Chain Diary the IInd - virtual version

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Hsing, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. Hsing Moderator

    The idea came up here, in the original Chain Diary thread:

    Idea for

    Project 1:

    Everyone can join, no matter with what.

    You can either send me a pdf file or a jpg, or whatever else is sendable, or you can send me real stuff to my actual postal adress.

    I will have it printed out, if neccessary, and bound. I will also have everything scanned that is being sent to me.
    Take care no entry is larger than a DIN A 4 page, and keep a space of 3 cm free on the left, so it can be bound. This would result in a second, real life Chain Diary, that could be put up for some kind of charity auction. The scanning would result in a pdf version of said Diary, that, should someone be able to host it, could be downloaded by everyone.

    Thios way, it would not have the feel of a "book that has travelled the world", but it would be far faster for everyone involved, it would be open and probably cheaper for the participants, and the danger of all of the stuff getting lost in the mail is slim.

    Idea for
    Project 2:
    The solely didital project. It was also discussed, but I have only a vague idea how this might work - people sent stuff in which is put up online. Ultimately, though, this would be a kind of group gallery. I don't know.

    Discuss what you have in mind.

    And just because it has been asked - now the following is just my opinion: I think participants with all kinds of posting history from newbie to veteran should feel welcomed to take part (some newbies interested kept asking). Recycling material and ideas should be okay, I think; after all, its meant to be a kind of Boardanian album. Don't reagard it as a kind of competition of who makes the coolest and most creative entry, although trying wouldn't harm, a snapshot from the last DMC with a few words would be just as cool - at least I think so. :)
  2. Cynical_Youth New Member

    I will start preparing something. :)
  3. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

  4. Hsing Moderator

    So, erm... Project I, then?
  5. QuothTheRaven New Member

    So, when shoud we have are contributions in to you (I am a notorious procrastinator, and if you don't give me a date I might put it off forever).
  6. Hsing Moderator

    I say, give it some time - send me your stuff from now on until the end of the year. Keep in mind that's only six and a half weeks from now on!

    Please pm me for email as well as postal adress, if you don't have it already. If you have one, and got it within the last two years, nothing has changed since then.

    I hope you understand that I won't give my postal adress to absolute newbies. Its a little different from those postcard switches and Santa thingies where you or at least someone got the other one's adress too.
  7. Hsing Moderator

    Noone ever sent me anything. Is there still some interest in this? :)
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Um yes... but people need regular prodding of the buttocks to induce the chemical reaction in the brain that will then make the fingers remove themselves from whatever orifice they have been stuck up for so damn long.
  9. Hsing Moderator

    Okay, lets start anew then.

    Anyone who wants serious and regular prodding sign up now. Then I will set a future date for stuff to be sent, and then I will start kickung you all shortly after the deadline.

    Who wants to participate?
  10. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I wouldn't mind a fair share of kicking...
  11. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I want to participate, but require regular prodding in order to actually do so.
  12. Hex New Member

    Now that I am back to posting without much interference from the outside world, I could contribute something -- I'll have use of my parents' scanner at their house over spring break, and could get something prepared then. Count me in!
  13. Tephlon Active Member

    Feel free to prod me.

    ps Hex: Awesome sig/quote!
  14. Hsing Moderator

    *prods everyone*
  15. Katcal I Aten't French !

  16. Tephlon Active Member

    heee, that tickles!
  17. roisindubh211 New Member

    I'd like to participate, but I don't really understand what kind of things we're putting in. Drawings? Writing? Actually-Board related or Pratchett-related or just us-related?
  18. Hsing Moderator

    Whatever you want!

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