Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Delphine, May 25, 2006.

  1. Delphine New Member

    The Garners and the Hermias are going to the two day concert thing in Hyde Park on weekend of the 1st and 2nd of July.

    Who wants to meet them for a few hours before they start queueing? when they've left, anyone not lucky enough to be going to the concert can hang around in London for the rest of the day, DMC wicked sick style.

    Either saturday or sunday. Whichever is most convinient for most people.

    Who's up for it?
  2. Garner Great God and Founding Father

  3. Orrdos God

  4. Delphine New Member

    [quote:311b932c3d="Garner"]i'm not[/quote:311b932c3d]

  5. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    [quote:495b980cd3="Delphine"][quote:495b980cd3="Garner"]i'm not[/quote:495b980cd3]



    I would like to ammend my statement.

    I now heartily endorse this event and or product.
  6. Electric_Man Templar

    I have not said numerous times that I will be going and have not spread the word to numerous people.

    N.B. Do not delete all the 'not's in this post to get to the truth, not.

    edit: i did not miss out a word
  7. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    And again I miss out on all the fun.

    Stupid body of water separtating us! I kiill it, I kill it dead!
  8. Maljonic Administrator

    I'd like to go, and might actually, but wont know for sure until it's closer to the time.
  9. missy New Member

    We'll be up for one day or the other, if there is a decision made... ;)

    (Yaayyy!!! I'm going to a DMC!!!!! )
  10. Hex New Member

    [quote:fe737c3c7b="OmKranti"]And again I miss out on all the fun.

    Stupid body of water separtating us! I kiill it, I kill it dead![/quote:fe737c3c7b]

  11. spiky Bar Wench

    [quote:24dd051bd2="Hex"][quote:24dd051bd2="OmKranti"]And again I miss out on all the fun.

    Stupid body of water separtating us! I kiill it, I kill it dead![/quote:24dd051bd2]


    Am I allowed to kill Asia and most of Europe too?

    Edit: allowed and aloud are two different words and should never be confused for the same thing.
  12. Human New Member

    [quote:32eefc5bdc="Hex"][quote:32eefc5bdc="OmKranti"]And again I miss out on all the fun.

    Stupid body of water separtating us! I kiill it, I kill it dead![/quote:32eefc5bdc]

    Seconded.[/quote:32eefc5bdc]I concur. *Cries bitterly in a dignified fashion*
  13. QuothTheRaven New Member

    [quote:b765d58e47="spiky"][quote:b765d58e47="Hex"][quote:b765d58e47="OmKranti"]And again I miss out on all the fun.

    Stupid body of water separtating us! I kiill it, I kill it dead![/quote:b765d58e47]


    Am I allowed to kill Asia and most of Europe too?

    Edit: allowed and aloud are two different words and should never be confused for the same thing.[/quote:b765d58e47]

    I propose we add all of the continental US (except fo CA) to the hit list.
  14. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:7f5742dd57="QuothTheRaven"][quote:7f5742dd57="spiky"][quote:7f5742dd57="Hex"][quote:7f5742dd57="OmKranti"]And again I miss out on all the fun.

    Stupid body of water separtating us! I kiill it, I kill it dead![/quote:7f5742dd57]


    Am I allowed to kill Asia and most of Europe too?

    Edit: allowed and aloud are two different words and should never be confused for the same thing.[/quote:7f5742dd57]

    I propose we add all of the continental US (except fo CA) to the hit list.[/quote:7f5742dd57]

    Sure, California will fall into the sea in a few moments anyway, so why waste time putting it on the hit list.
  15. Ba Lord of the Pies

    [quote:9750c5ebcc="OmKranti"]Sure, California will fall into the sea in a few moments anyway, so why waste time putting it on the hit list.[/quote:9750c5ebcc]

    All part of Ba's plot for an underwater race of superweasles.
  16. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I most probably shall attend. But I say this time we shun the usual tradition of wondering round aimlessly for hours on end we deciede on a place to meet. If the july weather is good I suggest Hyde Park. I also want to get drunk (shock horror) so we must formulate a plan which can accomodate my alcoholic needs.
  17. Electric_Man Templar

    Barrel of cider and a funnel?
  18. Electric_Man Templar

    Oh, and that concert thing is in Hyde Park, isn't it? Might be hard to get there without tickets.
  19. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    We could pretend to be someone impoartant like the Queen or Micheal Jackson and talk our way in. Or Doors and Stella could use their femine wilds to seduce the ticket people.... Or we could just to to St James' park.They have Squirrels there!
  20. missy New Member

    hmmmm St James's Park sounds good, especially since Rinso will have some wild life to eat while he is there!
  21. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    [quote:a1d75f7701="Ba"][quote:a1d75f7701="OmKranti"]Sure, California will fall into the sea in a few moments anyway, so why waste time putting it on the hit list.[/quote:a1d75f7701]

    All part of Ba's plot for an underwater race of superweasles.[/quote:a1d75f7701]

    Best. Plot. Ever.

    I'm planning on buying land on the Nevada side of the fault line, so when your plot is unfurled, I'll have beachfront property. Thanks Ba, you rock!
  22. missy New Member

    Ok guys. When and where are we meeting? we have just 3 weeks til touch down and i think we need to sort it all out.

    So who is going? when are we meeting? where are we meeting? Ben, would you still like a lift?

    ooooooh i can't wait now! soooooo exciting!!!!!!!! (8 ! just to prove how excited i am)
  23. Electric_Man Templar

    Time and location should be handled privately really. I'm conversing with you about the kind offer for a lift.

    The list of attendees, to my understanding, is as follows:

    Hermia + Hubby


    Anyone I've forgotten? Any possibles wanting to jump to the confirmed? Any late entrants?
  24. Rincewind Number One Doorman


    I may be working. It depends though. I might be able to make the evening. Over the summer every friday i'll be in a different spot in england helping out on a show we're doing (it's on fridays on channel 4-if you watch it next week you might be able to see me dancing round like a twat behind the band) so depends if i can gte back in time. But I think there may be some fiction with me always being out of the office- i'm not offically on the show you see, so i might not be going out all the time. It's kinda up in the air.

    Also Doors, there is going to be a show in Glasgow, so if i'm on it we should meet up?
  25. well now. aren't i glad i decided to look at this thread in particular. i'm thinking it's about time the monkey started taking a more involved interest in this message board. to that end i shall attend this meeting of fellow participants.

    if that went over your head, allow to tranlate: i'm in.

    i'd prefer the sunday if possible but i can work the saturday with a few days notice. the sooner we make a decision the better.
  26. Electric_Man Templar

    Oh sorry, I thought we'd posted that we'd decided on Saturday 1st July. Avgi won't be there on sunday, unfortunately.
  27. cheers EM. saturday it is. :cooler:

    i'll have to reschedule that meeting then...
  28. Tephlon Active Member

    I won't be able to make it, but I expect you guys to drink an (non)alcoholic beverage dedicated to me, as it's my birthday... :)
  29. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    [quote:276a9cdb47="Tephlon"]I won't be able to make it, but I expect you guys to drink Several [s:276a9cdb47](non)[/s:276a9cdb47] alcoholic beverage dedicated to me, as it's my birthday... :)[/quote:276a9cdb47]

  30. Orrdos God

    [quote:a5cd876cca="Rincewind"]Also Doors, there is going to be a show in Glasgow, so if i'm on it we should meet up?[/quote:a5cd876cca]

    We should!
  31. ahoyhoy, benjy!

    do we have a time and place to meet yet?

    i'd like to start planning my day if possible. this requires that i know where i need to get to.

    chop chop my good man.


    leather_monkey :)
  32. Electric_Man Templar

    I'm on it, hope to have the time and place confirmed tomorrow. If they aren't, blame Doors.
  33. Nester New Member

    Just for future reference me and a couple of friends are talking about maybe going to London in the fall sometime. If this does happen I need some Englishmen to drink under the table (and maybe a Scot or two as well) :)
  34. Electric_Man Templar

    Intriguamundo - do you know Om is appearing over here in late October? Might be cool if you could co-ordinate your arrivals.
  35. Maljonic Administrator

    Marcia and I aren't coming tomorrow by the way, because my mother is using the flat we would have stayed in. Absolutely definately show up for something board related this year. We'll make it to Omcon even if we have to cancel Hawaii.
  36. KaptenKaries New Member

    Hope you guys have a great evening, although Mal and Marcia won't be there. Me? I'll take my mc to my friend's house and help him make a new approach to his garage.
  37. Tephlon Active Member

    Have fun guys.

    Have assorted beverages on my account, OK?

    You can bill me later... :)
  38. Electric_Man Templar

    Whew, just got home - after a mission and six million halves to get home.

    I left everyone at a tube station normally about 10 minutes away from the station that has a connecting train back to Wycombe, safe in the knowledge that the last train was in half an hours time.

    20 minutes later, the tube train from the original station finally arrived - I got to my station 5 minutes too late. Shit.

    I went to the taxi rank and asked how much a taxi home would be - they said £85 - I said 'fuck that' only in more polite terms. I went back into the station, to get to a tube station closer to the home (I already had a travel card). But now that tube station had closed. Shit.

    I walked/ran for five minutes to the next tube station, which has more lines running through it. I managed to find a tube train going about a quarter of the distance home, better than nothing I thought. When I got to the terminating station, I realised there was another train that went to about half the distance, which was even better.

    As I got close to the destination, my long-suffering, uber-paranois mother gave me a call to ask whether I was home yet. I told her what had happened and she kindly offered to pick me up from the station. Once she took me home, she told me that she now expected me to give her lifts to her friends places and back...


    N.B. Full dmc review tomorrow - my head is still a little fuzzy after beer and the journey home.
  39. missy New Member

    We fared slightly better than Ben. We got our train to our first stop then wondered round the station for 20 mins trying to find which train went to where we needed to go. There were alot of confusing colours, our feet hurt and after being up since 5am we were two tired little bordanians that couldnt even think of there names let alone find the Metropolitan line!!!

    We had a great day! I had seen photos of pretty much everyone but my biggest shock was at the tallness of Doors. I was thinking 5 foot 10-11 what a shock when he turned out to be well over 6 foot! Dave is only slightly taller and he is damned tall.
    It felt like we walked for miles and miles but i don't think it was that far to be honest. The M&S picnic was cool, even if i did get sun burnt (ouch) especially when Ella spotted a sprinkler and said "ooh i thought i was in Manchester for a minute cos the grass is bolted down" Bless her!

    Garner managed to chin Avgi when we left them at the station so they could go see the Hyde park concert.

    We went to the pub with Monkey's in the title (i think that was to make Rinso feel at home when he eventually got there) and had a chat before the game. We watched the match, with a very annoying lady that kept swearing and shouting and blowing a whistle and making dog noises!!! (although that could have been her native language, obviously being such a bitch) We took the piss out of Doors for a while and then came home!
    We left everyone at about 710pm and got in at 1125pm (we stopped at the services for some grub as we were starving by that point!!!

    All in all a good day, i'm thinking Omcon will be good and that we will be going to that too if we didn't do too many peoples heads in!
  40. missy, i'm quite sure you and Victimov8 will be quite welcome at Omcon in october. i don't [i:ab272ab4f2]think[/i:ab272ab4f2] anyone will disagree with that. :cooler:

    since it was his organisational skills that brought us all together yesterday, i'll let electric man tell the story. he'll probably do it better than me anyway.

    save to say i got back to my car by 00:50 and was in bed by 02:00 having experienced no delays and a fantastic day. i considered coming onlne then but decided not to bother as i didnt want to disturb my dogs too much.

    i will most definitely be going to Omcon whether you want me there or not. :p
  41. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    I got drunk, pretty much on my own. Came back, got more drunk, annoyed my house mates with drunken ramblings, fell sleep on chair. GO ME!
  42. Electric_Man Templar

    Lies! My fuzzy head last night and horrendously dehydrated mouth this morning prove otherwise! I was cleverer enough not to drink anything other than water when I got home, though.

    [quote:2f415b1651="leather_monkey"]missy, i'm quite sure you and Victimov8 will be quite welcome at Omcon in october. i don't [i:2f415b1651]think[/i:2f415b1651] anyone will disagree with that. :cooler: [/quote:2f415b1651]

    Temptation to prove monkey wrong... overwhelming... but I can't. :)

    [quote:2f415b1651]since it was his organisational skills that brought us all together yesterday, i'll let electric man tell the story. he'll probably do it better than me anyway.[/quote:2f415b1651]

    I should put that on my CV - "Skills: organising people by pestering them to say when they'll turn up."

    But now gather round children, for I shall tell (probably badly, after monkey's build up) the tale of an epic Doormencon.

    12 Attendees

    14 Hours

    Too many beverages to count.

    41 photos by my camera alone (will go up later in the week)

    There's only one place to be - Doormencon.

    My day started slightly inauspiciously, Missy and Victimov offered to give me a lift from my house to the train station. Unfortunately, when they got into Wycombe, my directions were less than perfect. In other words, they took a tour of Wycombe. When I finally got them to the right place, we were pushed for time and missed the train we wanted.

    So we rolled up to the meeting point about 10 minutes later, whilst on our war, Garner the forgetful sent me a text as to exactly where we were meeting. As I was about to formulate a reply, we practically bumped into him, Buzzfloyd, Saccharissa, Hermia and Hermia's husband. A few moments later, Leather_Monkey spotted us and told us that Doors and Delphine had just wandered off to get tube tickets.

    As Rinso is a layabout, and said he would meet us in the afternoon with the pitiful excuse of 'Work', our numbers were complete. We then went to that most doormenconny of places, a coffee shop. This involved talking and paper aeroplanes. Those thrown by Buzzfloyd invariably hit someone, those thrown by Doors invariably landed in the kitchen, which was behind him. Monkey also showed us his new tripod idea, all I can say is: Watch This Space (well not this one, the one where Doors eventually posts Tripods).

    After the coffee shop, we went to a lovely green space above a Marks & Spencers of all places (general clothes and food store for those who don't know), which was nice and sunny but with shady spots too. As Missy said, they'd even managed to bolt the grass down!

    At about 2ish, the concert goers (Buzzfloyd, Garner, Hermia and hubby) had to bugger off to Hyde Park, so the first of the day's goodbyes were due. This involved bear hugs.

    Monkey then led us to the appropriately named pub, "The Monkey Puzzle", which was a nice place. We sat outside and had a drink and more chatting and more photo taking and then eventually - Rinso appeared. And there was much laughter, mainly at his flowery shirt.

    Then there was football. Ok, that's enough about that game. But I'd just like to take the opportunity to apologise to anyone who didn't enjoy watching it, as it's mainly my fault that we did. However, I could no more miss an England World Cup match than I could miss a doormencon. Hopefully you at least managed to laugh at my obsessive watching of the match.

    Afterwards, it was another sad time as our long-distance attendees had to go back home. Avgi, Wendy and Dave: live closer next time!

    Which left six of us - Doors, Ella, Monkey, Rinso and me. Yes, six. Rinso's smell also counts. We stuffed our faces with all-you-can-eat chinese and Rinso showed us his true face (wait for the picture).

    After that it was time for another pub, a fair few drinks and a game of Monster Top Trumps. The scarecrow is crap.

    The doormencon was eventually disbanded at about 11:30 and the final goodbyes were said.

    We now look forward to the next arranged meet-up, Omcon in October. Hope to see you all there.
  43. spiky Bar Wench

    Sounds like you guys had lots of fun. And I'll be waiting for the photos.

    *Damn the tyrany of distance that means I can never attend*
  44. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    I'm still embarassed about greviously injuring avgi. That was after making her work like a slave girl in my kitchen the whole time she was staying down here, as well.

    Oh well. After the garners and hermias went on our merry ways, we went to Hyde Park Calling. I got to see Susane Vega ('my name is luca, I live on the second floor') which was an unexpected treat, and Roger Waters put on a fucking fantastic show. Nick Mason was on drums during the second set and encore, which was a very nice treat as well. hell of a lot of stoners in that crowd, too, which gave the audience a strangely sedate stance.

    Last night we saw the 'oo. Grace and I were both knackered from the night before, so we didn't bother going out at the begining to see the opening acts. We caught razorlight's set though. Lead guitarist's okay. he needs to open up his style a bit though. Singer's got a decent stage presence, but he needs to work on his song writing and be very wary of growing jaded too early. The drummer was nothing special but at least competant. I suggest replacing the bassist with an electronic machine that would probably free up some profits for the band to reinvest in training and stuff. All in all, they've got potential, but unless they've got some dynamite wizards in the studio and a strong urge to grow into that potential with their live show, i think they may already be at their peak. Hopefully, time will prove me wrong on that one, and I can tell my kids I saw em live once. After all, they do have a couple of catchy tunes.

    The Who put on a fantastic show, as one should expect from them. The drummer was Daltrey's kid, i think, and Townshend's brother Simon was filling out the extra guitar parts and backing vocals. Didn't catch the bassist's name. Daltry was on fine form as always, and pete really seemed to have come out of his isolationism he'd spent the past couple of years in. They played a new song that's absolutely fantastic, really disproves any notions that townshend himself was long past his peak as a song writer. (let's just overlook the Iron Man musical. after all, it was a children's show, not a rock album). I think Townshend hurt his hand on one of the last windmills of the night, as he played the next solo entirely from the neck, sucking on the knuckles of his other hand. At the end of the show, he threw his guitar into the crowd. Hopefully someone will have managed to get it out of there in one piece, more hopefully still without anyone coming to serious injury!

    it was a very nice weekend, I must say. it was also great getting to spend some time with Avgi in the days prior (which I spent perfectly calculating the exact posture to use when shoulder charging her for maximum impact), and of course it was a pleasure to meet Wendy and Dave. Doors and Ella make a cute couple without being too couplish in public. I'm also looking forward to a special tripod project of the Monkey's. It looks awesome.

    And lastly, kudos to benolium for organizing this one.

    Now, everyone can have about three and a half months to recharge before Omcon, hopefully culminating in Gracecon II!
  45. KaptenKaries New Member

    [quote:19499b8695="Garner"] Roger Waters put on a fucking fantastic show. Nick Mason was on drums during the second set and encore, which was a very nice treat as well. hell of a lot of stoners in that crowd, too, which gave the audience a strangely sedate stance. [/quote:19499b8695]

    Wish I'd been there, Waters being one of my all time favourite composers.
  46. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I'm sorry we had to leave so early, but the concert was truly great. Rinso, damn you for never showing up to Doormencons early enough! Kenny, damn you for never showing up to Doormencons!

    It was great to meet a few more Boardanians, and hopefully I'll have more time in future to post here so that you don't all forget who I am...

    Also worthy of mention were the special knicker bags at M&S, but I think the photos will tell that story once they're up. I did manage to make Garner paranoid that we would be stopped by a security guard.

    Hopefully we will be able to see you all for longer in October. Mal and Marcia, I hope you can make it down!
  47. Mynona Member

    You are hereby forbidden to attend DMC's unless I'm there

  48. Saccharissa Stitcher

    I just now managed to sit down and start catching up with the board.

    The only luggage I took with me was a backpack, which Olympic Airways managed to leave stranded in Athens. Clay and Grace were kind enough to take me in, a poor stranded foreigner with only the clothes on my back and treated me to Thai food.

    The whole scullery-maid thing was actually anxiety displacement on my part, since the backpack contained two of my favorite shirts.

    Grace and Clay are wonderful hosts, and so are Hermia and her husband. (Note: if you come across a game called "Munchkins", give it a shot, it is very funny.) I also had the pleasure of meeting Grace's mother and two of her sisters. I hope I didn't freak them out [i:03d090436d]too[/i:03d090436d] much with my knowledge of ancient greek theological gossip.

    It was great seeing everyone from Gracecon (I swear Doors has grown taller since last time!) and it was great meeting Vof8, Missy, Monkey and Rinso. Sadly, I was too tired, at some point in the pub I almost fell asleep where I sat. I hope I am better company next time.

    I rushed to catch my plane, only to find that it had an hour's delay. I arrived in Greece early in the morning, got some hours of sleep, before going to my nephew's christening. He was a perfect angel, which was to be expected really, since he hasn't taken after me.

    I want to come to OmCom. So much that I can taste it.
  49. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    the only reason doors looks taller is cause he's not slumped over with the crushing weight of depression anymore.

    that's girlfriends for you... inflating your sense of self worth JUST enough so that you start banging your head on doorframes.
  50. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    I'm glad you guys all had fun. I'm very much looking forward to my trip in October. I laughed very much at Garners tripod idea on how many people they could fit in thier house.
  51. Mynona Member

    I can possibly make it to october... I know. I'm getting payed double for next week, something I hadn't counted on, which helps my economy a lot. Hopefully enough.
  52. Electric_Man Templar


    Sorry for the delay, I thought Doors would have them up by now, but eventually I just decided to bite the bullet and get a photobucket account.
  53. roisindubh211 New Member

    oo when in October? I might be able to do that. A HalloweenCon would be funny.
  54. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    omcon will be towards the end of the month, but i believe it terminates prior to halloween.

    gracecon will, however, be the ultimate event.
  55. missy New Member

    Message from Dave......

    There are some pics in the album of the DMC that might interest you, especially Garner and his halo of light (bulbs)

    Message from me specifically for Ben......

    Thats right Mr, keep looking over your shoulder cos i'm gonna kill you for those photos buster!
  56. Katcal I Aten't French !

    so where would omcon or gracecon be held then ? I may just be able to come, sooner or later I'm going to have to make it over to England...
  57. Bradthewonderllama New Member

    Very cool pictures (-: It looks like it was an awesome time.
  58. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    southern england. london and hastings most likely.
  59. Electric_Man Templar

    [quote:542394f33c="missy"]Message from me specifically for Ben......

    Thats right Mr, keep looking over your shoulder cos i'm gonna kill you for those photos buster![/quote:542394f33c]

    Pff, I did tell you some time ago. At DMC, everyone gets photographed.
  60. Katcal I Aten't French !

    [quote:99501f198b="Electric_Man"][quote:99501f198b="missy"]Message from me specifically for Ben......

    Thats right Mr, keep looking over your shoulder cos i'm gonna kill you for those photos buster![/quote:99501f198b]

    Pff, I did tell you some time ago. At DMC, everyone gets photographed.[/quote:99501f198b]
    Tell you what, Wendy, if I can make it next time, we can kill him together... That's why I'm so keen on photography, if I take the pics, I'm not in them :D

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