Do my home work for me!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Mynona, Mar 22, 2007.

  1. Mynona Member

    I know, I know

    Some of you might know that I'm attending a uni course called Pop Culture and the English Language and we've come to the part that's about the internet. For next class I need to have a transcript of a chat (in English) and this is where I thought you might help. Let's get a great big group of us and chat. (so that I can prove the professor wrong)

  2. Hsing Moderator

    How would we prove him wrong? Does he say group chats don't work?

    And...when? Tonight?
  3. Electric_Man Templar

    Obviously, English people are far too reserved and snooty to do anything like a chat.
  4. Tephlon Active Member

    I don't chat. I make statements.

  5. Maljonic Administrator

    Chat? Do you mean, like, a social gathering?

    P.S. the Discworld Chatrooms, which we hardly ever use, have been added back to the site - on the top menu. This thread reminded me I forgot all about them. :smile:
  6. OmKranti Yogi Wench

    Do they have a save function?
  7. Mynona Member

    Our professor claims that you MSN can't give you a 'proper' chat. Ie, with several people.

    And yes, tonight would be a good idea, I think. If people are online, that is. :wink:
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    If I get back alive from the fabled land of Ikea (damn swedes) I may just be online so we can show that teacher how we get down and party... :cool:
  9. Hsing Moderator

    I've been wondering for some time what your msn or aim adress is!:smile:
  10. Mynona Member

    my msn is sofia_jensen @
  11. Hsing Moderator

    Oh no! I must have been too late! Nobody's online anymore... :(
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Sorry myn, we got home from Ikea about 9pm and went straight to bed being totally exhausted...
  13. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    Did I miss this? If not... I can't be online tonight. :( Or Saturday night. But I could be online on Sunday night.
  14. Mynona Member

    Just chat with me whenever. it's always nice to talk to decent people :smile:

    And maybe we can start a new trend?
  15. Katcal I Aten't French !

    And there was I thinking you liked me... :sad:

  16. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee

    I actually am online tonight after all, as it happens.

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