Buzzfloyd's birthday...

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Oct 13, 2006.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    right, maybe you guys would like to help out on this one, since lord knows you'll bend over backwards and travel around the globe to see grace on her birthday but i only get a damn birthday thread if i start it myself.

    see, it turns out there's a 'lawful good' collector's edition of Neverwinter Nights 2, which I didn't know about. This would be a fantastic thing for grace, since she could play her lawful good edition while i play my chaotic evil edition, and we could game together.

    but, the lawful good collector's edition was exclusive to and they report that they're sold out. the bastards.

    now, i did some googling, but the only alternatives that turned up were on a site that was half in german, so i don't know if it was an english version of the game or not. the other site that might have had it only shipped to south africa.

    so, who wants to help find an english version of the lawful good collector's edition that i can get for grace's birthday? hmm?
  2. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    But, shhh, don't let me find out about it!
  3. Hsing Moderator

  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:a13988cadc="Garner"]right, maybe you guys would like to help out on this one, since lord knows you'll bend over backwards and travel around the globe to see grace on her birthday but i only get a damn birthday thread if i start it myself. [/quote:a13988cadc]

    Well, hey, maybe if you put your birthday in the calendar or you know, like... [i:a13988cadc]told [/i:a13988cadc]people about it, they'd know ? :D Duuuuh !

    I'll have a look around, see if an english version has drifted somewere near, you never know, sometimes they get import versions for that kind of thing... Oh and don't worry, promise I won't tell Grace :D
  5. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I have no idea what you're talking about, but I'm willing to help. :)
  6. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Hsing has found one. praise Hsing! praise her!

    now... who wants to help pay for it?
  7. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I can chip in a little. I would be more than happy since you are putting up for a few days saving me the cost of hotels. But then, I'm cooking for you. So I guess it evens out.
  8. koshu New Member

    [quote:4b4c516d88]now, i did some googling, but the only alternatives that turned up were on a site that was half in german, so i don't know if it was an english version of the game or not. the other site that might have had it only shipped to south africa.[/quote:4b4c516d88]

    i know you said that Hsing alrady found one but im probably coming to UK in november(the end of november) and i could maybe bring it ith me if that would make it cheaper cause the pound to rand you know.

    umm im only 16 so no help with the cash as we say here *im as broke as a lighty who bailed out the bus* (it means VERY!!)

    ill have to make certain im caoming before i agree definitly but im about 80% sure that i am.
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    On the money side, the question would be who would we be paying and how much ? The point being that cashing a cheque from a foreign bank, and even moreso in a foreign currency can mean a commission, and if the cheque isn't for that much, then it's just not worth it. For our wedding a couple of friends of the family who couldn't come sent us cheques for £20 or £30 and the bank just wouldn't cash them because the commision was as much as the amount on the cheque... :?
  10. spiky Bar Wench

    Those French banks sound like dodgy bastards.

    You could always set up PayPal for Grace's birthday present and then spam the internet to get people to put money into it :)
  11. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I've been trying to make Garner post to say that no one has to give him money to help him buy me a present. I see he hasn't done so yet!
  12. Hsing Moderator

    About the chipping in and money transferring thing:

    Spoilers for Grace:
  13. Pixel New Member

    [quote:6c36c6d559="spiky"]Those French banks sound like dodgy bastards.

    You could always set up PayPal for Grace's birthday present and then spam the internet to get people to put money into it :)[/quote:6c36c6d559]

    It's not just the French banks - with the introduction of the Euro and the laws about financial compatibility, all the banks in Europe are finding other ways of making their profit without taking advantage of exchange rates. One has to remember, something that a lot of people don't realise, that there is more money about than there is cash - a lot of "money" is just book-keeping - the cash that you have put into your bank account is then being lent out to other people thus earning interest for the bank - using cheques/plastic/computer transfers is just moving numbers around - If everybody with a standard bank account went and demanded to draw out all their money in cash, the whole system would crash.
    When an international transfer is made, given the SWIFT network and other banking networks the transfer could be made in seconds, at a cost for the messages that is standard, regardless of the sum involved - "commission" based on the amount should not come into it (I have a particular interest in this aspect at the moment because I am getting interim payments from my late parent's estate) - but the banks like to have the money to play with as long as they can delay getting it to the rightful owner!

    Sorry for the tirade - it just hit a nerve - especially as I spent seven years writing software to help them - mea culpa!
  14. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    just resurecting this topic because i've discovered that the website that had the other collectors edition now reports them as in stock again... and i even called up to ask if that would happen and they said no.

  15. Hsing Moderator

    Curse Atari. I'm so sorry this didn't work out. Obiously, they had promised the edition to a number of traders and then made a deal with "an English chain", and cancelled all other orders. *shrughs* Another theory is that the special edition doesn't really exist and is only a made up media phantom.
  16. drunkymonkey New Member

    I saw a collector's edition in GAME a few weeks ago, not sure whether it was Good/Evil ones though; I think it was standard (irony, eh?) collector's edition.

    Still, at least the game rocks.
  17. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    GAME has the Chaotic Evil edition, which i own a copy of.

    ironicly, after all the headaches that have gone into trying to get a copy of the Lawful Good edition, it now turns out that i don't think grace's video card meets the minimum requirements for the game!
  18. drunkymonkey New Member

    Which one has she got? I'll (probably) know whether it will.
  19. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    ATI 9600 base chip. the game's minimum requirements call for an ATI 9800 base, and recommend an X800 or better.

    however, the 9600 *is* listed as supported in the readme, so who knows.

    i'd rather not shell out highway robbery prices on eBay for the lawful good edition (not that nayone's selling it there, though) only to find out that grace can't run it worth a damn.
  20. drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:a4148a83d6="Garner"]ATI 9600 base chip. the game's minimum requirements call for an ATI 9800 base, and recommend an X800 or better.

    however, the 9600 *is* listed as supported in the readme, so who knows.

    i'd rather not shell out highway robbery prices on eBay for the lawful good edition (not that nayone's selling it there, though) only to find out that grace can't run it worth a damn.[/quote:a4148a83d6]

    The readme is normally more up to date. It depends on whether the rest of the computer is up to scratch as well. I mean, if you wanted to upgrade, they're starting to come out quite cheap, and it's worth it, because you'll see a benefit in a lot of things; not just games.
  21. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    meh, upgrading the video card aint gonna boost anything else.

    grace DID have a 9800 card, but the memory in it burned out. ah well.

    its occured to me that i could test grace's computer's ability to run the game by just installing my copy on it and seeing if it works. but that'd mean i had to take the disk out of my computer, and i don't think i'm willing to do that just yet.
  22. drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:6293c45772="Garner"]meh, upgrading the video card aint gonna boost anything else.

    grace DID have a 9800 card, but the memory in it burned out. ah well.

    its occured to me that i could test grace's computer's ability to run the game by just installing my copy on it and seeing if it works. but that'd mean i had to take the disk out of my computer, and i don't think i'm willing to do that just yet.[/quote:6293c45772]Doesn't Neverwinter Nights 2 run off the hard-drive, and not the disk-drive?
  23. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    yeah, but i'm assuming it'll need the disk in the drive to start up - securom or somethin similar.
  24. drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:be16604f92="Garner"]yeah, but i'm assuming it'll need the disk in the drive to start up - securom or somethin similar.[/quote:be16604f92]You misunderstood me a bit. I know that games run off hard-drives, and they often need the disk to boot up, but I thought NW2 might be an exception. But Securom, if it has it, might prevent that.
  25. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    i don't think i misunderstood you at all... the majority of games these days run entirely off the harddrive, but require the original install media in the drive at start up.

    securom is just one of the more popular of the copy protection methods that require the cd in the drive.

    i doubt NWN2's an exception, but i haven't tried it without the disk.
  26. drunkymonkey New Member

    "Doesn't Neverwinter Nights 2 run off the hard-drive, and not the disk-drive?"

    "yeah, but i'm assuming it'll need the disk in the drive to start up - securom or somethin similar."

    I was actually referring to the possibility that it might not need the disk to boot up. I guess I didn't put it clear enough.

    There's been a few games recently that haven't needed the disk to run. Company of Heroes for example. I would have thought a game like NW2, with so much emphasis on mods, wouldn't need a disk to boot up.

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