, inwig ;) I was merely clarifying a technical point :) What counts is that my bunny is battery free ! And yet... I still go on... and on... and on... :cooler:
  18. inwig New Member

    [quote:5fde8521e8="Katcal"]What counts is that my bunny is battery free ! And yet... I still go on... and on... and on... :cooler:[/quote:5fde8521e8]

    Hoppy now? :D
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Very hoppy.

  20. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:84b989ee89="Katcal"]Very hoppy.


    I think these bad puns are going to make my brain melt. Stop it before I get brain goo on you!
  21. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Vegebraingoo !!!!

    AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!! **waves piece of toast with Marmite**
  22. Ba Lord of the Pies

    *Unplugs the bunny*
  23. Katcal I Aten't French !

    HAhahaaa !!! This bunny is Marmite-powered, pie face ! **splats toast in Ba's face and hops away in something that is far from being a straight line**
  24. Ba Lord of the Pies

    *Removes the bunny's legs, and then ears, and then renders the marmite inert*
  25. Katcal I Aten't French !

    spoil sport... :cooler:

    Edit : besides, the bunny has no legs, the ears are attached by magnets and you can buy spare ones, and marmite can [b:8384dcd5b2]never [/b:8384dcd5b2]be made inert. :p
  26. inwig New Member

    **shudders and runs**
  27. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Ritalin check, guys.
  28. inwig New Member

    Ritalin! Thats worse than the brown goo. Thank goodness that hadn't been discovered when I was growing up. My youngest brother had to go on it for the family inherrited MBD, and it was bad. I have it too but the opposite hemisphere and just got through it cos my dad had the patience to teach me control.

    Sorry if its irritating Buzzfloyd. Life could be worse. There could be more like me. :badgrin:
  29. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Life could indeed be worse. I like to ask nicely first time. :)
  30. Ba Lord of the Pies

    [quote:299a2d92a3="Katcal"]...and marmite can [b:299a2d92a3]never [/b:299a2d92a3]be made inert. :p[/quote:299a2d92a3]

    Katcal has no idea of the strange and eldritch power Ba holds over food.
  31. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:e8ee84f4fd="Ba"][quote:e8ee84f4fd="Katcal"]...and marmite can [b:e8ee84f4fd]never [/b:e8ee84f4fd]be made inert. :p[/quote:e8ee84f4fd]

    Katcal has no idea of the strange and eldritch power Ba holds over food.[/quote:e8ee84f4fd]

    Thats the first time I've heard the words eldritch and food in the same sentance.
  32. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    You've never read the "Cake of Cuthulu" Om?
  33. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:aabde85d39="Bradthewonderllama"]You've never read the "Cake of Cuthulu" Om?[/quote:aabde85d39]

    No, but that made me laugh. Is it a real book?
  34. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    It is if you write it...

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