Christmas or Hogwatch greetings

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Joculator, Dec 2, 2006.

  1. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    I haven't seen a thread for greetings so far so I took the liberty to create one. I was going to post a picture of our Christmas tree, but then again, that's a bit too normal. Instead I thought I would post the music and words to a short carol I wrote last year. Its only three verses because it was intended for my friend's primary school choir but I think it says it all, or at least enough to remind us what the festive season is suposed to be.

    Seasons Greetings to all the members.


    If you want to hear the tune, it's posted under the sheet music section on my web site.
  2. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Very nice Joculator, although rather ambitiously pitched, I would have thought! ;)
  3. Joculator The 'Old' Fool

    Voices of angels, Grace :)

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