Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by DeWorde, Mar 30, 2006.

  1. DeWorde New Member

    Just an exercise in futility if anyone's interested but continuing on from Pterry's wonderful Ande Supporting Bands Trying To Find A Name gag,can any members think of other band names from the roundworld that could have been corrupted for the disc's Music With Rocks craze and maybe songs they could have played?
    On a similar theme are there any roundworld bands whos songs or albums you consider great for situations or characters from the stories of the disc?
  2. drunkymonkey New Member

    [quote:a31f69953b="DeWorde"]Just an exercise in futility if anyone's interested but continuing on from Pterry's wonderful Ande Supporting Bands Trying To Find A Name gag,can any members think of other band names from the roundworld that could have been corrupted for the disc's Music With Rocks craze and maybe songs they could have played?
    On a similar theme are there any roundworld bands whos songs or albums you consider great for situations or characters from the stories of the disc?[/quote:a31f69953b]

    Mount Celestri is a Place on Discworld.
  3. The_Poker New Member

    I'll give both questions a go, if I understand what it is you're getting at. You want us to come up with our own twists on popular bands, in the vein of Soul Music? If I'm wrong and I've misunderstood you completely, I'm going to make an arse out of myself. But here's my attempt anyway. Mind you, I'm not feeling very creative this evening so it isn't any good. See if you can guess who the bands are (it's not very hard, trust me):

    [b:d689bb5636]AGGA[/b:d689bb5636], consisting of two troll couples that derived their band's name from their own initials (Asphault, Granitida, Gravel, and poor Anhydrous Carbonate, who had very cruel parents indeed). They did not necessarily play traditional Music With Rocks In. Rather, they played a far more sinister, lighter form, known as Music With Rocks And Sequins and Bell-Bottoms In. Much to the dismay of the traditional Music With Rocks In fans, of course. AGGA hailed from No Thingfjord, the past-tense being extremely important because fans of Music With Rocks In disposed of them rather quickly when they launched into "Tapdancing Patrician."

    [b:d689bb5636]The Impact[/b:d689bb5636], a group of young, angry men off the streets of Ankh-Morpork. Very anti-government, The Impact. A bit prattish. Best known for their song, "Ankh-Morpork Calling."

    [b:d689bb5636]The Watch[/b:d689bb5636]. Another group from the Ankh-Morpork scene. Led by bassist and lead singer who went by the nickname of Prickle, they applied Music With Rocks In to some of the traditional music played within the islands along the Rim. They sounded rather awful, but [i:d689bb5636]somehow[/i:d689bb5636], people didn't throw too many axes at them when they took the stage.

    Er, can't think of anything else at the moment, it's an ungodly hour.

    Now, as for real bands and band members who could have been good for Discworld characters, I always thought Syd Barrett from the Pink Floyd could have made a very good Imp y Celyn. It's very apparent that Terry was referencing Buddy Holly when he came up with Imp's name. But really, have you seen pictures of Buddy Holly?


    I don't know about you, but that's NOT who I pictured when I read Soul Music.

    On the other hand, there's Syd Barrett:


    Curly hair, blank staring eyes...hell, he even looks a bit elvish. As any Pink Floyd fan will tell you, right before he was forced to leave Pink Floyd, Syd Barrett was very much like Buddy was towards the end of Soul Music. I actually came up with a fairly comprehensive list of comparisons between Syd Barrett and Buddy a long time ago. I'll see if I can remember some of them them.

    Firstly, Syd Barrett composed almost 99% of Pink Floyd's music between 1965 and 1967, the rest of the band members just contributing to the music that was pouring out of him and his guitar. A lot of it was on-the-spot improvisation, much like Buddy. Secondly, when the fame started to get to Syd, the band members were finding it increasingly difficult to get through to him. Now, with Syd it was because of the drugs and schizophrenia, but the situation was very similar to what Glod and Cliff went through. People would talk to Syd and he wouldn't hear them. He'd be staring off into space and when he [i:d689bb5636]did[/i:d689bb5636] say something, no-one else knew what the hell he was getting at. Sound familiar? On stage, he would sometimes just stand there with his guitar, looking at the audience while the rest of the band got worried. You could even tie in Buddy seeing Susan (someone the others all failed to see, for the vast majority of the book) with Syd Barrett's schizophrenia. Then, of course, there's the [i:d689bb5636]huge[/i:d689bb5636] early Pink Floyd/Soul Music similarity in that the Floyd played at the FIRST free concert in Hyde Park in 1968, and they were one of the headlining bands. Exactly like the Band With Rocks In and "Hide" Park. Syd didn't play at the concert because he was kicked out the band in early '68, but his presence was still felt amongst the Pink Floyd fans there... Then there's the fact that Buddy dies young. Syd didn't die, but what he was reduced to is just as bad as dying.

    Now, I know what you'll say, that whole thing applies to many rock stars, and it's true. I just think it's fun to be able to relate my favourite real world band to my favourite fictional band. :cooler:

    I'll shut up now.

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