Conscription announcement:

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Something Clever is hereby conscripted into the Church of Garner. She, Plaid, and Katcal shall now engage in a sacred right to determine the heirarchy.

    They shall engage in [i:d3c0ff8d8b]Silex, charta, forfex[/i:d3c0ff8d8b], with the champion becoming Novice-At-Arms, and the losers being Novice (Volunteer).
  2. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Kinky! can I watch?
  3. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Depends, are you still a novice?
  4. plaid New Member

    I object.

    how can this all be boiled down to a silly game of chance?

    besides, i was here before either of them.

    it's not fair and i don't like it and i assert my right to boss people around.

    couldn't we at least... have a scrabble tournament or something?

  5. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    hmm... i shall consider this.
  6. drunkymonkey New Member

    Cluedo's obliviously the best at solving stuff like this.
  7. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:503106ca34="Garner"]Depends, are you still a novice?[/quote:503106ca34]

    No, I am a High Preistess.
  8. Wow, I'm honored at the conscription. However, I agree with Plaid. Chance has never been good to me. In fact we had a very turbulant relationship before I met the hubby and I finally had to end the it using a slippery banana peel, a crowbar, and eventually a restraining order.
    I'm game for whatever, though, as long as we dont have to sacrafice something cute.
  9. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    only of grace. semi-seprate structure. myn's my highpriestess. what's your rank for MY sub-set?
  10. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:5d438baf9b="Garner"]only of grace. semi-seprate structure. myn's my highpriestess. what's your rank for MY sub-set?[/quote:5d438baf9b]

    "High Priestess to the Great Goddess and Inadequately Defined Job Description to the Great God - Om Kranti"

    Your words Garner.
  11. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    hmm. okay, then here's my Ad Hoc ruling on the hierarchy of Garner:

    Grace - Popette
    Myn - High Priestess
    Plaid - Mistress of Novices
    Om - Novice of Mistresses
    Anj - Novice-at-Arms
    Katcal - Novice (Volunteer)
  12. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I like it!
  13. I dig it too!

    Thanks be to the Great God, Garner!! :prayer: or should it be :supz:
  14. plaid New Member

    i still want to play scrabble.

    anyone up for it?
  15. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I love scrabble, but I'm sure you have noticed by now that I'm not the worlds best speller.

    But I will be driving through Missouri in November. So perhaps we can have a game then?
  16. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Oh, just for those who were curious: Silex, charta, forfex should be Rock, Paper, Scissors. Thanks to ba for digging up some functional latin nouns.
  17. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba makes no claims as to the grammatical accuracy of those nouns.
  18. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I protest !!!

    Oh alright.

    There's a kind of scrabble on yahoo games, we could fix a time and meet up there if you like...

    Oh and Om, you think Silex, charta, forfex is kinky, wait till you see the naked-pillow-fight-in-mud we've got planned for OmCon.

    Oh, sorry, it was supposed to be a surprise ?
  19. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I don't think it's fair to make pillows fight naked.
  20. inwig New Member

    [quote:9036a4bb39="Rincewind"]I don't think it's fair to make pillows fight naked.[/quote:9036a4bb39]
    Agreed. Have you ever had to get mud out of feathers before.
    *muses: Oil is definitely the worst though.*
  21. Katcal I Aten't French !

    No, tar is the worst...

    Rinso, stop trying to change the subject, you and Doors are not getting out of this, we've already printed the posters and souvenir sickbags!
  22. inwig New Member

    [quote:da064a6f9b="Katcal"]No, tar is the worst...

    Rinso, stop trying to change the subject, you and Doors are not getting out of this, we've already printed the posters and souvenir sickbags![/quote:da064a6f9b]
    I was told feathers are applied after the tar.

    I take it that seeing as how I still have no idea what's going on here there will be peanuts and popcorn for the bemused observers?
  23. QuothTheRaven New Member

    Basicaly, it is a long-running inside Joke. Hang around long enough and you might even be included in it.
  24. Pixel New Member

    [quote:32c3c30ce2="inwig"][quote:32c3c30ce2="Katcal"]No, tar is the worst...

    Rinso, stop trying to change the subject, you and Doors are not getting out of this, we've already printed the posters and souvenir sickbags![/quote:32c3c30ce2]
    I was told feathers are applied after the tar.

    I take it that seeing as how I still have no idea what's going on here there will be peanuts and popcorn for the bemused observers?[/quote:32c3c30ce2]

    As long as you remember that the [i:32c3c30ce2]popcorn[/i:32c3c30ce2] is for eating and the [i:32c3c30ce2]peanuts[/i:32c3c30ce2] are for throwing - aim for the ear - that's the alternative place that the monkey puts his nuts - [size=9:32c3c30ce2]Oh shit!![/size:32c3c30ce2] - No - I meant ape! APE!
  25. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:c92fce65e3="QuothTheRaven"]Basicaly, it is a long-running inside Joke. Hang around long enough and you might even be included in it.[/quote:c92fce65e3]

    And the Joke even deserves a capital... its been around so long and developed so much character that I think the Joke should be registered as a member of the boards.
  26. MrsLibrarian New Member

    *Aims a boiled peanut at Pixel and successfully lodges it in one ear.

    *Ooook ook ook. (Translation: Never, ever call me a monkey)

    *OoOook ook. (Trans: Be thankful it's a boiled not fried).
  27. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:82e0417dc2="spiky"][quote:82e0417dc2="QuothTheRaven"]Basicaly, it is a long-running inside Joke. Hang around long enough and you might even be included in it.[/quote:82e0417dc2]

    And the Joke even deserves a capital... its been around so long and developed so much character that [b:82e0417dc2]I think the Joke should be registered as a member of the boards[/b:82e0417dc2].[/quote:82e0417dc2]

    It is. Look for the monkey avatar... :cooler:

    (I do mean monkey, not ape ;) the one with the pointy finger...)
  28. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    please no posting as discworld characters.
  29. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:8a31178710="Katcal"][quote:8a31178710="spiky"][quote:8a31178710="QuothTheRaven"]Basicaly, it is a long-running inside Joke. Hang around long enough and you might even be included in it.[/quote:8a31178710]

    And the Joke even deserves a capital... its been around so long and developed so much character that [b:8a31178710]I think the Joke should be registered as a member of the boards[/b:8a31178710].[/quote:8a31178710]

    It is. Look for the monkey avatar... :cooler:

    (I do mean monkey, not ape ;) the one with the pointy finger...)[/quote:8a31178710]

    I don't know I did say the Joke has developed character... Can you really say that about the monkey?
  30. Katcal I Aten't French !

    spiky does have a point.

    No pune intended.

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