Colour of Magic on Sky One

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. Maljonic Administrator

  2. Ozzer New Member

    He thinks "Colour of Magic" is a better story than Hogfather?? Did he actually read it? It seems like sort of an odd choice...
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Meh, Color of magic is so different I wouldn't even compare them, it's kindof a logical choice to do the first book pretty soon, is it more enjoyable than Hogfather ? Well, I guess that's a personal taste thing.

    But... David Jason as Rincewind ? Isn't he, like, 105 years old or something ? I always saw Rincewind as kind of mid to late 30's, not really young, not really old... (I just checked, he's 67...:eek: ) Albert was a great role for him, but Rincewind ?

    I say they should hire Damien for it, he is the best Rinso, after all... :cool:
  4. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Damien *does* look shockingly like a young Rincewind.
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    And of course he is already a major showbiz star...
  6. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I'm far to high brow to get involved in any of this fantasy tat.
  7. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I'm glad they're making it and I'm glad David Jason's involved, but... as Rincewind??? I have to agree with Kat there. And I can't agree that TCOM is a better story, but David Jason has been a fan since early days, so perhaps he's some kind of total fantasy geek.
  8. Stercus Stercus New Member

    Nothing against David Jason because he's a fantastic actor. But he's no Rincewind. Rincewind's meant to be built like a long distance runner for a start.
  9. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    He is completely mis-cast for Rincewind. I think he's playing the lead for production rather than editorial reasons. He's probably the biggest star thats going to want to be a part of the show. The advertising for Hogfather had him billed as the main lead, not as a comic side kick. He's got his own fan base and will make the show more accessable for non-fantasy fans. Pity the decieded to just wedge him in rather than use a book that would actually suit him, like Mort.

    There are much better books to adapt in my opinion. Compared to some of the latter books CoM doesn't have that much going on. I'd suggest Guards Guards but I know the CGI they would use would be gringe worthy.

    Wryd Sisters with it's shakesphearian parody would be the best in my book.
  10. HalfJack New Member

    Hm. Mixed emotions on that one.

    On the one hand, it's pretty great that they're doing more Discworld adaptations, and when I can get my hands on it, I shall.

    But I agree that David Jason is no good for the role. He doesn't have the right feel for it, which could kill the production. And that would be a shame.

    Plus, I don't think it's fair that he gets to be Albert AND Rincewind. It's just hogging roles. =)
  11. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Rincewind is so lowbrow his eyebrows are often mistaken for a beard.
  12. missy New Member

    i always thought of him as too mono brow my self. The whole face full of hair like cousin IT.
  13. mr_scrub New Member

    The link at the top doesn't work anymore, at least for me.
  14. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    That explains the 'beard'!
  15. Mithras-Kosmokrator New Member

    David Jason as Rincewind?? No no no no no no. He's a great actor, but he's nothing like Rincewind (IMO). CoM is such a different animal to pretty much the rest of the series, it's an odd choice - largely a straightforward fantasy parody rather than holding up a mirror to our own world. Death is a a very different character to how he appears in most of the other books. I'm a bit worried about this rumoured big American actor, too - not so much that he's American (although if he used an American accent it would grate with me), but that they might cast fame over suitability for the part - as they seem to have done with David.
  16. Maljonic Administrator

    I'm not sure. If, like he says he is, David is a Discworld fan, perhaps he thinks he can pull it off, that the role is within his acting capabilities.
  17. mr_scrub New Member

    Rincewind has been a failed wizard for a long time. His age has never been specified so there is no real limit to the age. Anyway he looks pretty old on the front of TLC.
  18. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    The front of TLF has nothing to do with the actuall discribtion in the book, from memory the discribtion in CoM it discribed him has having a short beard and said something like "He had the look of an appretice enchanter who ran off from his master because he had a linering taste for heterosexuality". Which implies youth. It's not just an age thing. Rincewind is tall and skinny, a runner, a rodent. It's terrible casting, no disrepect so his excellent acting. But just because someone is a good actor, doesn't mean they can play a role that they're not right for.
  19. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Mah, I vote for Brian Blessed as Rincewind then. And Brad Pitt as Dibbler.
  20. Maljonic Administrator

    Nonsense I cry!

    How about Angelina Jolie as Granny Weatherwax, huh, huh?

    Attached Files:

  21. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I'd watch it...but for probably the wrong reasons. Sordid reasons.
  22. Maljonic Administrator

    I know exactly what you mean, you'd trick her into being your girlfriend then blag tickets to the premiere viewing at Leicester Square.
  23. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Mal, you cannot be serious... I mean how wrong is having Granny making out with Dibbler as soon as the cameras stop rolling ? (ok, so Digital cameras don't roll, whatever...)

    Ewww !
  24. Orrdos God

    To move the conversation to slightly less hideous waters, there is only one actor that is Rincewind.

    Eric Idle.
  25. Mithras-Kosmokrator New Member

    According to the Discworld Timeline (The Discworld Timeline : The Timeline) Rincewind was born in UC1932. This would make him 32 in CoM (UC1964). Of course, the reliability of the time line isn't guaranteed, but the age sounds about right and the compiler seems to have done their homework.
  26. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Yes! I'm with you, Doors.
  27. Stercus Stercus New Member

    I always had Eric Idle down as Dibbler, Nudge nudge, wink wink, say no more.
  28. Maljonic Administrator

    That guy who was in The Office and Pirates of the Caribbean would be quite good, if you're basing it on looks, age and acting skills.

    The one on the left in this picture:

  29. Stercus Stercus New Member

    MacKenzie Crooke, Yeah, he's right for Rincewind and so is Simon Pegg in my opinion.
  30. Maljonic Administrator

    I've tried creating one of those number 10 Prime Minister petitions to stop David Jason playing Rincewind, I'm not sure if they will approve it or not though. I will post it if they do. :smile:
  31. Mithras-Kosmokrator New Member

    Imagine if it succeeded - what headlines it would produce! It could be part of Labour's new manifesto - "If re-elected, Labour will prevent unsuitable actors being cast in the role of Discworld characters..." I'd vote for them :wink:
  32. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I always thought Mackenzie Crook would make a great Reg Shoe. It's in the eyes.
  33. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    And our servey says...DING! Correct Answer.
  34. TheJackal Member

    David Jason is totally wrong for Rincewind! He's a great actor, granted, but come on! He's too old, small and couldn't run fast.
  35. Stercus Stercus New Member

    Ok, I'll throw another name in the mix, How about Kris Marshall from My Family!
  36. Katcal I Aten't French !

    As Rincewind ? Hang on, is he the son ? I'm lousy at names. If so, he's a little young, bet yeah, not too bad.
  37. Stercus Stercus New Member

    He's the older son, The one in the BT ads, He's 34 which makes him about the right age according to the discworld timeline.
  38. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I could see it, but I still think Eric Idle is the one.
  39. hitchhiker42 New Member

    Rather than the bt guy... what about the other guy? Played the oh god of hangovers in the Hogfather. He looks vaguely rincewind-ish.
  40. HalfJack New Member

    I'm still pulling for tony robinson as rincewind....I know it's a hangover from his blackadder days but he just looks so wonderfully put upon
  41. Maljonic Administrator

    Oh I don't know. Baldrick does look sort of put upon, but he's also very stupid and oblivious to it. Rincewind knows what's happening to him all the time, and who's making it happen. I could really see Tony Robinson as Corporal Nobbs or someboby like that, kind of dim witted but occasionally coming up with a good idea by accident.
  42. HalfJack New Member

    or maybe dibbler....
  43. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Nobby = Baldrick, therefore Tony Robinson = Nobby.
  44. Dane New Member

    I'm not sure how it will play out. I think he'd make a good Rincewind for his cynicism, accent and general mannerisms (or at least in the roles he plays) but as someone has said before me he isn't built like a runner, I always imagined Rincewind to be mid-to-late 30's without a beard, fairly tall and skinny with a "drowned rat" look about him. He might be able to pull it off but i don't think it could get much worse than the casting of the Hogfather, most characters looked the part but a lot of the acting was cringe worthy.

    Either way i can't wait to watch it, i think that they'll do a good job of it, hopefully doing the book justice.

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