Colour of Magic on dvd

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by clockworkpenguin, Apr 1, 2008.

  1. clockworkpenguin New Member

    Ever since I heard that Colour of Magic was going to be on Sky TV I have been looking out for a copy on DVD.
    I do not have access to Sky one so could not watch it at Easter.
    I have searched the internet for a copy for sale on DVD but no luck.
    I have however seen lots of threads in forums where people are copying and swapping dvd copies.

    I would have though it would pay SKy and Terry to get this out commercially on DVD at once as they are loosing sales to all us rabid Pratchett fans who do not have SKY TV.
    Please can anyone tell me if it is already available on dvd and if so where I can get a copy or if not when it will become available as I am going to throw myself off the rim if I do not get to see it soon.:question:
  2. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Getting a film ready for DVD takes a lot longer than the version for TV, not only do you need to do the packaging, graphics, DVD navigation, but also the bonus features, recording the commentaries, and all that, plus all the commercial and marketing side of things, working out the distribution deals, all that takes time, and that's probably time they didn't have while they were preparing the amazing amount of fuss for the promotion of the TV airing. It's the same process as a movie release, and I've never yet seen a movie released on DVD directly after it hit the theatres. Also, there are probably re-runs on Sky for a while...

    The Hogfather DVD came out a good 6 months after the film was on TV, that's quicker than a movie will appear on DVD, and honestly, it's not that bad. It also allows time for rabid fans to get all worked up and impatient, go ranting around on all available forums and ready to throw their money at the posh collector version as soon as it hits the stores instead of waiting a couple of months for the old basic version...
  3. clockworkpenguin New Member

    Oh How I agree with your second paragraph - I did the same when the Soul Music/ Wyrd sister cartoons came out and paid a fortune for a collectors edition which came with Going Postal which I already had. And the quality of those two films was a big let down. I did like Hogfather through and although I don't quite see David Jason as Rincewind (I can think of much more suitable actors for the part) I am really looking forward to seeing Colour of Magic as it was the first book and sets the scene for most of discworld. Thanks for your calming advice though.

    Oook Oook
  4. Phydler New Member

    I too am awaiting an american release of the DVD, I have been a fan of the books sence I first picked up the book Guards Guards Guards in 1994, and have the two toons and the Hogfather DVD so my collection is lacking this last one

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