Ch-ch-ch-Changes Round II

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Jan 26, 2007.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Since Damien and CJ were so neck and neck in the votes last time, I considered saying they have to swap for this time around, and each be the acting version of the other.

    But i decided that was silly. So instead, both Damien and CJ are simultaneous Acting Maljonic, until the end of the month.

    Om is now acting Kenny/Colonesque, until the end of the month.

    Something Clever is now acting Buzzfloyd.

    Buzzfloyd is now acting Something Clever.

    Katcal is now acting Doors,

    Doors is now acting Ba,

    Ba is now acting Rinso.

    Mynona is now acting Garner.

    all effective until the end of the month.

    edit: no typos here... run along and play now...

    edit 2: shut up, chris.
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !


    Yeah, like as if that wasn't dead predictable, you southern bastard.

    Ach !
  3. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    its the auld alliance, what can i say?
  4. chrisjordan New Member

    Hello. :smile:

    Oh this seems interesting, maybe I will add a few more board features that will subtly alter your consciousness and render you all my slaves. Depends how extremely evil I'm feeling really. :smile:
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ah mean for Pete's sake, man, it wuz Burns' night yestarday, Ahm barely over mah hangover ye haggis on legs, and ye expect me to immutate that damn scottish sheepshagger ?

    Ach !

    Edit : Evil Mal ? Yeah, like we're gonna buy that ! :D
  6. chrisjordan New Member

    Your existence is over, Scottish man. :smile:
  7. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Help! I'm confusd. What's going on... again? :roll:
  8. Orrdos God

    Ba would point out that Katcals imitation of Doors is full of glaring errors, such as the fact that Doors does not infact type English in a Scottish accent, that Doors hates Burns night, hasn't had a hangover in over one standard year, that the phrase "for petes sake" has probably never been uttered by any Scottish person ever and that the internal organs of sheep do not infact have legs.

    Ba would point this out, but Ba doesn't really care.
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hah !!

  10. Rincewind Number One Doorman

  11. chrisjordan New Member

    Oh, I hope you're not mocking me, you putrid little shit. :smile:

    [Disclaimer: being evil/true Mal is actually a lot of fun.]
  12. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Hey, Miss Anj, hope you're doing OK, hun!! I'm honored to be chosen as Acting Something Clever! Seems like being Acting Buzzfloyd would be pretty hard, so I guess I drew the long straw!!! :lol:

    ::hugs:: :badgrin:
  13. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Hah ! I have found out why that southern bastard appointed me Acting Doors, he want's me to stop posting for 4 months at a time !

    Well it's not working, ya hear me !! **shakes an angry fist at Garner**
  14. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **in a whiny kid voice** Gaaaarner, this kilt itches, when can I take it oooooff ?
  15. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    hmm. this was patheticly boring compared to last time.

    Right, until futher notice, Rinso is acting Katcal.
  16. Katcal I Aten't French !

    That's not quite fair, I'm sure he could do the stupidity ok, but the poor guy can't stick around all day posting useless drivvel, he has better things to do (especially being a TV star and all that...

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