daddy loves me.

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Garner, Nov 24, 2006.

  1. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    "We do not respect your son. We do not respect what he's doing all over the world."
    -- an audience member to George H. W. Bush after his speech to a leadership conference in Abu Dhabi, UAE

    "My son is an honest man."
    -- George H. W. Bush, in his response
  2. spiky Bar Wench

    Can you fill me in - who is his son? and what is he doing all over the world?

    Is this senior talking about Jnr, or is it George W. talking about some unknown son i don't know about?
  3. TamyraMcG Active Member

  4. Mynona Member

    Horse Whiskers?
    House Wheat?
    Himalayan White?
  5. spiky Bar Wench

    Horny Wankers?
    Holy Wars?
    Hell Warmedover?
  6. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    [quote:bbb02034ca="spiky"]Can you fill me in - who is his son? and what is he doing all over the world?

    Is this senior talking about Jnr, or is it George W. talking about some unknown son i don't know about?[/quote:bbb02034ca]
    I think it's George Bush Sr talking about Jr. So what he's doing all over the world is making wars and pissing people off.
  7. KaptenKaries New Member

    I think senior was nicknamed The Snake by Saddam during the first gulf war, logically, junior was nicknamed Son of The Snake.

    Which I consider a killer name for an eighties hard rock band.
  8. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Just to add, we could all see it was 'HW' from the first post. The problem is not knowing which one is HW. The rest of the world does a pretty good job on keeping up with American politics, but we don't all know everything about the people who have held power in your country.

    KK, agreed on 'Son of the Snake'!
  9. drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:cf3a80852e="KaptenKaries"]I think senior was nicknamed The Snake by Saddam during the first gulf war, logically, junior was nicknamed Son of The Snake.

    Which I consider a killer name for an eighties hard rock band.[/quote:cf3a80852e]Har. Post of the day.

    Yeah, it's pretty much Senior bigging up Junior. Badly.

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