Discworld quiz

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by shadowgirl, Nov 10, 2005.

  1. shadowgirl New Member

    click here for the quiz

    apologies if you already knew this. here is my rather dismal score:

    "You have scored a total of 17

    Not bad. Not bad at all. But you still don't know everything. Take your time, think a lot, think of everything you've got, for you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not... oops, sorry, got carried away there. Whichever way you need to go straight to this page and seek perfection so near yet so far... "

    that includes lyrics from a boyzone song (Take your time, think a lot, think of everything you've got, for you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not)! eugh, l need a shower.
  2. Ecksian New Member

    "You have scored a total of 20" :D

    The only one I got wrong was the name of the Hogfathers 4th pig.
  3. sleepy_sarge New Member

    [quote:230b924817="shadowgirl"] that includes lyrics from a boyzone song (Take your time, think a lot, think of everything you've got, for you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not)! eugh, l need a shower. [/quote:230b924817]

    That should read.......Cat Stevens song, subsequently murdered by boyzone....

    [size=9:230b924817]*mutters* I am not a pedant, I am not a pedant..[/size:230b924817]
  4. TheJackal Member

    Got 20. Had the librarian's name wrong.
  5. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    [quote:653c736fee="TheJackal"]Got 20. Had the librarian's name wrong.[/quote:653c736fee]


    Also jackel, you might want to edit the way you phrase your stentance, as i think it kinda gives the answer away. It wasn't that tricky a quiz.really.
  6. Smoking_GNU New Member

    DAMMIT, got 20. Don't know what i got wrong though...

  7. Mynona Member

    also go the librarian's name wrong. I find it amusing that they've spelt dibbler's name wrong.
  8. Cynical_Youth New Member

  9. davobanavo New Member

    [quote:27651eb04c="sleepy_sarge"][quote:27651eb04c="shadowgirl"] that includes lyrics from a boyzone song (Take your time, think a lot, think of everything you've got, for you will still be here tomorrow but your dreams may not)! eugh, l need a shower. [/quote:27651eb04c]

    That should read.......Cat Stevens song, subsequently murdered by boyzone....

    [size=9:27651eb04c]*mutters* I am not a pedant, I am not a pedant..[/size:27651eb04c][/quote:27651eb04c]

    Not a pedant, but a hero! Some corrections are just asking to be made.

    20 for me, although I'm frankly surprised I got that many.
  10. Ecksian New Member

    My mistake, I got the Librarian question wrong, not the Hogfather.
    When was the Librarian's name revealed? I don't remember reading that.
  11. Faerie New Member

    19 I missed who owned the Opera house and what Old Man's Frogbit is for.
  12. Maljonic Administrator

    18 for me. Would have only been 17 if The Jackel hadn't mentioned an answer, and then Rincewind quoting that answer and saying that he shouldn't have mentioned it - that's what really fixed it in my mind. :)
  13. Ba Lord of the Pies

    21. But then, Ba knows everything.
  14. sampanna New Member

    [quote:ac17da61a3="Ba"]21. But then, Ba knows everything.[/quote:ac17da61a3]
    I am sure Ba does not know how many Rincewinds it takes to change a light bulb. :)

    I got 19 .. I got the Librarian and the Frogbit question wrong. Where was Frogbit mentioned anyway?
  15. dididave New Member

    20 for me got the name of Lancres tavern wrong.
  16. shadowgirl New Member

    click here

    wow these are even tougher. l got 7/15 on the first quiz "minor discworld characters and places." how bad is that? *hangs head shamefully*

    wow l got 13/20 on Ancient Morporkian. how the fudge l got that, l'll never know. l'm quite proud really.

    8/20 for the tough "discworld trivia" - should have watched my spelling and was one minor detail out on the luggage.

    9/10 for the easy "discquiz". hooray!
  17. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    [quote:36bc01df45="sampanna"][quote:36bc01df45="Ba"]21. But then, Ba knows everything.[/quote:36bc01df45]
    I am sure Ba does not know how many Rincewinds it takes to change a light bulb. :)

    When scienists trying to calulate that answer it resulted in many,many Rincewind deaths. Mostly due to electrocution and one sad case of bear attack.
  18. Smoking_GNU New Member

    For the first: 11/15

    For aincient AM: 18/20 (damn i'm good at guessing)

    For total disc one: 24/25 (erm...)

    Guilds: 6/10

    And there are about 26 others, which i wil try later...
  19. Hsing Moderator

    [quote:37b15225af="Rincewind"][quote:37b15225af="sampanna"][quote:37b15225af="Ba"]21. But then, Ba knows everything.[/quote:37b15225af]
    I am sure Ba does not know how many Rincewinds it takes to change a light bulb. :)

    When scienists trying to calulate that answer it resulted in many,many Rincewind deaths. Mostly due to electrocution and one sad case of bear attack.[/quote:37b15225af]

    ...gnihi.. :D
  20. mowgli New Member

    20 out of 21 (go the tavern name wrong), but you can say I cheated because I read Rinso's comment about the name of a certain UU staff member (and no, I can't for the life of me remember where his name was mentioned)

    whoooo! :)
  21. Pixel New Member

    20 on the first one - I didn't know Old Man's Frogbit - eliminated two I was sure were wrong, and then guessed the wrong one of the remaining two!
  22. Pixel New Member

    "Minor Discworld Characters and Places" - 15/15! Average score listed for this one 9/15!

    "Ancient Morporkian" - 19/20 - faled to get "Excretus Ex Fortuna"

    "Total Discworld" 24/25 - failed to count the Teppicymons correctly

    Edited to add two new scores - I think I'll leave the rest of the quizzes for tomorrow or after!

    Edited again to add - I'm a bit irritated to find that they already have a member called Pixel - I have had to be content with im_pixel - the closest their username limitations will allow to "[i:2ae8b21d29]I'm[/i:2ae8b21d29] Pixel!" :)
  23. Ba Lord of the Pies

    [quote:8b3846997d="Rincewind"][quote:8b3846997d="sampanna"][quote:8b3846997d="Ba"]21. But then, Ba knows everything.[/quote:8b3846997d]
    I am sure Ba does not know how many Rincewinds it takes to change a light bulb. :)

    When scienists trying to calulate that answer it resulted in many,many Rincewind deaths. Mostly due to electrocution and one sad case of bear attack.[/quote:8b3846997d]

    The scientists just didn't take the experiment far enough. The correct answer is 2,562. That's 2,554 to get electrocuted by sticking spoons into the socket, four to get bored and go play with the monkeys, two to urinate on their own shoes, one to manage to get mauled by a bear where no bears should be, and one to ask an adult to do it.
  24. Faerie New Member

    I took the first 30 quizzes and only got a perfect score on #28 Discworld Characters.
    I have a lot of free time.
  25. Anubis New Member

    19 - I got the pig and the 'mystery' wizard wrong - grr
  26. TheJackal Member

    Minor Characters: 10/15
    Ancient Morporkian: 13/20
    Total Discworld: 22/25
    Guilds: 9/10
    Romance: 9/10

    There's loads more quizes. Great stuff; it'll keep me busy
  27. Roman_K New Member

    19. My mistakes were the Hogfather's fourth pig, and the fact that the name was in fact the Librarian's. I knew something was wrong with my second choice, but I had no real idea about my first.
  28. SunshineDaydream New Member

    20! Although it should have been 19, since I doubt I would have known a certain answer if I had taken the quiz before reading this thread. Now I'll have to work my way through the rest of the quizzes, a perfect task for a rainy sunday.

    Edit to add that if anyone else takes the Ankh-Morpork Citizenship Test, answer as if you haven't read Thud. (I should have gotten a 10 based on the current reality.)
  29. spiky Bar Wench

    Well I'm above average in the tests I've tried, but only just :(
  30. koshu New Member

    i managed to get 21 for the first test but didn't do to good on the others :)
  31. colonesque10 New Member

    I managed to get 20 out of 21. I got the Librarian one wrong. :)
  32. Orrdos God

    perfect score on the first test, thank you very much
  33. chrisjordan New Member

    You're welcome.
  34. Hermia New Member

    Honestly, if people did the quiz before reading what everybody else said about it, there wouldn't be a cheating problem, would there??
    Anyway, I only got 12. My Discworld journey is sadly not very far advanced. Smite me if you will. Though I'd rather be educated than smited. (Smitten? Smought?)
  35. Willmolly3 New Member

    I have read up to Lords and Ladies and got 14!! I was quiet pleased with that result!
  36. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:a8ee48a6f3]You have scored a total of 19[/quote:a8ee48a6f3]

    Hey, I was expecting worse ! Only got the librarian and the curry wrong, I don't remember the mentioning of Death liking curry, but I may still be missing a book or two and I've read a couple in French, although it's painful, so maybe it was translated as frogs legs... :lol: 8)
  37. Plugger New Member

    "I don't remember the mentioning of Death liking curry"

    Its mentioned in Mort and for the people who didnt know the librarians name its in Art of the discworld

    20 btw with the piggy one wrong
  38. Katcal I Aten't French !

    It's mentioned in Hogfather too, I've just read it again, and noted the curry reference :D

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