
Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Ba, Oct 10, 2006.

  1. Ba Lord of the Pies

  2. spiky Bar Wench

    Ow my sinuses.

    Your evil.
  3. KaptenKaries New Member

    A very disturbing thought. What spawned this idea, Ba?
  4. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Ginger beer and menthos ?
  5. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ba was pondering terrible things and happened to notice a similar product in his garage.
  6. redneck New Member

    [quote:ad0b095f2b="spiky"]Ow my sinuses.

    Your evil.[/quote:ad0b095f2b]

    His evil what?

    Was there ever a concensus about where the ginger bear was inserted? Either oriface would work, in my opinion. Any oriface, come to think of it. We used similar foam for filling holes in trees. Then we would use mortar to seal it off and it allowed the cambium to regrow around it. Nice healed tree.
  7. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:a671084a22="redneck"][quote:a671084a22="spiky"]Ow my sinuses.

    Your evil.[/quote:a671084a22]

    His evil what? [/quote:a671084a22]

    Ba is evil, therefore everything he owns must be evil. QED (sorry Om :D )
  8. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:e3b738f247="Katcal"][quote:e3b738f247="redneck"][quote:e3b738f247="spiky"]Ow my sinuses.

    Your evil.[/quote:e3b738f247]

    His evil what? [/quote:e3b738f247]

    Ba is evil, therefore everything he owns must be evil. QED (sorry Om :D )[/quote:e3b738f247]

    Why are you sorry? Ba does not own me, nor am I evil (much).
  9. Katcal I Aten't French !

    No, sorry for using QED ;)
  10. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:ae0b8f200d="redneck"]Was there ever a concensus about where the ginger bear was inserted? Either oriface would work, in my opinion. Any oriface, come to think of it.[/quote:ae0b8f200d]
    The ginger beer was not actually inserted anywhere, that's the whole point (implication was the anus, though). This ginger bear that you speak of, on the other hand... I really don't like to think!
  11. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:ab918c2a96="Katcal"]No, sorry for using QED ;)[/quote:ab918c2a96]

    Yeah, I was being facetious.
  12. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    if you view the link to the previous discussion that ba provided (the link, not the discussion), you'll note that appearantly pratchett meant the sinuses, not the anuses.
  13. Roman_K New Member

    Supposedly a Mexican police torture method, if I remember correctly.
  14. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    [quote:2aa96cdf2a="Garner"]if you view the link to the previous discussion that ba provided (the link, not the discussion), you'll note that appearantly pratchett meant the sinuses, not the anuses.[/quote:2aa96cdf2a]

    they also discussed the mexican police in that thread.
  15. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Indeed. The ginger beer trick is based on the Coca Cola trick used by various groups around the world (most notably the Mexican police). It causes excrutiating pain as the expanding bubbles fill up the person's sinuses. Instant migraine, and it doesn't leave a mark.

    This would leave more in the way of evidence, but it would be far more painful.
  16. Hsing Moderator

    Dear Ba, always a practical thinker. It could be dosed better, too, because you wouldn't need to shake and waste a whole bottle for one round.
  17. TamyraMcG Active Member

    One round might be fatal, that stuff is crazy glue with an attitude.
  18. Nester New Member

    [quote:79ca5a6e16="KaptenKaries"] What spawned this idea, Ba?[/quote:79ca5a6e16]

    He is Ba. That's all you need.
  19. inwig New Member

    [quote:17a34d4e07="Ba"]This would leave more in the way of evidence, but it would be far more painful.[/quote:17a34d4e07]Dear Ba have you read their tech spec sheets.

    'Fire fighters should wear full self-contained apparatus and full protective clothing.' Duh! I should hope so.
    Emergency and First Aid Procedures - what if the foam didn't fall on your hands - To what do you apply the jelly - the foam or the skin under the foam? And if you are wearing the protective glasses and gloves mentioned in personal protection how do you get it in your eyes, and do you put the rubber gloves in the first aid over the gloves you should already be using. A negative F flashpoint, and storage temperature range that isn't exactly .... :roll:

    Please be patient - small things and minds excuse may be used with impunity to chastise this giggling idiot.
    I love tech spec sheets because they show how much attention a company is really giving to the product development.

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