Computer game signing?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Nov 19, 2005.

  1. Maljonic Administrator

    When did computer game signing get started? I never heard of it until now... Sid Meier is coming to the UK on 25th November to meet fans of his Civilization series and the signing will start at 1.00pm and will continue for about two hours at HMV's superstore at 150 Oxford Street, London, W1 if anyone's interested. :)
  2. Garner Great God and Founding Father


    if anyone's going and can get my manual signed for me, i would be a very happy Garner
  3. colonesque10 New Member

    DAMMIT! Why is it always London. I am the biggest fan of his Civ series yet I live too damn far away to travel there for a signing. Damn you southern fairies. :D
  4. sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:c155828c77="colonesque10"]DAMMIT! Why is it always London. I am the biggest fan of his Civ series yet I live too damn far away to travel there for a signing. Damn you southern fairies. :D[/quote:c155828c77]

    Because [i:c155828c77]real [/i:c155828c77]civilisation stops south of Watford, so they rely on the games? ;)
  5. Dane New Member

    [quote:37791754c3="colonesque10"]DAMMIT! Why is it always London. I am the biggest fan of his Civ series yet I live too damn far away to travel there for a signing. Damn you southern fairies. :D[/quote:37791754c3]

    I second that! That would be so cool to get your game signed by the man himself
  6. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:275d51ed90="Dane"][quote:275d51ed90="colonesque10"]DAMMIT! Why is it always London. I am the biggest fan of his Civ series yet I live too damn far away to travel there for a signing. Damn you southern fairies. :D[/quote:275d51ed90]

    I second that! That would be so cool to get your game signed by the man himself[/quote:275d51ed90]

    Why? Will it make the game any different? You know will a signature unlock the secret 50 levels you didn't know existed until that particular signature touched the game cover....
  7. Bob New Member

    Possibly, but it would definately make it worth more :)

    I've just wasted 6 hours trying to alter the course of the American Revolution, Civ 4 is a lot like the original but with better graphics :)

    On Mal's original question, I've never heard of a game signing before, although apart from Sid, I don't know who else would be famous enough to warrant a signing..
    Maybe David Braben (Elite) or perhaps Archer Maclean (Dropzone, International Karate+) ?

  8. Delphine New Member

    I'd love to meet Ron Gilbert (Monkey Islands 1 & 2)

    Mainly to bombard him with questions til I get arrested for harrasment. It'd be worth it for some answers though. :)
  9. drunkymonkey New Member

    Hehe, me too.

    Video games signing has become a bigger thing now, or at least it has with developers who will actually label their products. Ron Gilbert, Sid Meier, Hideo Kojima are becoming the first in a line of gaming celebrities.

    I think that as gaming as a culture grows, so will the people behind the scenes. Let's put it this way. Grand Theft Auto is one the most successful game series ever, and yet no gaming outsiders know who make it. I may not watch a major movie, but I know who is the main actor and director.
  10. Roman_K New Member

    [quote:efeb45ed89="drunkymonkey"]Hehe, me too.

    Video games signing has become a bigger thing now, or at least it has with developers who will actually label their products. Ron Gilbert, Sid Meier, Hideo Kojima are becoming the first in a line of gaming celebrities.

    I think that as gaming as a culture grows, so will the people behind the scenes. Let's put it this way. Grand Theft Auto is one the most successful game series ever, and yet no gaming outsiders know who make it. I may not watch a major movie, but I know who is the main actor and director.[/quote:efeb45ed89]

    Depends on who is the main effort behind the game. Someone writes dialogue, someone else designs the actual plot, and a multitude of people work on the graphics these days. Who is more important?
  11. drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:e12c242d7f="Roman_K"][quote:e12c242d7f="drunkymonkey"]Hehe, me too.

    Video games signing has become a bigger thing now, or at least it has with developers who will actually label their products. Ron Gilbert, Sid Meier, Hideo Kojima are becoming the first in a line of gaming celebrities.

    I think that as gaming as a culture grows, so will the people behind the scenes. Let's put it this way. Grand Theft Auto is one the most successful game series ever, and yet no gaming outsiders know who make it. I may not watch a major movie, but I know who is the main actor and director.[/quote:e12c242d7f]

    Depends on who is the main effort behind the game. Someone writes dialogue, someone else designs the actual plot, and a multitude of people work on the graphics these days. Who is more important?[/quote:e12c242d7f]

    The guy that first envisoned the game, I reckon. Either that, or the leader of the dev team that made the game.

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