Doormen Action Figures!

Discussion in 'BOARDANIA' started by Electric_Man, Jun 20, 2007.

  1. Electric_Man Templar

    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]"one rinso: a romantic gift for a special couple! realistic peeing ability and humerously garbled sayings at the touch of a button"[/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]comes with 2 outfits. [/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]limited edition available with selection of shite hairstyles[/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]lol[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif](patchy beard growth not a product defect)[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]lol[/FONT]
    Chris says:
    [FONT=Papyrus, cursive]facebeard growth[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]rinso does indeed have a facebeard[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]you'd need a warranty a mile-long with disclaimers[/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]genuine non irish product[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]lol[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]"We are not responsible for any stains, smells, rashes, squeals of disgust or missing steaks caused by the product."[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]lol[/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]lol[/FONT]
    Chris says:
    [FONT=Papyrus, cursive]'May steal sofas'[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]"keep away from children, pets and toy monkeys"[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]Rinso accesories: Bed - may be stolen by randoms[/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]complete the set with the Kenny Doll![/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]lol [/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]put them together, for witty interaction![/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]move the fully posable kenny for a range of gangly poses[/FONT]
    Chris says:
    [FONT=Papyrus, cursive]warning! do not place near dreadlocks[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]Any resembalence to Chuckle Brothers purely coincidental.[/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]lol[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]lol[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]note: should you ever understand what either of these dolls are saying, we recommend that you commit yourself to a mental institution[/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]buy the Kenny doll shit heap motor car! Watch as parts fall off with alarming frequency![/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]lol [/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]lol[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]WARNING: Doll may disappear for long periods for no apparent reason[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]lol[/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]lol[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]ahahaha [/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]Badgers not included[/FONT]
    Chris says:
    [FONT=Papyrus, cursive]officially, at least[/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]you could have spin off merchandise[/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]collectable spoons[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]mismatching shoes[/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]dress up kits[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]hubcaps[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]ripped jeans[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]"note: pre ripped, not a fault"[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]random statues to swing from[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]the doors doll can be pictured on the statue box[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]saying "ITS FUCKING SILVER"[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]and looking angry[/FONT]
    Chris says:
    [FONT=Papyrus, cursive]lol[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]LOL[/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]lol[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]"Swimging Statue: Only available in red"[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]doors doll: now with added extra teeth![/FONT]
    Doors says:
    [FONT=Century Gothic, sans-serif]lol[/FONT]
    Chris says:
    [FONT=Papyrus, cursive]kenny's needs a 'well good!'[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]ella doll: available soon[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]maybe[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]and a "i love (random word) i do, it's excellent"[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]that would be funny[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]if you could get a doll which just inserts random words into sentences like that[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]i love THE DOPPLER EFFECT i do, its excellent[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]i love MARXISM i do, its excellent[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]and make it so the something is at a different pitch, so it's obvious it's cobbled together like the talking clock[/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]lol, yeah[/FONT]
    Chris says:
    [FONT=Papyrus, cursive]a bbc shipping forecast voice[/FONT]
    Ben says:
    [FONT=Comic Sans MS, cursive]<scouse accent>i love <posh voice> corgies <scouse> i do, it's brilliant![/FONT]
    Ella says:
    [FONT=Book Antiqua, serif]>squeaky< i love... >shippiong forcast deep< Foot Ball. >squeaky voice< ... i do, its excellent![/FONT]
  2. Garner Great God and Founding Father

  3. Katcal I Aten't French !

    **falls off her chair laughing**

    Ella doll available soon... maybe
    That just finished me off ! My cheeks hurt. Bastards.
  4. Hsing Moderator

    *lol* indeed.
  5. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I actually keep thinking back to this and bursting out in random blurts of laughter.

    I hate you all.
  6. Buzzfloyd Spelling Bee


    I would so buy these.
  7. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Oh, I see. Mock Me and Kenny behind our backs just becuase we don't have msn. That is the way it's going be, huh? Fine. FINE.

    I'm actually quite impressed by the amount of references you guys got in there. espeically the pre-ripped jeans and sofa incident. I forgot about that.

    I decided to dig up that story from the old board to share will our newer members
    The furniture verson of eating food from a bin, a drunk tale

    Despite what you all may think, I have a house. A real one, made of brick and everything.

    My first two houses wheren't that sucessfull, and, well...after the incident with the wolf. Brick was the way to go.

    Anyway, In my house I have a sofa. Which also felt like it was made of brick. Or maybe bones and sticks, or Aids. Or Something.

    Anyway, after a few drinks last night. Then a few more drinks.Me and my housemates decided to go on a sofa hunt and liberate the sofa that had been dumped on the street my our neighbours, and claim it as are own.

    We struck like theives in the night. Which we where. Although I don;t think it counts it you steal something thats been thrown away. Unless, it wasn't thrown away, but just leaft outside while they where decorating or something and now Little Billy will never have the sofa for his playroom and will have sit on the cold ahrd floor and get rickets and no-one will come and play with him and each night and cry himself to sleep* while i bask in the glory of my trampily aquired sofa.

    *I bet you feel sorry for him. But really little Billy is a bastard to kill babies. and he funds terroism and looks like Hilter.

    I also highly recommend people thread what followed that thread. It's very funny, re-reading it made me laugh out loud a number of times

    Terry Pratchett Message Board: The Funiture Verson of Eating food from Bins, a drunk tale.

    Please don't post on the old board though. Remember the past is better remembered than visited.
  8. Katcal I Aten't French !

    I agree, it was a great thread, thanks for that extra laugh-time Rinso.

    Ma favourite quote from that was Ben saying "Good lord, Grace made a funny..." :biggrin:

    So, what happened to the sofa ?
  9. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    We dumped it round the corner when we moved out. I now have an AIDS free sofa. Unforntunly, while my sofa is free of AIDS I am not.

    Damn you, dirty needle!
  10. Katcal I Aten't French !

    ... hmm, actually not funny that one...
  11. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    AIDS?... not funny? Your crazy.
  12. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yeah, but you already knew that... right ? I mean... it is pretty obvious.
  13. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Well, I did wonder about all the shit smeared over your padded walls.
  14. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    almost anything can be funny in the right context. AIDS is a tricky one, but it can work. take the 'Lease' musical in Team America.

    rinso having AIDS would not be funny, because we love the little guy. but rinso does not have aids, because no one wants to share a needle with him.
  15. Katcal I Aten't French !

    That was kind of my point... the AIDS jokes in the original thread were funny, especially the ones about sofa AIDS, Rinso saying he had it wasn't. But then, what do I know **returns to smearing shit on her padded walls**
  16. Orrdos God

    No, no, AIDS jokes are always funny.

    Especially if it involves rinso having AIDS in someway.

    Why, the only thing funnier than that would be if he actually HAD AIDS.
  17. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    The joke wasn't about me having AIDS, it was about the irony of having finally aquired an AIDS free sofa, developing it myself, thus never a achieving the AIDS-less sofa experince I so desperately yarn for.

    The joke would work similarly if I said something along the lines of

    My computer montier has stopped working, so i can't the the board anymore. It's finally working today, which is great. Unfortunately, yesterday I became blind

    The joke isn't about becoming blind, it's about not achieving the goal (of seening the screen/slash having an AIDSless sofa)

    If i actually get AIDS or become blind, I probably won't find it funny. Although, I do see a dark humour to me getting AIDS. I think it *could* be funny, just not very plesant.

    I think some people don't like the Idea's behind certain jokes. Katcal doesn't like the idea of me actually having AIDS. Therefore a joke that requires her to picture this senario, isn't appealling. In which case the joke of the ironic transferrance of AIDS was missed.
  18. Rincewind Number One Doorman

    Stupid Doors, cross posting.

    The only thing funnier than me actually having AIDS, would be you actually dying of AIDS. As a baby.
  19. Orrdos God

  20. Garner Great God and Founding Father

    Ahhh! Zombie!
  21. Katcal I Aten't French !

    Yeah, just forget I spoke guys, it's just a personal thing, and I'm tired and pissed off and wrong joke wrong place wrong time thing. Whatever. G'nite.
  22. Hsing Moderator

    Nah, Kat, its just a fact that one needs a higher threshold of humour induced pain now that the doorman contingent among the active posters has risen again. That is the price for getting long missed craziness and nicely off key threads about stolen sofas and things... that I managed to repress from my memory.
  23. sampanna New Member

    Hah! I'd forgotten that thread .. that was funny .. it was actually spam free (not counting Rinso) too!
  24. Katcal I Aten't French !

    This reminded me of Rinso. It involves a fork and someone covered in poo.

    Weebls Stuff - Parsley Boobs Ep1

    Do not get excited over the title, it does not contain boobs.
  25. colonesque10 New Member

    LOL. That MSN conversation had me wet in many many ways, not all good.

    I shouldn't really be laughing when it's about me but it was too damn funny not to.

    Also, I do like Corgi's I do. They are indeed excellent!

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