discworld how good?

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by colourofmagicgirl, Mar 26, 2008.

  1. colourofmagicgirl New Member

    The Discworld is so amazing. Like I am about the worst person you could find for imagination, so when I saw this it really opened my eyes to a world of imagination. The one think that I really felt was cool was the edge of the world he put there its really cool. I mean wouldn't it be so awesome to go to the edge of the world and stand on the rocks and stuff and the edge and look down and you could see the colour of magic. The Wyrmberg is were they had that sword fight on the roof and were they met the dragon too. The sword fight though was the best bit it was really good especially on the TV. Then we can't forget Ankh Morpok were Rincewind and Twoflower first met and were the Tarven was blown up and were Bethan and Colon were married and the sad departure of twoflower, it moved me to tears. to me there is only one word to summon up Discworld . WOW!!
  2. Maljonic Administrator

    It's kind of how some people used to think Earth was, that you could fall off the edge. And because some people somewhere in the universe have thought about it, and because the universe is infinite with infinite possibilities there just had to be a world that exists like this somewhere... and because the physics of it would be ridiculous normally it has to exist through magic, or above the laws of normal physics.

    But anyway, I agree the way they do the edge of the world in the film is cool.
  3. jaccairn New Member

    I'm hoping Mum manages to record it when it's repeated Thursday and Friday night (she never got the hang of preseting the video). I'm looking forward to seeing it.

    One spelling point colourofmagicgirl I think you mean where not were. A minor thing but it interrupts the flow of reading your post.
  4. Orrdos God

    Meh. It's alright

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