Discworld Convention 2006, 18th to 21st August 2006

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by TheJackal, Jan 8, 2006.

  1. TheJackal Member

    Is anyone definetly going / planning to go / fervently wants to go but will have to sell their soul to make it possible?
    It's once again being held in the Hinckley Island Hotel, Hinckley, Leicestershire, England.

    I was at the last one, in 2004. It was my first ever Con experience of any type and I had great fun. Although I'm not into the dressing up thing, like some people, there are plent of activities to keep everyone entertained.

    I'd like to go again this August but have nothing booked so far. I'm actually planning to Interail through Europe with friends around the end of summer, so may not be able to fit the Con into my schedule.

    For those of you not living in the UK, it can be pretty expensive. I live in Ireland, so flew into Birmingham, and got the train (which took less than an hour) to Hinckley.
    Anyone using the Euro gets screwed on the Sterling conversion, and the hotel cost, although being very good for a 4star hotel, adds up.

    Overall though, it's worth going to, especially if you're a big fan. Who knows if there will ever be another, considering that PTerry is getting on in years. Get those books signed while you still can!

    The website for information & bookings is: http://www.dwcon.org/
  2. silverflagon New Member

    Thanks for the heads up TheJackal, I live not far from Hinkley and I might be able to go to it?
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I'm in the "would fervently love to go but has no soul left to sell nor anything valuable enough to be sold or enough money to go..." :cry: :(

    Edit:splleign. er. spelling
  4. Maljonic Administrator

    I might just got to this if some others volunteer to go too. :)
  5. silverflagon New Member

    I will if "IF" I can spare the time when August comes around, and "IF" I have some spare cash! Pretty big "IF's" really especially as I am hoping to be able to go on a painting holiday this year, and I won't be able to afford both :(
  6. KaptenKaries New Member

    Sounds really fun, but it might be a bit costly to go there, what with the flight from Stockholm and hotel and such.
  7. TheJackal Member

    After much deliberation & checking of flight times, I have decided to go to this year's Discworld convention.

    The airline I used last time from Cork to Birmingham no loger does this route, so I now have to go from Cork to Dublin, then Dublin to Birmingham. Bit of a nuisance but sure what can you do?!

    For anyone still undecided, as of May 13th, there were less than 100 memberships & hotel rooms available, so now would be a good time to book it!
  8. sampanna New Member

    I can just imagine telling immigration:

    "Where are you from?"
    "Why are you here?"
    "To attend a Discworld convention"
    "Turn around"

    I don't think I will come.
    [size=1:dbec17e714] (Pushing the blame onto UK immigration, it isn't my fault that I can't save money :) ) [/size:dbec17e714]
  9. TheJackal Member

    There is exactly 2 weeks to go until the next Discworld Con. I'm really looking forward to it.

    Is anyone else going?
  10. Orrdos God

    I have absolutely no intention of ever going.

    If for no reason other than vengeful welshmen
  11. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    or insane essex cows. or other discworld fans.
  12. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    gah, this is garner, by the way... as was the post above. the missus has been using her computer again, it seems.
  13. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:c9affbb707="Buzzfloyd"]or insane essex cows. or other discworld fans.[/quote:c9affbb707]

    And I had just thought "Whoa Grace, thats a bit harsh for you"
  14. Ba Lord of the Pies

    Ironically, Ba could easily attend, as Tony never met him. If only he were in the UK...
  15. Hex New Member


    Damn you, transatlantic flights and your expensivity.
    Damn you.

    Have fun all who attend, and watch out for scary people.
    Oh, and mirrors, because then you will see scary people. :D
  16. Katcal I Aten't French !

  17. peapod_j New Member

    i cant go to it :( no money even though i would love to go gess i will just have to wait for the next one. everyone who goes have a good time.
  18. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I am not enough of a fangirl to wish to attend the Con, myself. And, although I might have been swayed, had it been convenient and cheap, the likely presence of certain parties is enough to permanently put me off going.
  19. TheJackal Member

    The Con is on tomorrow :) I'm getting a flight at the unholy hour of 6.45am, meaning I've to be in the airport about 5.30am!

    I usually get up, when not working, about 1 or 2pm, so this will be some shock to the system!
  20. Delphine New Member

    If I was, like Grace said, that much of a fangirl to want to go to one of these things, I so would, despite certain people being there too. It'd annoy them. Which would do nothing but amuse me.

    After all, we are members of a pratchett community too. We have a right to go to these things, should we wish to. Causing a scene wouldn't endear anyone to anyone else. Walking around smirking isn't a crime, but it would really annoy some people. But hey! that's their problem. Mwahaha.

    That said, dressup fan conventions aren't my thing. Bring on OmCon!
  21. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:54e1dba662="Delphine"]That said, dressup fan conventions aren't my thing. Bring on OmCon![/quote:54e1dba662]

    You do too have to dress up for OmCon. Uhhh.....did you not get the memo?
  22. spiky Bar Wench

    I can't even make it but I got the memo ;) I believe it said the theme was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles?
  23. Katcal I Aten't French !

    That's so unfair, now I really have to go to OmCon... :(
  24. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:55a3ddf78a="Katcal"]That's so unfair, now I really have to go to OmCon... :([/quote:55a3ddf78a]

    Yes. Yes, you really do.
  25. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    hang on, who replaced my memo?! I clearly said the theme was 'nearly nude nubile women and no rinsos allowed'
  26. redneck New Member

    If I'd gotten Garner's memo instead of the dang Ninja Turtle one I'd have already booked a flight.
  27. TheJackal Member

    Just home from the Con. It was another brilliant weekend, with so many good things to do.

    Highlight for me (apart from making all my trains & flights on time) was Terry's Bedtime Stories, where he read extracts from Wintersmith & Making Money.

    There was also Vetinari on Trial, where he was accused as being a tyrant & bad for the city, but the jury found him to be innocent (Vetinari was the Accused & the Judge!).
    Terry was a witness for the prosecution but Vetinari had him removed from the court during his testimony.

    The Masquerade was also top notch this year, with some brilliant costumes.

    Managed to get to some book signings as well which was great. Didn't want to be carrying a big heavy bag around for nothing!

    Once again this year they had a Writers' Workshop, held by guests Diane Duane & Peter Morwood. Mostly they spoke about getting your book published, such as the proper layout of your manuscript when sending it to a publisher

    On sunday night we saw some clips from the upcoming Hogfather film on Sky One, including a cool scene with Nobby Nobbs.
    For those who don't have Sky One, the DVD will be released about March 2nd 2007

    Overall thoughts: It was tiring but well worth it & I would go again (though it would have been more fun if I wasn't forced to go on my own)
  28. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **cries pathetically**
  29. Maljonic Administrator

    Why were you 'forced' to go on your own, TheJackal?
  30. Angua_rox New Member

    I want to have been!!!
  31. TheJackal Member

    [quote:92e1c1445f="Maljonic"]Why were you 'forced' to go on your own, TheJackal?[/quote:92e1c1445f]

    I don't have any close friends who read Pratchett's books. Last time I got my brother to come along, but this time it was just me.

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