Comical advertising slogans

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Nov 20, 2005.

  1. Maljonic Administrator

    I saw a sign on a building site today that made me titter:

    [quote:9a25b7c8d1][list:9a25b7c8d1][b:9a25b7c8d1]Moor Lane
    Building Contractors
    Extremely Civil Engineers[/b:9a25b7c8d1][/list:u:9a25b7c8d1][/quote:9a25b7c8d1]

    Anyone have any more? :)
  2. KaptenKaries New Member

    I know a couple of good ones in Swedish, but none in English off the top of my head.
  3. TheJackal Member

    I saw a public carpark with a sign by the entrance which read "No Parking".
    They must have meant you couldn't park in front of the entrance but it was kind of ambiguous
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    [quote:e173202782="TheJackal"]I saw a public carpark with a sign by the entrance which read "No Parking".
    They must have meant you couldn't park in front of the entrance but it was kind of ambiguous[/quote:e173202782]That reminds me of a Billy Connolly story where he's talking about how his dad used to always call him a big Jessy (sp?) when he was growing up. One day on holiday, think it was Hawaii or Florida, he came across a restaurant called Jessies (again sp?) with a parking lot attached and a sign that read, 'Parking for Jessies only' so he took a picture and sent it to his dad. :)
  5. fairyliquid New Member

    I always thought the 'no swimming' signs in the UAE's Wadi's were always funny considering it hadn't rained in over 5 years, it was barren, and when I saw it and the sign was relatively new (wishful thinking maybe).

    I love the Indian sign posts though 'inconvienience is regretted'...there were better though. I shall have to start writting them down, it looks like they picked up a thesaurus and chose the longest, most impressive looking word (which, knowing bombay, was probably what happened).

    I remember seing a sign post pointing to some kind of landmark or other in Dubai, it simply said '---- this way' (I think it was refering to the twin towers). Now this was a 3 lane motor way just off a busy junction, and we headed along it (being lost at the time) and just as we gained a little speed, the road ended. No signs, no notice, no 'road works' to speak of. The tarmac ended and the desert began. It was rather amusing...

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