Calling all super heroes....

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Jan 5, 2007.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    I hab a gold.
  2. TamyraMcG Active Member

    You are not alone, others share your suffering. Drink warm fliuids and get plenty of rest and eventually you'll feel better. I'm sort of feeling like I'm getting a cold too. I escaped my usual Christmas cold, I guess you really don't get more bad then you can bear, but now that my birthday is on the horizon I'm almost bound to be sick.
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I too hab a gold.

    I've had a sore throat for weeks, it's been kind of hanging around since Dutchcon really... damn gold.

    Don't know why all those dwarves sing about it so much. Must be the damp mine environment.

    Edditud forr spullng
  4. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    both grace and i are suffering a bit, i think the jet lag has made the cold worse than it should have been. still, we've returned safely from america and can get back to ignoring everything that goes on around here.
  5. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    This feels more like the sinusitis that I had last year, to be honest. But it certainly sucks a lot.
  6. drunkymonkey New Member

    Screw global warmings, the illness of the sore throat is humanity's worst nemesis.
  7. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I can deal with a sore throat, no problem. It's the constantly running, achingly inflamed, miserably irritated sinus cavity that pisses me off.
  8. Delphine New Member

    I also have a cold. Doors arrived with it last week, and left without it on wednesday, the cold having found a new home in my head.

    I also have a wisdom tooth coming through, so it's an unfortunate mix of toothache, earache, headache and sore throat. And that tickly itchy nose thing which makes you think you really need to sneeze. But it never happens! So all you can do is scrunch your nose up in an attempt to scratch the unscratchable, and resist the urge to go excavating with the nearest sharp implement to hand.

    What helps? Beechams All in One. Or a hot toddy. Or a hot chocolate. With cream, of course. Or a bath with a sprinkle of Olbas Oil in it. But only a sprinkle, it's extremely potent. Water, apparently. But don't go swimming in the sea, that would only make things worse.
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yay ! Another thing to blame Doors for ! (just for once it really is his fault...)

    However, I disagree with the comment on the sea. If it was a nice warm sea, it would help. Rum also helps. In fact, the carribean is the best place to be when you have a cold, I can testify. Unfortunately, an aeroplane is probably the worst place, so all in all, stick at home under the blankets and drink rum, honey and lemon juice tea... Yummy.
  10. Angua_rox New Member

    I get colds a lot, and have hayfever, so even in summer I have coldlike symptoms. :S

    Lemsip with brown sugar and lemon juice stirred into it is good.
  11. missy New Member

    I have a cough, my usual one i get every year that makes me lose my voice and sound dead sexy!

    (shame about the phlem and snot that goes with it)
  12. Angua_rox New Member

    Phlegm and snot can be sexy!

    Ok, so they can't.
    But it would be nice if they were!
  13. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Here's a really big, sympathetic AWWW! for all the members with colds and sore throats. Hope you all get better soon :)

    I feel great at present gnh, gnh, gnh :D
  14. missy New Member

    You might feel good but i sound great and thats cheered me AND made me feel better so ner ner na ner ner!
  15. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **Finishes her voodoo jester doll and sticks a big pin in it**

    Gnah !!
  16. Hsing Moderator

    I keep thinking I gave you all my daughter's cold in Utrecht, which ultimately made it around the world... :( :oops: I swear I am a fanatical handwasher and all, especially when I know I have a child with a cold at home, but my daughter's cold was probably a little virus which is going around here, and they have magical powers when it comes to spreading. If it was really me - I am embarassed and not at all proud our cold made it around the globe...

    I hope you all get better soon. I realized I was getting sick on the train home from Utrecht, all of a sudden, and from that day on it took me two weeks before I could breathe trhough my nose again. I had a week or so where I honestly was waiting for my brain to drip out of my ears due to the pressure on my sinuses.

    Edit to add second paragraph...
  17. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Ha! Ha! Ha!...Missed. You only got me in the bells! :lol:
  18. allthatjazz New Member

    Cough here. Yeah everyone I know is sick, probably because we are having unseasonably warm weather right now, it gets really cold at night and is warm in the day and everyone is confused and (surprisingly enough) sick. Darn global warming.
  19. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    It may surprise many people to learn that the US company "Victoria's Secret" and the UK company "Anne Summers" have indeed carried out a survey into global warming. Here is the results of their work from the past 100 or so years.


    Apologies in advance if anyone finds this picture humorously incorrect, and Katcal... Lay off with the pins, please. Further to my previous post, I'm now finding it hard to tinkle! :)
  20. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Joculator, you should try singing a song to yourself, it helps to concentrate and also bigs up your ego... Tinkle tinkle little star... :D
    Funny pic though ;)

    Hsing, don't worry, I had a cold on arrival in Utrecht, so it's not yours ;) It's MINE now, all MIIIINE !!! **evil laugh**
    Edit : my "cold" has now gone on past sniffles and sore throats, all that is left is a strange taste in my mouth as if some evil monkey had done a doodoo in there, no brushing or throatsweet sucking will make it go away... yuck :oops:

    **pokes Rinso with a spoon** Damn evil monkey.
  21. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Don't worry, Hsing, if we were going to catch a cold from you, we'd have had it before we went away to America. Ours is an American cold, but it sounds very similar to Ella's Scottish one.

    Ella, you shouldn't have cream on your hot chocolate if you have a cold, and should avoid dairy products altogether, because they increase mucus production.

    Today, I have earache, a sore throat, a chesty cough, only half a voice and a chapped face - but the sinuses have calmed down, so I feel ten times better. It's horrible when it feels like the inside of your face wants to sneeze/implode/be scratched/haemhorrage.
  22. Delphine New Member

    Really? I didn't know that. But hot chocolate is the best when it's with cream! Damn mucus production.

    My mum made Doors a hot toddy, with calvados, lemon juice, honey and hot water. I attempted to make one the next day and it was undrinkable. God knows what her secret is. Less calvados, probably :roll:
  23. Electric_Man Templar

    Ella, I doubt the drink tastes so good cold.

    Hsing, I haven't had a cold at all since before I went to Holland, so by the sound of it, you didn't debilitate anyone. Call yourself german? :roll:
  24. Hsing Moderator

    Yeah... and I was secretly congratulating my cold to invading the globe within two weeks...
  25. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Stupid sinuses, stupid fate being so easily tempted.

    Ella, good things for stripping and/or drying out mucus are oranges/orange juice or anything citrusy, and mints or anything with menthol.

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