Doctor Who was pretty good

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Maljonic, Jun 9, 2007.

  1. Maljonic Administrator

    Doctor Who had a pretty good story today I thought, one of the best I've seen - there was hardly any Doctor in it at all either.
  2. luggage New Member

    Yes I agree, it managed to deliver the usual terrifying monsters but without the plot revolving around the doctor and martha
  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    It's not fair to tease us poor off-worlders who only get to see the doctor months later...
  4. Stercus Stercus New Member

    I'm gonna watch it tonight. Can't wait.
  5. Mithras-Kosmokrator New Member

    What we fans call a 'Doctor-lite' episode; the reason for it being that the shooting schedule (13 episodes plus the Christmas one) means they'd need two David Tennants for a full quota of Doctor in all of them. But it was a great episode - first one I've found actually scary since 'The Empty Child' back in 2005. And a world away the the godsawful 'Love and Monsters' which was last year's Doctor-lite episode.

    Curiously enough, on 'Outpost Gallifrey' (a Doctor Who forum I'm on), during a discussion that arose out of the latest episode the subject of Lancre's Standing Stone came up - as a result of which one of the other members, who has never read a Discworld book, has chosen Wyrd Sisters (on my recommendation) as the next book that his Book Club will read!

    Anyway, hope you enjoy it, Strecus. Just remember - don't turn around, don't look away, and whatever you do, DON'T BLINK! :shock:
  6. Stercus Stercus New Member

    Thank's, fortunately blinking is something I don't do much anyway. My G/F finds it a bit scary, she has to tell me to blink when I stop for a long time.
  7. jaccairn New Member

    I thoroughly enjoyed it, but may never walk casually past a statue again!

    I am looking forward to next week's episode in the hope that we finally get some answers as to what happened to Captain Jack (and the cryptic remarks of the Face of Bo).
  8. Maljonic Administrator

    It's one of the few episodes I've seen where I totally forgot it's made for younger people, and I was also a bit scared. I got quite drawn into it, and even a bit emotional in places.
  9. Stercus Stercus New Member

    If anyone wants me I'll be behind the sofa.:shock:
  10. Stercus Stercus New Member

    That could leave a permanent psychological scar, I'm gonna start blinking even less.
  11. missy New Member

    I hated it in a good way. I will never look at a statue in the same way again, especially after the ending! I was actually screaming at the tele (you ask Dave, he thought it was so funny) especially when the one was really really close and we got to see his face! ooooh it was awful. One of the best episodes i've seen in ages!

    I was sooooooooo scared!
  12. Orrdos God

    It was ace.

    Probably the best episode of this series, i think. The dude that wrote it always comes up with excellent ones.

    He also wrote the girl in the fireplace, last year
  13. Delphine New Member

    Ohhh, it was scary. I agree Missy, when it got really close and you saw its hideous face... I was whimpering like a pansy.

    I thought it was the best Doctor Who episode I've ever seen. The plot was so clever and well thought out, and so well explained. Good idea for the baddies too. Also, I could NOT BELIEVE those stautues were actually actors dressed up! Me and Doors watched the thingy after it, about how they made it. They looked so much like real statues, it was amazing. It was the eyes that got me though.

    I've always liked angels like that. :shock:
  14. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **covers eyes and ears** stopitstopitstopitstopiiiiiiit !
  15. Electric_Man Templar

    Kat, you won't want to read the rest of this message, so look away now.

    I cannot be held responsible for your reaction if you continue reading. Whether it be shocked, intrigued or embarrassed.

    It will be entirely your fault.

    Stopped reading?


    Kat secretly fancies Rinso.

    Oh, and that Dr Who episode was really good. The best ever. Maybe.
  16. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **Smacks Ben with a dead and slightly decomposed giant squid**

    Smeg head.

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